
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


// Memory allocator with support for alignment and offsets.

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "hwy/base.h"
#include "hwy/per_target.h"

namespace hwy {

// Minimum alignment of allocated memory for use in HWY_ASSUME_ALIGNED, which
// requires a literal. To prevent false sharing, this should be at least the
// L1 cache line size, usually 64 bytes. However, Intel's L2 prefetchers may
// access pairs of lines, and M1 L2 and POWER8 lines are also 128 bytes.

template <typename T>
HWY_API constexpr bool IsAligned(T* ptr, size_t align = HWY_ALIGNMENT) {}

// Pointers to functions equivalent to malloc/free with an opaque void* passed
// to them.

// Returns null or a pointer to at least `payload_size` (which can be zero)
// bytes of newly allocated memory, aligned to the larger of HWY_ALIGNMENT and
// the vector size. Calls `alloc` with the passed `opaque` pointer to obtain
// memory or malloc() if it is null.
HWY_DLLEXPORT void* AllocateAlignedBytes(size_t payload_size,
                                         AllocPtr alloc_ptr = nullptr,
                                         void* opaque_ptr = nullptr);

// Frees all memory. No effect if `aligned_pointer` == nullptr, otherwise it
// must have been returned from a previous call to `AllocateAlignedBytes`.
// Calls `free_ptr` with the passed `opaque_ptr` pointer to free the memory; if
// `free_ptr` function is null, uses the default free().
HWY_DLLEXPORT void FreeAlignedBytes(const void* aligned_pointer,
                                    FreePtr free_ptr, void* opaque_ptr);

// Class that deletes the aligned pointer passed to operator() calling the
// destructor before freeing the pointer. This is equivalent to the
// std::default_delete but for aligned objects. For a similar deleter equivalent
// to free() for aligned memory see AlignedFreer().
class AlignedDeleter {};

// Unique pointer to T with custom aligned deleter. This can be a single
// element U or an array of element if T is a U[]. The custom aligned deleter
// will call the destructor on U or each element of a U[] in the array case.

// Aligned memory equivalent of make_unique<T> using the custom allocators
// alloc/free with the passed `opaque` pointer. This function calls the
// constructor with the passed Args... and calls the destructor of the object
// when the AlignedUniquePtr is destroyed.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
AlignedUniquePtr<T> MakeUniqueAlignedWithAlloc(AllocPtr alloc, FreePtr free,
                                               void* opaque, Args&&... args) {}

// Similar to MakeUniqueAlignedWithAlloc but using the default alloc/free
// functions.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
AlignedUniquePtr<T> MakeUniqueAligned(Args&&... args) {}

template <class T>
struct AlignedAllocator {};

template <class T, class V>
constexpr bool operator==(const AlignedAllocator<T>&,
                          const AlignedAllocator<V>&) noexcept {}

template <class T, class V>
constexpr bool operator!=(const AlignedAllocator<T>&,
                          const AlignedAllocator<V>&) noexcept {}


// Helpers for array allocators (avoids overflow)
namespace detail {

// Returns x such that 1u << x == n (if n is a power of two).
static inline constexpr size_t ShiftCount(size_t n) {}

template <typename T>
T* AllocateAlignedItems(size_t items, AllocPtr alloc_ptr, void* opaque_ptr) {}

}  // namespace detail

// Aligned memory equivalent of make_unique<T[]> for array types using the
// custom allocators alloc/free. This function calls the constructor with the
// passed Args... on every created item. The destructor of each element will be
// called when the AlignedUniquePtr is destroyed.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
AlignedUniquePtr<T[]> MakeUniqueAlignedArrayWithAlloc(
    size_t items, AllocPtr alloc, FreePtr free, void* opaque, Args&&... args) {}

template <typename T, typename... Args>
AlignedUniquePtr<T[]> MakeUniqueAlignedArray(size_t items, Args&&... args) {}

// Custom deleter for std::unique_ptr equivalent to using free() as a deleter
// but for aligned memory.
class AlignedFreer {};

// Unique pointer to single POD, or (if T is U[]) an array of POD. For non POD
// data use AlignedUniquePtr.

// Allocate an aligned and uninitialized array of POD values as a unique_ptr.
// Upon destruction of the unique_ptr the aligned array will be freed.
template <typename T>
AlignedFreeUniquePtr<T[]> AllocateAligned(const size_t items, AllocPtr alloc,
                                          FreePtr free, void* opaque) {}

// Same as previous AllocateAligned(), using default allocate/free functions.
template <typename T>
AlignedFreeUniquePtr<T[]> AllocateAligned(const size_t items) {}

// A simple span containing data and size of data.
template <typename T>
class Span {};

// A multi dimensional array containing an aligned buffer.
// To maintain alignment, the innermost dimension will be padded to ensure all
// innermost arrays are aligned.
template <typename T, size_t axes>
class AlignedNDArray {};

}  // namespace hwy