
<!doctype html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../assert_selection.js"></script>
    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts in a blank line created by a block with a BR placeholder in it and extends to the end of a block.');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts in a blank line created by a BR element and extends to the end of a block.');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts in a blank line created by a block with a BR placeholder in it and extends to a character that is not at the end of a block. This ensures that some of our "special-case" code does not run for this case');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts in a blank line created by a BR element and extends to a character that is not at the end of a block. This ensures that some of our "special-case" code does not run for this case.');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts in a blank line created by a BR element and extends to the end of the document.');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts in a blank line created by a block with a BR placeholder in it and extends to the end of the document.');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts at the beginning of a paragraph preceded by another block and extends into the middle of a following paragraph.');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts in the middle of the last paragraph and extends to the end of that paragraph');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
                // TODO(yosin): We should revise "delete" command not have BR
                // after "four".
        'Deleting when a selection starts at the beginning of a paragraph preceded by a text element and extends into the middle of a following paragraph.');

    test(() => assert_selection(
            '<div contenteditable>',
            '<div contenteditable>',
        'Deleting when a selection starts at the beginning of a text following a nested block, and extends out of the enclosing block into the following block.');