
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


import android.os.Build;
import android.view.View;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;

import org.junit.Assert;

import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.CriteriaHelper;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.UrlUtils;
import org.chromium.components.embedder_support.util.UrlConstants;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.RenderFrameHostTestExt;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.util.JavaScriptUtils;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.util.WebContentsUtils;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

 * Class containing the core framework for all XR (VR and AR) testing, which requires back-and-forth
 * communication with JavaScript running in the browser. Feature-specific behavior can be found in
 * the *TestFramework subclasses. Additional utility methods that don't relate to the core framework
 * can be found in the util/ directory.
 * <p>The general test flow is: - Load the HTML file containing the test, which: - Loads the WebVR
 * boilerplate code and some test functions - Sets up common elements like the canvas and
 * synchronization variable - Sets up any steps that need to be triggered by the Java code - Check
 * if any VRDisplay objects were found and fail the test if it doesn't match what we expect for that
 * test - Repeat: - Run any necessary Java-side code, e.g. trigger a user action - Trigger the next
 * JavaScript test step and wait for it to finish
 * <p>The JavaScript code will automatically process test results once all testharness.js tests are
 * done, just like in layout tests. Once the results are processed, the JavaScript code will
 * automatically signal the Java code, which can then grab the results and pass/fail the
 * instrumentation test.
public abstract class XrTestFramework {
    public static final HashSet<String> OLD_DEVICE_BOARDS =
            new HashSet(Arrays.asList("bullhead" /* Nexus 5X */, "marlin" /* Pixel 1 */));
    public static final int PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT_S = 10;
    // These two were originally different values, but the short one was bumped up to increase
    // test harness reliability. The long version might also want to be bumped up at some point, or
    // the two could be merged.
    public static final int POLL_CHECK_INTERVAL_SHORT_MS = 100;
    public static final int POLL_CHECK_INTERVAL_LONG_MS = 100;
    public static final int POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS = getShortPollTimeout();
    public static final int POLL_TIMEOUT_LONG_MS = getLongPollTimeout();
    public static final boolean DEBUG_LOGS = false;

    // The "3" corresponds to the "Mobile Bookmarks" folder - omitting a particular folder
    // automatically redirects to that folder, and not having it in the URL causes issues with the
    // URL we expect to be loaded being different than the actual URL.
    public static final String[] NATIVE_URLS_OF_INTEREST = {
        UrlConstants.BOOKMARKS_FOLDER_URL + "3",

    private static final String TAG = "XrTestFramework";
    static final String TEST_DIR = "chrome/test/data/xr/e2e_test_files";

    // Test status enum
    @IntDef({TestStatus.RUNNING, TestStatus.PASSED, TestStatus.FAILED})
    private @interface TestStatus {
        int RUNNING = 0;
        int PASSED = 1;
        int FAILED = 2;

    private ChromeActivityTestRule mRule;

    static final int getShortPollTimeout() {
        return getPollTimeout(1000);

    static final int getLongPollTimeout() {
        return getPollTimeout(10000);

    static final int getPollTimeout(int baseTimeout) {
        // Increase the timeouts on older devices, as the tests can be rather slow on them.
        if (OLD_DEVICE_BOARDS.contains(Build.BOARD)) {
            baseTimeout *= 2;
        return baseTimeout;

     * Gets the file:// URL to the test file.
     * @param testName The name of the test whose file will be retrieved.
     * @return The file:// URL to the specified test file.
    public static String getFileUrlForHtmlTestFile(String testName) {
        return "file://"
                + UrlUtils.getIsolatedTestFilePath(TEST_DIR)
                + "/html/"
                + testName
                + ".html";

     * Checks whether a request for the given permission would trigger a permission prompt.
     * @param permission The name of the permission to check. Must come from PermissionName enum
     *     (see third_party/blink/renderer/modules/permissions/permission_descriptor.idl).
     * @param webContents The WebContents to run the JavaScript in.
     * @return True if the permission request would trigger a prompt, false otherwise.
    public static boolean permissionRequestWouldTriggerPrompt(
            String permission, WebContents webContents) {
                "checkPermissionRequestWouldTriggerPrompt('" + permission + "')",
        pollJavaScriptBooleanOrFail("wouldPrompt !== null", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents);
        return Boolean.valueOf(
                runJavaScriptOrFail("wouldPrompt", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents));

