
<!doctype html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../assert_selection.js"></script>
<script src="spellcheck_test.js"></script>
// This test asserts that during active typing, we don't immediately check it
// if the caret ends at an ambiguous word boundary (i.e., "don'|"). We'll check
// it after typing more contents or when the page is left idle for a while.

    "<div contenteditable>|</div>",
    "InsertText zz'",
    "<div contenteditable>zz'</div>",
      title: '1 Do not immediately check at ambiguous word boundary',
      callback: sample => spellcheck_test(
          "InsertText t forget to mark me. ",
          "<div contenteditable>#zz't# forget to mark me.\u00A0</div>",
          '1 But check after typing more contents',

    "<div contenteditable>|</div>",
    "InsertText zz'",
    "<div contenteditable>zz'</div>",
      title: '2 Do not immediately check at ambiguous word boundary',
      callback: sample => spellcheck_test(
          () => {},
          "<div contenteditable>#zz#'</div>",
            title: '2 But check after the page is left idle for a while',
            needsFullCheck: true,