
Test to make sure styles toggle as expected and tag-based styles can be removed by editing commands.

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS document.compatMode is "BackCompat"
PASS bold toggle
PASS bold removing b
PASS bold removing font-weight: bold
PASS bold removing strong
PASS italic toggle
PASS italic removing i
PASS italic removing font-style: italic
PASS italic removing em
PASS subscript toggle
PASS subscript removing sub
PASS subscript removing vertical-align: sub
PASS superscript toggle
PASS superscript removing sup
PASS superscript removing vertical-align: super
PASS strikethrough toggle
PASS strikethrough removing strike
PASS strikethrough removing text-decoration: line-through
PASS strikethrough removing s
PASS underline toggle
PASS underline removing u
PASS underline removing text-decoration: underline
PASS successfullyParsed is true