<!doctype html>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../../assert_selection.js"></script>
test(() => assert_selection(
'This is a sent|ence number one.',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'forward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'This is a sentence number one.',
'|This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' ')),
'move forward sentence boundary from middle of sentence');
test(() => assert_selection(
'|This is a sentence number one.',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'forward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'This is a sentence number one.',
'|This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' ')),
'move forward sentence boundary from start of sentence');
test(() => assert_selection(
'This is a sentence number one.|',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'forward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'This is a sentence number one.',
'This is a sentence number two.|',
].join(' ')),
'move forward sentence boundary from end of sentence');
test(() => assert_selection(
'This is a sentence number one. | ',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'forward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'This is a sentence number one. ',
'This is a sentence number two.|',
].join(' ')),
'move forward sentence boundary from space');
test(() => assert_selection(
'This is a sent|ence number one.',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'backward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'|This is a sentence number one.',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' ')),
'move backward sentence boundary from middle of sentence');
test(() => assert_selection(
'This is a sentence number one.',
'|This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'backward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'|This is a sentence number one.',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' ')),
'move backward sentence boundary from start of sentence');
test(() => assert_selection(
'This is a sentence number one.',
'This is a sentence number two.|',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'backward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'This is a sentence number one.',
'|This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' ')),
'move backward sentence boundary from end of sentence');
test(() => assert_selection(
'This is a sentence number one. | ',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' '),
selection => selection.modify('move', 'backward', 'sentenceBoundary'),
'|This is a sentence number one. ',
'This is a sentence number two.',
].join(' ')),
'move backward sentence boundary from space');