
<!doctype html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<body onload="onLoad()">
  <h2>Default action on Context Menu for misspelled word prevented</h2>
    If there is
    a contextmenu handler that prevents the default action then when mouse is
    positioned on a misspelled word and right click is pressed, the misspelled word
    should not be selected.
  <div id="text" contenteditable>
  function onLoad(){
    let textDiv = document.getElementById("text");
    let finishedContextMenuEvent = false;
    textDiv.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event)=>{
      finishedContextMenuEvent = true;
    function inject_actions(x, y){
      return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
           chrome.gpuBenchmarking.pointerActionSequence( [
            {source: 'mouse',
             actions: [
                { name: 'pointerDown', x: x, y: y, button: 2 /*RIGHT button*/},
                { name: 'pointerUp', x: x, y: y, button: 2 /*RIGHT button*/}
            }], resolve);
    promise_test((test) => new Promise(async (resolve, reject)=>{
      let bounding_rect = textDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
      let x = bounding_rect.x;
      let y = bounding_rect.y + 10;
      // right click on misspelled word "Wellcome"
      await inject_actions(x, y);
      await waitFor(() => finishedContextMenuEvent, "ContextMenu event not fired");
      test.step(() => {
        let selection = getSelection();
        assert_equals(selection.type, "Caret", "The cursor should be on text");
        assert_true(selection.isCollapsed, "The selection should be empty");
    }), "No word selection if right click on misspelled word and contextmenu action prevented");