     * Helper function to run the given JavaScript, return the return value, and fail if a
     * timeout/interrupt occurs so we don't have to catch or declare exceptions all the time.
     * @param js The JavaScript to run.
     * @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds before a failure.
     * @param webContents The WebContents object to run the JavaScript in.
     * @return The return value of the JavaScript.
    public static String runJavaScriptOrFail(String js, int timeout, WebContents webContents) {
        if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "runJavaScriptOrFail " + js);
        try {
            String ret =
                            webContents, js, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "runJavaScriptOrFail result=" + ret);
            return ret;
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                    "Fatal interruption or timeout running JavaScript '"
                            + js
                            + "': "
                            + e.toString());
        return "Not reached";

     * Runs the given JavaScript in the focused frame, failing if a timeout/interrupt occurs.
     * @param js The JavaScript to run.
     * @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds before failure.
     * @param webContents The WebContents object to get the focused frame from.
     * @return The return value of the JavaScript.
    public static String runJavaScriptInFrameOrFail(
            String js, int timeout, final WebContents webContents) {
        return runJavaScriptInFrameInternal(js, timeout, webContents, /* failOnTimeout= */ true);

     * Polls the provided JavaScript boolean expression until the timeout is reached or the boolean
     * is true.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
     * @param webContents The WebContents to run the JavaScript through.
     * @return True if the boolean evaluated to true, false if timed out.
    public static boolean pollJavaScriptBoolean(
            final String boolExpression, int timeoutMs, final WebContents webContents) {
        if (DEBUG_LOGS) {
            Log.i(TAG, "pollJavaScriptBoolean " + boolExpression + ", timeoutMs=" + timeoutMs);

        try {
                    () -> {
                        String result = "false";
                        try {
                            result =
                            if (DEBUG_LOGS) {
                                        "pollJavaScriptBoolean "
                                                + boolExpression
                                                + " => "
                                                + result);
                        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                            // Expected to happen regularly, do nothing
                        return Boolean.parseBoolean(result);
                    "Polling timed out",
        } catch (CriteriaHelper.TimeoutException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "pollJavaScriptBoolean() timed out: " + e.toString());
            return false;
        return true;

     * Polls the provided JavaScript boolean expression in the focused frame until the timeout is
     * reached or the boolean is true.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
     * @param webContents The WebContents to get the focused frame from.
     * @return True if the boolean evaluated to true, false if timed out.
    public static boolean pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrame(
            final String boolExpression, int timeoutMs, final WebContents webContents) {
        if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrame " + boolExpression);
        try {
                    () -> {
                        String result = "false";
                        result =
                                        /* failOnTimeout= */ false);
                        if (DEBUG_LOGS) {
                                    "pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrame "
                                            + boolExpression
                                            + " => "
                                            + result);
                        return Boolean.parseBoolean(result);
                    "Polling timed out",
        } catch (CriteriaHelper.TimeoutException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrame() timed out: " + e.toString());
            return false;
        return true;

     * Polls the provided JavaScript boolean expression, failing the test if it does not evaluate to
     * true within the provided timeout.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
     * @param webContents The Webcontents to run the JavaScript through.
    public static void pollJavaScriptBooleanOrFail(
            String boolExpression, int timeoutMs, WebContents webContents) {
                "Timed out polling JavaScript boolean expression: " + boolExpression,
                pollJavaScriptBoolean(boolExpression, timeoutMs, webContents));

     * Polls the provided JavaScript boolean expression in the focused frame, failing the test if it
     * does not evaluate to true within the provided timeout.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
     * @param webContents The WebContents to get the focused frame from.
    public static void pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrameOrFail(
            String boolExpression, int timeoutMs, WebContents webContents) {
                "Timed out polling JavaScript boolean expression in focused frame: "
                        + boolExpression,
                pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrame(boolExpression, timeoutMs, webContents));

