
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../resources/ahem.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/mouse-selection.js"></script>
html {
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;
  font: 20px/20px Ahem;
  word-wrap: break-word;
body {
  margin: 0;
div {
  height: 200px;
  margin: 200px;
<!-- 40 Xs, 4 lines -->
// The expectations are based on windows editing behavior.
if (window.internals)

var node = div.firstChild;
testMouseSelection(590, 310, 530, 310, node, 5, node, 35,
                   'Middle of the first line -> Middle of the last line');
testMouseSelection(590, 310, 550, 500, node, 5, node, 30,
                   'Middle of the first line -> Outside below the third line');
testMouseSelection(590, 310, 550, 100, node, 5, node, 20,
                   'Middel of the first line -> Outside above the third line');
testMouseSelection(590, 310, 300, 310, node, 5, node, 35,
                   'Middle of the first line -> Outside left, vertical middle');
testMouseSelection(590, 310, 300, 500, node, 5, node, 40,
                   'Middle of the first line -> Outside left, below');
testMouseSelection(530, 310, 700, 310, node, 5, node, 35,
                   'Middle of the last line -> Outside right, vertical middle');
testMouseSelection(530, 310, 570, 100, node, 10, node, 35,
                   'Middle of the last line -> Outside above the second line');
testMouseSelection(530, 310, 570, 500, node, 20, node, 35,
                   'Middle of the last line -> Outside below the second line');