// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles;
import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest;
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CommandLineFlags;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.flags.ChromeSwitches;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.ChromeJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule;
* This test class checks if OTRProfileID works correctly for regular profile, primary
* off-the-record profile and non primary off-the-record profiles. Also this checks whether
* serialization and deserialization work correctly.
public class OTRProfileIDTest {
private static final String TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_ONE = "Test::SerializationOne";
private static final String TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_TWO = "Test::SerializationTwo";
public static final ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule sActivityTestRule =
new ChromeTabbedActivityTestRule();
public void setUp() {
public void testOTRProfileIdForRegularProfile() {
() -> {
Profile profile = ProfileManager.getLastUsedRegularProfile();
// OTRProfileId should be null for regular profile.
assert profile.getOTRProfileID() == null;
public void testOTRProfileIdForPrimaryOTRProfile() {
() -> {
Profile profile =
.getPrimaryOTRProfile(/* createIfNeeded= */ true);
// OTRProfileId should not be null for primary OTR profile and it should be the
// id of primary OTR profile.
assert profile.getOTRProfileID() != null;
assert profile.getOTRProfileID().isPrimaryOTRId();
public void testOTRProfileIdForNonPrimaryOTRProfile() {
() -> {
OTRProfileID otrProfileID = new OTRProfileID(TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_ONE);
Profile profile =
otrProfileID, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
// OTRProfileId should not be null for non-primary OTR profile and it should not
// be the id of primary OTR profile.
assert profile.getOTRProfileID() != null;
assert !profile.getOTRProfileID().isPrimaryOTRId();
public void testSerializationAndDeserialization_success() {
() -> {
OTRProfileID otrProfileID = new OTRProfileID(TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_ONE);
Profile profile =
otrProfileID, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
String serializedId = OTRProfileID.serialize(profile.getOTRProfileID());
// Check whether deserialized version from serialized version equals with the
// original OTRProfileId.
OTRProfileID deserializedId = OTRProfileID.deserialize(serializedId);
assert deserializedId.equals(profile.getOTRProfileID());
public void testSerializationAndDeserialization_fail() {
() -> {
OTRProfileID otrProfileID = new OTRProfileID(TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_ONE);
Profile profile =
otrProfileID, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
String serializedId = OTRProfileID.serialize(profile.getOTRProfileID());
// Break serialized id by adding a char to test failure scenario.
String brokenSerializedId = serializedId + "}";
// Try to deserialize from the broken serialized version. This should throw
// exception.
try {
"The exception should be thrown since given OTRProfileId is not"
+ " valid.");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
public void testSerializationAndDeserializationForTwoIdComparision() {
() -> {
// Create first OTRProfileID and profile for TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_ONE
OTRProfileID otrProfileIDOne = new OTRProfileID(TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_ONE);
Profile profileOne =
otrProfileIDOne, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
String serializedIdOne = OTRProfileID.serialize(profileOne.getOTRProfileID());
// Create second OTRProfileID and profile for TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_TWO
OTRProfileID otrProfileIDTwo = new OTRProfileID(TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_TWO);
Profile profileTwo =
otrProfileIDTwo, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
String serializedIdTwo = OTRProfileID.serialize(profileTwo.getOTRProfileID());
// Deserialize the profile ids from serialized version.
OTRProfileID deserializedIdOne = OTRProfileID.deserialize(serializedIdOne);
OTRProfileID deserializedIdTwo = OTRProfileID.deserialize(serializedIdTwo);
// Check whether deserialized version of TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_ONE and
// TEST_OTR_PROFILE_ID_TWO are not equal.
assert !deserializedIdOne.equals(deserializedIdTwo);
public void testSerializationForRegularProfile() {
() -> {
// Deserialize the profile ids from serialized version.
OTRProfileID deserializedNullValue = OTRProfileID.deserialize(null);
assert deserializedNullValue == null;
OTRProfileID deserializedEmptyValue = OTRProfileID.deserialize("");
assert deserializedEmptyValue == null;
public void testOTRProfileIDsAreEqualOnJavaAndNative() {
() -> {
OTRProfileID otrProfileIDJava = OTRProfileID.getPrimaryOTRProfileID();
OTRProfileID otrProfileIDNative = OTRProfileIDJni.get().getPrimaryID();
assert otrProfileIDJava.equals(otrProfileIDNative);
Profile profileJava =
otrProfileIDJava, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
Profile profileNative =
otrProfileIDNative, /* createIfNeeded= */ true);
assert profileJava.equals(profileNative);
ProfileKey profileKeyJava = profileJava.getProfileKey();
ProfileKey profileKeyNative = profileNative.getProfileKey();
assert profileKeyJava.equals(profileKeyNative);