     * Executes a JavaScript step function using the given WebContents.
     * @param stepFunction The JavaScript step function to call.
     * @param webContents The WebContents for the tab the JavaScript is in.
    public static void executeStepAndWait(String stepFunction, WebContents webContents) {
        executeStepAndWait(stepFunction, webContents, POLL_TIMEOUT_LONG_MS);

     * Executes a JavaScript step function using the given WebContents.
     * @param stepFunction The JavaScript step function to call.
     * @param webContents The WebContents for the tab the JavaScript is in.
     * @param timeoutMs Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for the JavaScript step.
    public static void executeStepAndWait(
            String stepFunction, WebContents webContents, int timeoutMs) {
        // Run the step and block
        if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "executeStepAndWait " + stepFunction);
        JavaScriptUtils.executeJavaScript(webContents, stepFunction);
        if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "executeStepAndWait ...wait");
        waitOnJavaScriptStep(webContents, timeoutMs);
        if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "executeStepAndWait ...done");

     * Waits for a JavaScript step to finish, asserting that the step finished instead of timing
     * out.
     * @param webContents The WebContents for the tab the JavaScript step is in.
    public static void waitOnJavaScriptStep(WebContents webContents) {
        waitOnJavaScriptStep(webContents, POLL_TIMEOUT_LONG_MS);

     * Waits for a JavaScript step to finish, asserting that the step finished instead of timing
     * out.
     * @param webContents The WebContents for the tab the JavaScript step is in.
     * @param timeoutMs Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for the JavaScript step.
    public static void waitOnJavaScriptStep(WebContents webContents, int timeoutMs) {
        if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "waitOnJavaScriptStep, timeoutMs=" + timeoutMs);
        // Make sure we aren't trying to wait on a JavaScript test step without the code to do so.
                "Attempted to wait on a JavaScript step without the code to do so. You "
                        + "either forgot to import webxr_e2e.js or are incorrectly using a "
                        + "Java method.",
                                "typeof javascriptDone !== 'undefined'",

        // Actually wait for the step to finish
        boolean success = pollJavaScriptBoolean("javascriptDone", timeoutMs, webContents);

        // Check what state we're in to make sure javascriptDone wasn't called because the test
        // failed.
        @TestStatus int testStatus = checkTestStatus(webContents);
        if (!success || testStatus == TestStatus.FAILED) {
            // Failure states: Either polling failed or polling succeeded, but because the test
            // failed.
            String reason;
            if (!success) {
                reason = "Timed out waiting for JavaScript step to finish.";
            } else {
                reason =
                        "JavaScript testharness reported failure while waiting for JavaScript "
                                + "step to finish";
            String resultString =
                    runJavaScriptOrFail("resultString", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents);
            if (resultString.equals("\"\"")) {
                reason += " Did not obtain specific failure reason from JavaScript testharness.";
            } else {
                reason += " JavaScript testharness reported failure reason: " + resultString;

        // Reset the synchronization boolean
        runJavaScriptOrFail("javascriptDone = false", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents);

     * Retrieves the current status of the JavaScript test and returns an enum corresponding to it.
     * @param webContents The WebContents for the tab to check the status in.
     * @return A TestStatus integer corresponding to the current state of the JavaScript test.
    public static @TestStatus int checkTestStatus(WebContents webContents) {
        String resultString =
                runJavaScriptOrFail("resultString", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents);
        boolean testPassed =
                        runJavaScriptOrFail("testPassed", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents));
        if (testPassed) {
            return TestStatus.PASSED;
        } else if (!testPassed && resultString.equals("\"\"")) {
            return TestStatus.RUNNING;
        } else {
            // !testPassed && !resultString.equals("\"\"")
            return TestStatus.FAILED;

