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<textarea id="text" rows="3" cols="100">Dragging and dropping second line including interchange newline
at the start should set the event.data with the text for inputType
const text = document.getElementById("text");
let eventData;
text.addEventListener('input', (evt) => {
if(evt.inputType == 'insertFromDrop')
eventData = evt.data;
test(function () {
// Selecting second line of the text including newline at start.
text.setSelectionRange(63, 130);
const selectedData = getSelection().toString();
// Note drag and drop doesn't work well with pointerActionSequence, so using
// eventSender.
// Move mouse to the second line of the text.
eventSender.mouseMoveTo((text.offsetLeft + 10), (text.offsetHeight + text.offsetTop) / 2);
// Move mouse to the first line of the text.
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(text.offsetLeft + 10 , text.offsetTop);
// Event data should now be set with the first line of the text
assert_equals(selectedData, "\nat the start should set the event.data with the text for inputType");
assert_equals(eventData, selectedData);
}, 'Input event data for inputType insertFromDrop should be set');