// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.sync;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.components.sync.protocol.EntitySpecifics;
import org.chromium.components.sync.protocol.SyncEntity;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
/** Assists in Java interaction the native Sync FakeServer. Can be used from any thread. */
public class FakeServerHelper {
private static final String TAG = "FakeServerHelper";
// Singleton instance. Set on every createInstanceAndGet() and reset to null on every destroy().
// This must be assigned on the UI thread.
private static FakeServerHelper sFakeServerHelper;
// Must be used from the UI thread.
private final long mNativeFakeServer;
* Creates the singleton FakeServerHelper and returns it. destroyInstance() must be called when
* done to prevent the native object from leaking. If this is called before the previous
* instance is destroyed, it will return null (just to avoid throwing ExecutionException).
* TODO(crbug.com/41451146): When refactoring this method, throw an exception instead of
* returning null.
public static @Nullable FakeServerHelper createInstanceAndGet() {
return ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(
() -> {
if (sFakeServerHelper == null) {
sFakeServerHelper = new FakeServerHelper();
return sFakeServerHelper;
"destroyInstance() must be called before another FakeServerHelper is"
+ " created");
return null;
/** Deletes the existing FakeServer if any. */
public static void destroyInstance() {
() -> {
if (sFakeServerHelper == null) return;
sFakeServerHelper = null;
private FakeServerHelper() {
mNativeFakeServer = FakeServerHelperJni.get().createFakeServer();
assert mNativeFakeServer != 0L;
* Returns whether {@code count} entities exist on the fake Sync server with the given {@code
* dataType} and {@code name}.
* @param count the number of fake server entities to verify
* @param dataType the data type of entities to verify
* @param name the name of entities to verify
* @return whether the number of specified entities exist
public boolean verifyEntityCountByTypeAndName(
final int count, final int dataType, final String name) {
return ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(
() ->
mNativeFakeServer, count, dataType, name));
* Verifies whether the sessions on the fake Sync server match the given set of urls.
* @param urls the set of urls to check against; order does not matter.
* @return whether the sessions on the server match the given urls.
public boolean verifySessions(final String[] urls) {
return ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(
() -> FakeServerHelperJni.get().verifySessions(mNativeFakeServer, urls));
* Returns all the SyncEntities on the fake server with the given dataType.
* @param dataType the type of entities to return.
* @return a list of all the SyncEntity protos for that type.
public List<SyncEntity> getSyncEntitiesByDataType(final int dataType)
throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
byte[][] serializedEntities =
() ->
.getSyncEntitiesByDataType(mNativeFakeServer, dataType));
List<SyncEntity> entities = new ArrayList<SyncEntity>(serializedEntities.length);
for (byte[] serializedEntity : serializedEntities) {
return entities;
* Injects an entity into the fake Sync server. This method only works for entities that will
* eventually contain a unique client tag (e.g., preferences, typed URLs).
* @param nonUniqueName the human-readable name for the entity. This value will be used for the
* SyncEntity.name value
* @param clientTag the ID that makes this entity unique across clients. This value will be used
* in hashed form in SyncEntity.server_defined_unique_tag
* @param entitySpecifics the EntitySpecifics proto that represents the entity to inject
public void injectUniqueClientEntity(
final String nonUniqueName,
final String clientTag,
final EntitySpecifics entitySpecifics) {
// The protocol buffer is serialized as a byte array because it can be easily
// deserialized from this format in native code.
() ->
* Sets the Wallet card and address data to be served in following GetUpdates requests. Note
* that (opposed to the native implementation) this currently only accepts a single entity,
* because that's all we needed so far.
* @param entity the SyncEntity to serve for Wallet.
public void setWalletData(final SyncEntity entity) {
// The protocol buffer is serialized as a byte array because it can be easily
// deserialized from this format in native code.
() ->
.setWalletData(mNativeFakeServer, entity.toByteArray()));
* Modify the specifics of an entity on the fake Sync server.
* @param id the ID of the entity whose specifics to modify
* @param entitySpecifics the new specifics proto for the entity
public void modifyEntitySpecifics(final String id, final EntitySpecifics entitySpecifics) {
// The protocol buffer is serialized as a byte array because it can be easily
// deserialized from this format in native code.
() ->
mNativeFakeServer, id, entitySpecifics.toByteArray()));
* Injects a device info entity into the fake Sync server.
* @param cacheGuid The cache GUID of the entry to inject.
* @param clientName The client name of the entry to inject.
* @param creationTimestamp The timestamp when the entry was created.
* @param lastUpdatedTimestamp The timestamp when the entry was last updated.
public void injectDeviceInfoEntity(
String cacheGuid,
String clientName,
long creationTimestamp,
long lastUpdatedTimestamp) {
() -> {
* Injects a bookmark into the fake Sync server.
* @param title the title of the bookmark to inject
* @param url the URL of the bookmark to inject. This String will be passed to the native GURL
* class, so it must be a valid URL under its definition.
