
<!doctype html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../assert_selection.js"></script>
test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock P',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '0 select all children with P');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock blockquote',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '1 select all children BLOCKQUOTE');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock blockquote',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '2 select all children P');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock blockquote',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '3 select all children PRE');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock H1',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '4 select for lines 2, 3 with H1');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock BLOCKQUOTE',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '5 select for lines 1, 2 with BLOCKQUOTE');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock BLOCKQUOTE',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '6 select for lines 2, 3 with BLOCKQUOTE');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock PRE',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '7 select for lines 2, 3 with PRE');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock PRE',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '8 select for lines 2, 3 with PRE');

test(() => assert_selection(
    '<div contenteditable>',
  'formatBlock BLOCKQUOTE',
    '<div contenteditable>',
  ].join('')), '9 select all children with BLOCKQUOTE');