// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.vr;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.test.ChromeActivityTestRule;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.util.DOMUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
/** Extension of XrTestFramework meant for testing XR-related web APIs. */
public abstract class WebXrTestFramework extends XrTestFramework {
private static final String TAG = "WebXrTestFramework";
* Must be constructed after the rule has been applied (e.g. in whatever method is tagged
* with @Before).
public WebXrTestFramework(ChromeActivityTestRule rule) {
* WebVrTestFramework derives from this and overrides to allow WebVR tests to fail early if no
* VRDisplay's were found. WebXR has no concept of a device, and inline support is always
* available, so return true.
* @param webContents The WebContents to run the JavaScript through.
* @return Whether an XRDevice was found.
public boolean xrDeviceFound(WebContents webContents) {
return true;
* Helper function to run xrDeviceFound with the current tab's WebContents.
* @return Whether an XRDevice was found.
public boolean xrDeviceFound() {
return xrDeviceFound(getCurrentWebContents());
* Enters a WebXR or WebVR session of some kind by tapping on the canvas on the page. Needs to
* be non-static despite not using any member variables in order for the WebContents-less helper
* version to work properly in subclasses.
* @param webContents The WebContents for the tab the canvas is in.
public void enterSessionWithUserGesture(WebContents webContents) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "enterSessionWithUserGesture");
// This method includes multiple workarounds, see https://crbug.com/c/998307 for
// context. In short, canvas clicks sometimes don't register after a transition
// from a WebXR immersive session to VR Browser mode. Sometimes clickNode returns
// false, but even when it returns true the click event doesn't always get
// processed by JavaScript. Use a JavaScript variable to verify if the click was
// received, and retry if it wasn't.
boolean canvasClicked = false;
runJavaScriptOrFail("canvasClicked=false", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to click canvas: retry #" + i);
boolean nodeClicked = false;
try {
nodeClicked =
webContents, "webgl-canvas", /* goThroughRootAndroidView= */ false);
Log.i(TAG, "enterSessionWithUserGesture: nodeClicked => " + nodeClicked);
if (!nodeClicked) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to click canvas: clickNode is false");
// Since this path didn't involve a timeout, wait a bit before retrying.
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to click canvas: " + e.toString());
if (nodeClicked) {
canvasClicked = pollJavaScriptBoolean("canvasClicked", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS);
if (!canvasClicked) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to click canvas: canvasClicked is false");
} else {
// nodeClicked is false, retry.
if (canvasClicked) break;
PropertyModel dialog =
() ->
// If we get here, "nodeClicked" is true but "canvasClicked" is false. Before
// retrying, check if there's a dialog visible. Polling Javascript doesn't
// work while a dialog is showing, and sometimes the click is handled quickly
// enough for the consent prompt to show before we got a chance to check the
// canvasClicked variable. In that case, assume we got the click and continue.
if (dialog != null) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "Got a dialog, stop waiting for click");
canvasClicked = true;
if (!canvasClicked) {
Assert.fail("Failed to click canvas to enter session: Click not received");
/** Helper function to run enterSessionWithUserGesture using the current tab's WebContents. */
public void enterSessionWithUserGesture() {
* Enters a WebXR or WebVR session of some kind and waits until the page reports it is finished
* with its JavaScript step. Needs to be non-static despite not using any member variables in
* order for the WebContents-less helper version to work properly in subclasses.
* @param webContents The WebContents for the tab to enter the session in.
public void enterSessionWithUserGestureAndWait(WebContents webContents) {
* Helper function to run enterSessionWithUserGestureAndWait with the current tab's WebContents.
public void enterSessionWithUserGestureAndWait() {
* Attempts to enter a WebXR or WebVR session of some kind, failing if it is unable to.
* @param webContents The WebContents for the tab to enter the session in.
* @param needsCameraPermission True if the session requires Camera permission.
public abstract void enterSessionWithUserGestureOrFail(
WebContents webContents, boolean needsCameraPermission);
* Helper function to run enterSessionWithUserGestureOrFail with the current tab's WebContents.
* Session will be treated as not requiring Camera permission.
public void enterSessionWithUserGestureOrFail() {
* Helper function to run enterSessionWithUserGestureOrFail with the current tab's WebContents.
* @param needsCameraPermission True if the session requires Camera permission.
public void enterSessionWithUserGestureOrFail(boolean needsCameraPermission) {
enterSessionWithUserGestureOrFail(getCurrentWebContents(), needsCameraPermission);
* Ends whatever type of session a subclass enters with enterSessionWithUserGesture.
* @param webContents The WebContents to end the session in.
public abstract void endSession(WebContents webContents);
/** Helper function to run endSession with the current tab's WebContents. */
public void endSession() {
* Helper function to run shouldExpectPermissionPrompt with the correct session type for the
* framework.
* @param webContents The WebContents to check the permission prompt in.
* @return True if the a request for the session type would trigger the permission prompt to be
* shown, otherwise false.
public abstract boolean shouldExpectPermissionPrompt(WebContents webContents);
* Helper function to run shouldExpectPermissionPrompt with the current tab's WebContents.
* @return True if the a request for the session type would trigger the permission prompt to be
* shown, otherwise false.
public boolean shouldExpectPermissionPrompt() {
return shouldExpectPermissionPrompt(getCurrentWebContents());
* Checks whether a session request of the given type is expected to trigger the consent dialog.
* @param sessionType The session type to pass to JavaScript defined in webxr_boilerplate.js,
* e.g. sessionTypes.AR
* @param webContents The WebContents to check in.
* @return True if the given session type is expected to trigger the permission prompt,
* otherwise false.
protected boolean shouldExpectPermissionPrompt(String sessionType, WebContents webContents) {
return runJavaScriptOrFail(
"sessionTypeWouldTriggerConsent(" + sessionType + ")",