     * Helper function to end the test harness test and assert that it passed, setting the failure
     * reason as the description if it didn't.
     * @param webContents The WebContents for the tab to check test results in.
    public static void endTest(WebContents webContents) {
        switch (checkTestStatus(webContents)) {
            case TestStatus.PASSED:
            case TestStatus.FAILED:
                String resultString =
                        runJavaScriptOrFail("resultString", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents);
      "JavaScript testharness failed with reason: " + resultString);
            case TestStatus.RUNNING:
      "Attempted to end test in Java without finishing in JavaScript.");
      "Received unknown test status.");

     * Helper function to make sure that the JavaScript test harness did not detect any failures.
     * Similar to endTest, but does not fail if the test is still detected as running. This is
     * useful because not all tests make use of the test harness' test/assert features (particularly
     * simple enter/exit tests), but may still want to ensure that no unexpected JavaScript errors
     * were encountered.
     * @param webContents The Webcontents for the tab to check for failures in.
    public static void assertNoJavaScriptErrors(WebContents webContents) {
        if (checkTestStatus(webContents) == TestStatus.FAILED) {
            String resultString =
                    runJavaScriptOrFail("resultString", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, webContents);
  "JavaScript testharness failed with reason: " + resultString);

    private static String runJavaScriptInFrameInternal(
            String js, int timeout, final WebContents webContents, boolean failOnTimeout) {
        RenderFrameHostTestExt rfh =
                        () ->
                                new RenderFrameHostTestExt(
        Assert.assertTrue("Did not get a focused frame", rfh != null);
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        final AtomicReference<String> result = new AtomicReference<String>();
        // The JS execution needs to be started on the UI thread to avoid hitting a DCHECK.
                () -> {
                            (String r) -> {
        try {
            if (!latch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) && failOnTimeout) {
      "Timed out running JavaScript in focused frame: " + js);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  "Waiting for latch was interrupted: " + e.toString());
        return result.get();

     * Must be constructed after the rule has been applied (e.g. in whatever method is tagged
     * with @Before).
    public XrTestFramework(ChromeActivityTestRule rule) {
        mRule = rule;

        // WebXr requires HTTPS, so configure the server to by default use it.

     * Gets the URL that loads the given test file from the embedded test server Note that because
     * sessions may cause permissions prompts to appear, this uses the embedded server, as granting
     * permissions to file:// URLs results in DCHECKs.
     * @param testName The name of the test whose file will be retrieved.
    public String getUrlForFile(String testName) {
        return mRule.getTestServer().getURL("/" + TEST_DIR + "/html/" + testName + ".html");

     * Loads the given file on an embedded server with the given timeout then waits for JavaScript
     * to signal that it's ready for testing. Throws an assertion error if an improper page load is
     * detected.
     * @param file The name of the page to load.
     * @param timeoutSec The timeout of the page load in seconds.
     * @return The return value of ChromeActivityTestRule.loadUrl().
    public LoadUrlResult loadFileAndAwaitInitialization(String url, int timeoutSec) {
        LoadUrlResult result = mRule.loadUrl(getUrlForFile(url), timeoutSec);
                "Page did not load correctly. Load result enum: "
                        + String.valueOf(result.tabLoadStatus),
        if (!pollJavaScriptBoolean(
                "isInitializationComplete()", POLL_TIMEOUT_LONG_MS, mRule.getWebContents())) {
                    "Timed out waiting for JavaScript test initialization, attempting to get "
                            + "additional debug information");
            String initSteps =
                            "initializationSteps", POLL_TIMEOUT_SHORT_MS, mRule.getWebContents());
                    "Timed out waiting for JavaScript test initialization. Initialization steps "
                            + "object: "
                            + initSteps);
        // It is possible, particularly with multiple sessions and navigations within a single test,
        // for the page to get zoomed in on navigation. So, ensure that we are always zoomed out
        // enough to see all page content after we do a page load.
        ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(() -> ZoomController.zoomReset(mRule.getWebContents()));
        return result;

