
<!doctype html>
<title>Tests that a contenteditable is rechecked after diabling and re-enabling spellcheck</title>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../assert_selection.js"></script>
<script src="spellcheck_test.js"></script>
const n = 100;
const markup = '<div>zz zz zz zz.</div>'.repeat(n);
const checkedMarkup = '<div>#zz# #zz# #zz# #zz#.</div>'.repeat(n);

const step1 = () => spellcheck_test(
    `<div contenteditable id="target">${markup}</div>`,
    document => document.getElementById('target').focus(),
    `<div contenteditable id="target">${checkedMarkup}</div>`,
      title: 'Initial full checking for contenteditable',
      needsFullCheck: true,
      callback: step2,

const step2 = sample => spellcheck_test(
    document => document.getElementById('target').setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false'),
    `<div contenteditable id="target" spellcheck="false">${markup}</div>`,
      title: 'Clear markers after disabling spellcheck',
      callback: step3,

const step3 = sample => spellcheck_test(
    document => document.getElementById('target').setAttribute('spellcheck', 'true'),
    `<div contenteditable id="target" spellcheck="true">${checkedMarkup}</div>`,
      title: 'Content is re-checked in full after re-enabling spellcheck',
      needsFullCheck: true,


// TODO(editing-dev): We should also test against form control elements like
// <input> and <textarea>, but they are too slow when containing a lot of text.