* @param parentId the ID of the desired parent bookmark folder
* @param parentGuid the GUID of the desired parent bookmark folder
public void injectBookmarkEntity(
final String title, final GURL url, final String parentId, final String parentGuid) {
() ->
mNativeFakeServer, title, url, parentId, parentGuid));
* Injects a bookmark folder into the fake Sync server.
* @param title the title of the bookmark folder to inject
* @param parentId the ID of the desired parent bookmark folder
* @param parentGuid the GUID of the desired parent bookmark folder
public void injectBookmarkFolderEntity(
final String title, final String parentId, final String parentGuid) {
() ->
mNativeFakeServer, title, parentId, parentGuid));
* Modifies an existing bookmark on the fake Sync server.
* @param bookmarkId the ID of the bookmark to modify
* @param bookmarkGuid the GUID of the bookmark to modify
* @param title the new title of the bookmark
* @param url the new URL of the bookmark. This String will be passed to the native GURL class,
* so it must be a valid URL under its definition.
* @param parentId the ID of the new desired parent bookmark folder
* @param parentGuid the GUID of the new desired parent bookmark folder
public void modifyBookmarkEntity(
final String bookmarkId,
final String bookmarkGuid,
final String title,
final GURL url,
final String parentId,
final String parentGuid) {
() ->
* Modifies an existing bookmark folder on the fake Sync server.
* @param folderId the ID of the bookmark folder to modify
* @param folderGuid the GUID of the bookmark folder to modify
* @param title the new title of the bookmark folder
* @param parentId the ID of the new desired parent bookmark folder
* @param parentGuid the GUID of the new desired parent bookmark folder
public void modifyBookmarkFolderEntity(
final String folderId,
final String folderGuid,
final String title,
final String parentId,
final String parentGuid) {
() ->
* Deletes an entity on the fake Sync server.
* <p>In other words, this method injects a tombstone into the fake Sync server.
* @param id the server ID of the entity to delete
* @param clientTagHash the client defined unique tag hash of the entity to delete (or an empty
* string if sync does not care about this being a hash)
public void deleteEntity(final String id) {
deleteEntity(id, "");
public void deleteEntity(final String id, final String clientTagHash) {
() -> FakeServerHelperJni.get().deleteEntity(mNativeFakeServer, id, clientTagHash));
* Returns the ID of the Bookmark Bar. This value is to be used in conjunction with
* injectBookmarkEntity.
* @return the opaque ID of the bookmark bar entity stored in the server
public String getBookmarkBarFolderId() {
return ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(
() -> FakeServerHelperJni.get().getBookmarkBarFolderId(mNativeFakeServer));
* Sets a custom passphrase nigori.
* @param passphrase the plaintext custom passphrase to set.
public void setCustomPassphraseNigori(String passphrase) {
() -> {
.setCustomPassphraseNigori(mNativeFakeServer, passphrase);
/** Sets trusted vault nigori with keys derived from trustedVaultKey on the server. */
public void setTrustedVaultNigori(byte[] trustedVaultKey) {
() ->
.setTrustedVaultNigori(mNativeFakeServer, trustedVaultKey));
/** Clear the server data (perform dashboard stop and clear). */
public void clearServerData() {
() -> FakeServerHelperJni.get().clearServerData(mNativeFakeServer));
interface Natives {
long createFakeServer();
void deleteFakeServer(long fakeServer);
boolean verifyEntityCountByTypeAndName(
long fakeServer, int count, int dataType, String name);
boolean verifySessions(long fakeServer, String[] urlArray);
byte[][] getSyncEntitiesByDataType(long fakeServer, int dataType);
void injectUniqueClientEntity(
long fakeServer,
String nonUniqueName,
String clientTag,
byte[] serializedEntitySpecifics);
void setWalletData(long fakeServer, byte[] serializedEntity);
void modifyEntitySpecifics(long fakeServer, String id, byte[] serializedEntitySpecifics);
void injectDeviceInfoEntity(
long fakeServer,
String cacheGuid,
String clientName,
long creationTimestamp,
long lastUpdatedTimestamp);
void injectBookmarkEntity(
long fakeServer, String title, GURL url, String parentId, String parentGuid);
void injectBookmarkFolderEntity(
long fakeServer, String title, String parentId, String parentGuid);
void modifyBookmarkEntity(
long fakeServer,
String bookmarkId,
String bookmarkGuid,
String title,
GURL url,
String parentId,
String parentGuid);
void modifyBookmarkFolderEntity(
long fakeServer,
String bookmarkId,
String bookmarkGuid,
String title,
String parentId,
String parentGuid);
String getBookmarkBarFolderId(long fakeServer);
void deleteEntity(long fakeServer, String id, String clientDefinedUniqueTag);
void setCustomPassphraseNigori(long fakeServer, String passphrase);
void setTrustedVaultNigori(long fakeServer, byte[] trustedVaultKey);
void clearServerData(long fakeServer);