<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
if (window.testRunner)
// Select an element an return its value.
function selectElement(doc, element)
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input') {
return element.value;
} else {
return element.innerText;
function testCopyAndPasteTexts(fromDocument, fromName, toDocument, toName)
var resultsElement = document.getElementById("results");
var pasteboardElement = toDocument.getElementById("pasteboard");
var fromElementNames = ["div", "transform", "secure", "control"];
for (var i = 0; i < fromElementNames.length; i++) {
var fromElementName = fromElementNames[i];
var fromElement = fromDocument.getElementById(fromElementName);
selectElement(fromDocument, fromElement);
var toElementNameSuffixes = ["text-control", "content-editable"];
for (var j = 0; j < toElementNameSuffixes.length; j++) {
var toElementNameSuffix = toElementNameSuffixes[j];
var testName = "from " + fromName.toUpperCase() + " " + fromElementName + " to " + toName.toUpperCase() + " " + toElementNameSuffix + ": ";
var toDescriptionText = toDocument.createTextNode(testName);
var toElement = null;
if (toElementNameSuffix == "text-control") {
toElement = toDocument.createElement("input");
toElement.value = "FAIL";
} else {
toElement = toDocument.createElement("span");
toElement.contentEditable = "true";
toElement.innerHTML = "FAIL";
selectElement(toDocument, toElement);
var actualText = selectElement(toDocument, toElement);
var result = "PASS";
var expectedLeadingString = "\\\\ from ";
if (fromElementName == "secure")
expectedLeadingString = "•••••••";
// Plain text is copied to input element whereas HTML text is copied to span element.
// 'element.innerText' returns transformed text if text-transform is present...
// So we only need to transform the expected string to upper case for span element
else if (fromElementName == "transform" && toElementNameSuffix == "content-editable")
expectedLeadingString = expectedLeadingString.toUpperCase();
if (actualText.search(expectedLeadingString) != 0)
result = "FAIL: the actual text was '" + actualText + "' (char code of the first character was " + actualText.charCodeAt(0) + ")";
resultsElement.innerHTML += testName + result + "<br>";
function test()
testCopyAndPasteTexts(frames[0].document, "euc", document, "utf8");
testCopyAndPasteTexts(document, "utf8", frames[0].document, "euc");
<body onload="test()">
<iframe src="resources/copy-backslash-euc.html" width="600" height="300"></iframe>
<h2>Original texts which will be copied</h2>
<div id="div">\ from UTF8 page</div>
<div id="transform" style="text-transform:uppercase">\ from UTF8 page (transformed)</div>
<div id="secure" style="-webkit-text-security:disc">\ from UTF8 page (secure)</div>
<input id="control" value="\ from UTF8 text control">
<h2>Texts in the EUC frame will be pasted here</h2>
<div id="pasteboard"></div>
<p id="results">