description("Test to make sure styles toggle as expected and tag-based styles can be removed by editing commands.")
// Note that editing commands insert <b> instead of
// <span style="font-weight: bold"> when in quirks mode
// so edits to this file should be aware of parse mode.
// FIXME: This test could use iframe subdocuments to avoid
// needing to depend on the compatMode of this document
shouldBeEqualToString("document.compatMode", 'BackCompat');
function testToggleToRemove(toggleCommand, testContainer, testContent)
document.execCommand(toggleCommand, false, null);
return (testContainer.firstChild == testContent);
function wrapInTag(tagName, content)
var element = document.createElement(tagName);
return element;
function wrapInEditableContainer(content)
var testContainer = wrapInTag('div', content);
testContainer.contentEditable = true;
return testContainer;
function wrapInCSSTag(testContent, cssProperty, cssValue)
var wrapperElement = wrapInTag('span', testContent);, cssValue, "");
return wrapperElement;
function testCSSRemovalOnToggle(cssProperty, cssValue, toggleCommand)
var testContent = document.createTextNode("test");
var testWrapper = wrapInCSSTag(testContent, cssProperty, cssValue);
var testContainer = wrapInEditableContainer(testWrapper);
if (testToggleToRemove(toggleCommand, testContainer, testContent)) {
testPassed(toggleCommand + " removing " + cssProperty + ": " + cssValue);
} else {
testFailed(toggleCommand + " removing " + cssProperty + ": " + cssValue + " -- " + testContainer.innerHTML);
function testTagRemovalOnToggle(tagName, toggleCommand)
var testContent = document.createTextNode("test");
var testWrapper = wrapInTag(tagName, testContent);
var testContainer = wrapInEditableContainer(testWrapper);
if (testToggleToRemove(toggleCommand, testContainer, testContent)) {
testPassed(toggleCommand + " removing " + tagName);
} else {
testFailed(toggleCommand + " removing " + tagName + " -- " + testContainer.innerHTML);
function testBasicToggle(toggleCommand)
var testContent = document.createTextNode("test");
var testContainer = wrapInEditableContainer(testContent);
document.execCommand(toggleCommand, false, null);
document.execCommand(toggleCommand, false, null);
if (testContainer.firstChild == testContent) {
testPassed(toggleCommand + " toggle");
} else {
testFailed(toggleCommand + " toggle: " + testContainer.innerHTML);
function runTests(toggleCommand, tagName, cssProperty, cssValue)
testTagRemovalOnToggle(tagName, toggleCommand);
testCSSRemovalOnToggle(cssProperty, cssValue, toggleCommand);
runTests("bold", "b", "font-weight", "bold");
testTagRemovalOnToggle("strong", "bold"); // IE adds "strong" tags for bold, so we should remove them (even though FF doesn't)
runTests("italic", "i", "font-style", "italic");
testTagRemovalOnToggle("em", "italic"); // IE adds "em" tags for italic, so we should remove them (even though FF doesn't)
runTests("subscript", "sub", "vertical-align", "sub");
runTests("superscript", "sup", "vertical-align", "super");
runTests("strikethrough", "strike", "text-decoration", "line-through");
testTagRemovalOnToggle("s", "strikethrough");
runTests("underline", "u", "text-decoration", "underline");
var successfullyParsed = true;