<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/ahem.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../assert_selection.js"></script>
// This test ensures Blink can place caret after the line even when the line-
// height is smaller than a line.
// To manually test, click inside the editable outside the red box.
// The caret should be placed at the end of "sample".
// Also test that when you click in the red box above or below the editable,
// caret is placed at where you clicked.
const kSample = 'abcd';
const kFontSize = 30;
const kLineHeight = 10;
const kPadding = 5;
const kSampleWidth = kFontSize * kSample.length;
const kWidth = 200;
const kStyle = [
'border: solid 1px black;',
`font: ${kFontSize}px/${kLineHeight}px Ahem;`,
'padding: 5px;',
`width: ${kWidth}px;`,
const kStyle2 = [
'border: solid 1px red;',
function testIt(platform, title, id, x, y, expected) {
`<div contenteditable id="editable" style="${kStyle}">`,
`<b id="sample" style="${kStyle2}">${kSample}</b>`,
selection => {
const sample = selection.document.getElementById('sample');
const target = selection.document.getElementById(id);
if (!window.eventSender)
throw 'This test requires eventSender.';
const offsetX = x === 'after'
? sample.offsetWidth
: Math.min(x, sample.offsetWidth);
const offsetY = {
'above': 15,
'below': sample.offsetHeight - 15,
'top': 10,
'middle': target.offsetHeight / 2,
'bottom': target.offsetHeight - 5,
eventSender.leapForward(9999); // reset mouse click state
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(selection.computeLeft(target) + offsetX,
selection.computeTop(target) + offsetY);
`<div contenteditable id="editable" style="${kStyle}">`,
`<b id="sample" style="${kStyle2}">${expected}</b>`,
`${platform}: ${title}`);
for (const platform of ['android', 'mac', 'unix', 'win']) {
if (window.internals)
testIt(platform, 'Click after sample (top)', 'editable',
'after', 'top', 'abcd|');
testIt(platform, 'Click after sample (middle)', 'editable',
'after', 'middle', 'abcd|');
testIt(platform, 'Click after sample (bottom)', 'editable',
'after', 'bottom', 'abcd|');
for (let i = 0; i <= kSample.length; ++i) {
const x = i * kFontSize;
const expected = `${kSample.substr(0, i)}|${kSample.substr(i)}`;
testIt(platform, `Click above editable at ${expected}`, 'sample',
x + 1, 'above', expected);
testIt(platform, `Click below editable at ${expected}`, 'sample',
x + 1, 'below', expected);