// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/app_list/model/search/search_result.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/search_result_base_view.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
namespace views {
class ImageButton;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class PulsingBlockView;
class SearchResultImageListView;
class SearchResultImageViewDelegate;
// Displays a search result in the form of an unlabeled image.
class ASH_EXPORT SearchResultImageView : public SearchResultBaseView {
METADATA_HEADER(SearchResultImageView, SearchResultBaseView)
SearchResultImageView(int index,
SearchResultImageListView* list_view,
SearchResultImageViewDelegate* image_view_delegate);
SearchResultImageView(const SearchResultImageView&) = delete;
SearchResultImageView& operator=(const SearchResultImageView&) = delete;
~SearchResultImageView() override;
void OnImageViewPressed(const ui::Event& event);
// Overridden from views::View:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize(
const views::SizeBounds& available_size) const override;
// Updates `preferred_width_`.
void ConfigureLayoutForAvailableWidth(int width);
// SearchResultBaseView overrides:
void OnResultChanged() override;
// Creates a child pulsing block view as a placeholder.
void CreatePulsingBlockView();
// Returns true if the image view has a valid result and icon.
bool HasValidResultIcon();
// Creates the image skia that is used for dragged image view.
gfx::ImageSkia CreateDragImage();
SearchResultImageListView* list_view() { return list_view_; }
PulsingBlockView* pulsing_block_view_for_test() const {
return pulsing_block_view_;
views::ImageButton* result_image_for_test() const { return result_image_; }
// SearchResultObserver overrides:
void OnMetadataChanged() override;
// The index of this view in its parent `list_view_`.
const int index_;
// Owned by views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<views::ImageButton> result_image_ = nullptr;
// Parent list view. Owned by views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<SearchResultImageListView> const list_view_;
// Child pulsing block view that is used as a placeholder.
raw_ptr<PulsingBlockView, DanglingUntriaged> pulsing_block_view_ = nullptr;
// The preferred width of the image view which is used to calculate the
// preferred size. This is set by the parent container view so that the image
// views share the space equally.
int preferred_width_ = 0;
} // namespace ash