<div id="description1">This tests to see if BackColor can be performed on a caret selection. The text typed afterword should have the new background color.</div>
<div id="edit1" contentEditable="true"></div>
<div id="description2">This tests to see if ForeColor can be performed in a plaintext-only region. The text typed afterword should not have the requested color.</div>
<div id="edit2" contentEditable="plaintext-only"></div>
if (window.testRunner)
edit1 = document.getElementById("edit1");
document.execCommand("BackColor", false, "#00F");
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, "Blue");
edit2 = document.getElementById("edit2");
document.execCommand("ForeColor", false, "#00F");
document.execCommand("InsertText", false, "Black");
if (window.testRunner)
document.body.innerText = document.getElementById("description1").innerText + "\n" + edit1.innerHTML + "\n\n" +
document.getElementById("description2").innerText + "\n" + edit2.innerHTML;