// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace views {
class WidgetDelegate;
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class SearchResultPageAnchoredDialog;
// Controller that can be used to show a dialog anchored within the app list
// search UI.
class SearchResultPageDialogController {
explicit SearchResultPageDialogController(views::View* host_view);
SearchResultPageDialogController(const SearchResultPageDialogController&) =
SearchResultPageDialogController& operator=(
const SearchResultPageDialogController&) = delete;
// Shows a search results page dialog with contents `dialog_contents`.
// No-op if not enabled.
void Show(std::unique_ptr<views::WidgetDelegate> dialog_contents);
// Sets whether search result page dialogs are enabled. It closes the
// current dialog if it exists.
void Reset(bool enabled);
SearchResultPageAnchoredDialog* dialog() { return dialog_.get(); }
// Called when the search result page dialog gets closed.
void OnAnchoredDialogClosed();
const raw_ptr<views::View> host_view_;
// Whether search result page dialogs are allowed. If false, calls to `Show()`
// will be no-op.
bool enabled_ = false;
// Currently shown dialog - null when no dialog is shown.
std::unique_ptr<SearchResultPageAnchoredDialog> dialog_;
} // namespace ash