<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../assert_selection.js"></script>
<script src="spellcheck_test.js"></script>
'<div contenteditable>|</div>',
// Insert a space after the misspelled word so it is spellchecked properly.
// This is done to trigger spellchecking as the punctuation after the misspelled word
// doesn't trigger spellchecking until the user has pressed space bar or changed the selection.
// This is how it should be done in real sites anyways so inserting the space after spellcheck
// makes sense.
'insertText Spell wellcome. ',
'<div contenteditable>Spell #wellcome#.\u00A0</div>',
title: '1 Setup a content editable div with spelling marker',
callback: sample => spellcheck_test(
document => {
assert_not_equals(window.eventSender, undefined, 'This test requires eventSender. ');
const destination = document.querySelector('div');
const textNode = destination.firstChild;
const deleteRange = document.createRange();
deleteRange.setStart(textNode, 16);
deleteRange.setEnd(textNode, 16);
document.execCommand('insertText', false, 'Is it broken?');
const textNode1 = destination.firstChild;
// Select the text "Is it broken?".
deleteRange.setStart(textNode1, 16);
deleteRange.setEnd(textNode1, 29);
// Delete the text "Is it broken?".
textNode1.deleteData(16, 29);
// Context click to show the context menu.
var x = destination.offsetParent.offsetLeft + destination.offsetLeft + 50;
var y = destination.offsetParent.offsetTop + destination.offsetTop + destination.offsetHeight / 2;
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(x, y);
contextMenuElements = eventSender.contextClick();
// Esc key to hide the context menu.
eventSender.keyDown("Escape", null);
'<div contenteditable>Spell #wellcome#. </div>',
'1 Spellcheck should not crash after the text has changed.')
'<div contenteditable>zz.|</div>',
'<div contenteditable>#zz#.</div>',
title: '2 Setup a content editable div with spelling marker',
callback: sample => spellcheck_test(
document => {
// Send out a new request that rechecks the entire div.
document.execCommand('insertText', false, ' zz.');
if (window.internals)
// Mutate the text node to cancel the previous request.
const text = document.querySelector('div').firstChild;
text.deleteData(text.length - 2, 2);
'<div contenteditable>#zz#. z</div>',
'2 Canceled spellcheck request should not remove existing marker')
// Must be at least 1024 characters to force spellchecker to compute checking
// range with TextIterator.
const longText = 'bla. '.repeat(255) + 'bla.';
`<div contenteditable>${longText}|</div>`,
document => {
document.execCommand('insertText', false, 'zz..');
// Invalidate the ending selection of InsertText command in the undo stack.
const textNode = document.getSelection().anchorNode;
textNode.deleteData(textNode.length - 1, 1);
// Clear selection, so that if spellchecker can only use the ending
// selection of InsertText command to compute checking range.
`<div contenteditable>${longText}zz.</div>`,
'3 No spellcheck due to invalid ending selection in the undo stack');