<!doctype HTML>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../../assert_selection.js"></script>
const kAllPlatforms = ['android', 'mac', 'unix', 'win'];
const platforms = window.internals
? kAllPlatforms
: [navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') === 0 ? 'win' : navigator.platform];
for (const platform of platforms) {
if (window.internals)
const isWin = platform === 'win';
// TDOO(editing-dev): All of expectations are different from Firefox, we
// should study differences.
// TODO(editing-dev): As of [1], Blink paints caret in wrong position for
// Latin alphabet in RTL.
// For "def ghi" offset 0 paints caret after "ghi",
// For "def ghi" offset 7 paints caret before "def".
// See [2] for manual checking.
// [1] http://crbug.com/702049 Ctrl+Right from LTR to RTL makes infinite loop
// [2] https://jsfiddle.net/3pykkjzd/
// Extend left character
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">|def ghi</div> jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'left', 'character'),
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">^d|ef ghi</div> jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend character left: ltr <- rtl`);
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def ghi</div> |jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'left', 'character'),
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def ghi|</div>^ jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend character left: rtl <- ltr`);
// Extend left word
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">|def ghi</div> jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'left', 'word'),
? '<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">^def |ghi</div> jkl</div>'
: '<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">^def| ghi</div> jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend word left: ltr <- rtl`);
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def ghi</div> |jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'left', 'word'),
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def ghi|</div>^ jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend word left: rtl <- ltr`);
// Extend right character
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc |<div dir="rtl">def ghi</div> jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'right', 'character'),
'<div contenteditable>abc ^<div dir="rtl">|def ghi</div> jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend character right: ltr -> rtl`);
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def ghi|</div> jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'right', 'character'),
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def gh|i^</div> jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend character right: rtl -> ltr`);
// Extend right word
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc |<div dir="rtl">def ghi</div> jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'right', 'word'),
? '<div contenteditable>abc ^<div dir="rtl">|def ghi</div> jkl</div>'
: '<div contenteditable>abc ^<div dir="rtl">|def ghi</div> jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend word right: ltr -> rtl`);
test(() => {
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def ghi|</div> jkl</div>',
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'right', 'word'),
'<div contenteditable>abc <div dir="rtl">def |ghi^</div> jkl</div>');
}, `${platform}: extend word right: rtr -> ltr`);