

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>

#include "float_common.h"
#include "bigint.h"
#include "ascii_number.h"

namespace fast_float {

// 1e0 to 1e19
constexpr static uint64_t powers_of_ten_uint64[] =;

// calculate the exponent, in scientific notation, of the number.
// this algorithm is not even close to optimized, but it has no practical
// effect on performance: in order to have a faster algorithm, we'd need
// to slow down performance for faster algorithms, and this is still fast.
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 int32_t
scientific_exponent(parsed_number_string_t<UC> &num) noexcept {}

// this converts a native floating-point number to an extended-precision float.
template <typename T>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
to_extended(T value) noexcept {}

// get the extended precision value of the halfway point between b and b+u.
// we are given a native float that represents b, so we need to adjust it
// halfway between b and b+u.
template <typename T>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
to_extended_halfway(T value) noexcept {}

// round an extended-precision float to the nearest machine float.
template <typename T, typename callback>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void round(adjusted_mantissa &am,
                                                         callback cb) noexcept {}

template <typename callback>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void
round_nearest_tie_even(adjusted_mantissa &am, int32_t shift,
                       callback cb) noexcept {}

fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void
round_down(adjusted_mantissa &am, int32_t shift) noexcept {}
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
skip_zeros(UC const *&first, UC const *last) noexcept {}

// determine if any non-zero digits were truncated.
// all characters must be valid digits.
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool
is_truncated(UC const *first, UC const *last) noexcept {}
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool
is_truncated(span<const UC> s) noexcept {}

template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
parse_eight_digits(const UC *&p, limb &value, size_t &counter,
                   size_t &count) noexcept {}

template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void
parse_one_digit(UC const *&p, limb &value, size_t &counter,
                size_t &count) noexcept {}

fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
add_native(bigint &big, limb power, limb value) noexcept {}

fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
round_up_bigint(bigint &big, size_t &count) noexcept {}

// parse the significant digits into a big integer
template <typename UC>
parse_mantissa(bigint &result, parsed_number_string_t<UC> &num,
               size_t max_digits, size_t &digits) noexcept {}

template <typename T>
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
positive_digit_comp(bigint &bigmant, int32_t exponent) noexcept {}

// the scaling here is quite simple: we have, for the real digits `m * 10^e`,
// and for the theoretical digits `n * 2^f`. Since `e` is always negative,
// to scale them identically, we do `n * 2^f * 5^-f`, so we now have `m * 2^e`.
// we then need to scale by `2^(f- e)`, and then the two significant digits
// are of the same magnitude.
template <typename T>
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa negative_digit_comp(
    bigint &bigmant, adjusted_mantissa am, int32_t exponent) noexcept {}

// parse the significant digits as a big integer to unambiguously round the
// the significant digits. here, we are trying to determine how to round
// an extended float representation close to `b+h`, halfway between `b`
// (the float rounded-down) and `b+u`, the next positive float. this
// algorithm is always correct, and uses one of two approaches. when
// the exponent is positive relative to the significant digits (such as
// 1234), we create a big-integer representation, get the high 64-bits,
// determine if any lower bits are truncated, and use that to direct
// rounding. in case of a negative exponent relative to the significant
// digits (such as 1.2345), we create a theoretical representation of
// `b` as a big-integer type, scaled to the same binary exponent as
// the actual digits. we then compare the big integer representations
// of both, and use that to direct rounding.
template <typename T, typename UC>
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
digit_comp(parsed_number_string_t<UC> &num, adjusted_mantissa am) noexcept {}

} // namespace fast_float