     * Helper method to run permissionRequestWouldTriggerPrompt with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param permission The name of the permission to check. Must come from PermissionName enum
     *     (see third_party/blink/renderer/modules/permissions/permission_descriptor.idl).
     * @return True if the permission request would trigger a prompt, false otherwise.
    public boolean permissionRequestWouldTriggerPrompt(String permission) {
        return permissionRequestWouldTriggerPrompt(permission, getCurrentWebContents());

     * Helper method to run runJavaScriptOrFail with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param js The JavaScript to run.
     * @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds before a failure.
     * @return The return value of the JavaScript.
    public String runJavaScriptOrFail(String js, int timeout) {
        return runJavaScriptOrFail(js, timeout, getCurrentWebContents());

     * Helper method to run runJavaScriptInFrameOrFail with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param js The JavaScript to run.
     * @param timeout The timeout in milliseconds before a failure.
     * @return The return value of the JavaScript.
    public String runJavaScriptInFrameOrFail(String js, int timeout) {
        return runJavaScriptInFrameOrFail(js, timeout, getCurrentWebContents());

     * Helper function to run pollJavaScriptBoolean with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
     * @return True if the boolean evaluated to true, false if timed out.
    public boolean pollJavaScriptBoolean(String boolExpression, int timeoutMs) {
        return pollJavaScriptBoolean(boolExpression, timeoutMs, getCurrentWebContents());

     * Helper function to run pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrame with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
     * @return True if the boolean evaluated to true, false if timed out.
    public boolean pollJavaScriptInFrameBoolean(String boolExpression, int timeoutMs) {
        return pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrame(boolExpression, timeoutMs, getCurrentWebContents());

     * Helper function to run pollJavaScriptBooleanOrFail with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
    public void pollJavaScriptBooleanOrFail(String boolExpression, int timeoutMs) {
        pollJavaScriptBooleanOrFail(boolExpression, timeoutMs, getCurrentWebContents());

     * Helper function to run pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrameOrFail with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param boolExpression The JavaScript boolean expression to poll.
     * @param timeoutMs The polling timeout in milliseconds.
    public void pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrameOrFail(String boolExpression, int timeoutMs) {
        pollJavaScriptBooleanInFrameOrFail(boolExpression, timeoutMs, getCurrentWebContents());

     * Helper function to run executeStepAndWait using the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param stepFunction The JavaScript step function to call.
    public void executeStepAndWait(String stepFunction) {
        executeStepAndWait(stepFunction, POLL_TIMEOUT_LONG_MS);

     * Helper function to run executeStepAndWait using the current tab's WebContents.
     * @param stepFunction The JavaScript step function to call.
     * @param timeoutMs Timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for the JavaScript step.
    public void executeStepAndWait(String stepFunction, int timeoutMs) {
        executeStepAndWait(stepFunction, getCurrentWebContents(), timeoutMs);

    /** Helper function to run waitOnJavaScriptStep with current current tab's WebContents. */
    public void waitOnJavaScriptStep() {

     * Helper method to run checkTestSTatus with the current tab's WebContents.
     * @return A TestStatus integer corresponding to the current state of the JavaScript test.
    public @TestStatus int checkTestStatus() {
        return checkTestStatus(getCurrentWebContents());

    /** Helper function to run endTest with the current tab's WebContents. */
    public void endTest() {

    /** Helper function to run assertNoJavaScriptErrors with the current tab's WebContents. */
    public void assertNoJavaScriptErrors() {

    public View getCurrentContentView() {
        return mRule.getActivity().getActivityTab().getContentView();

    public WebContents getCurrentWebContents() {
        return mRule.getWebContents();

    public ChromeActivityTestRule getRule() {
        return mRule;

    public void simulateRendererKilled() {
        final Tab tab = getRule().getActivity().getActivityTab();
                () -> ChromeTabUtils.simulateRendererKilledForTesting(tab));

                () -> SadTab.isShowing(tab), "Renderer killed, but sad tab not shown");

    public void openIncognitoTab(final String url) {
                () -> {
                            .getTabCreator(/* incognito= */ true)
                            .launchUrl(url, TabLaunchType.FROM_LINK);