
 * cffload.c
 *   OpenType and CFF data/program tables loader (body).
 * Copyright (C) 1996-2024 by
 * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
 * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
 * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
 * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
 * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
 * understand and accept it fully.

#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftobjs.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftstream.h>
#include <freetype/tttags.h>
#include <freetype/t1tables.h>
#include <freetype/internal/psaux.h>

#include <freetype/ftmm.h>
#include <freetype/internal/services/svmm.h>

#include "cffload.h"
#include "cffparse.h"

#include "cfferrs.h"

#define FT_FIXED_ONE

#if 1

  static const FT_UShort  cff_isoadobe_charset[229] =;

  static const FT_UShort  cff_expert_charset[166] =;

  static const FT_UShort  cff_expertsubset_charset[87] =;

  static const FT_UShort  cff_standard_encoding[256] =;

  static const FT_UShort  cff_expert_encoding[256] =;

#endif /* 1 */

  cff_get_standard_encoding( FT_UInt  charcode )

   * The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit
   * parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
   * messages during execution.

  /* read an offset from the index's stream current position */
  static FT_ULong
  cff_index_read_offset( CFF_Index  idx,
                         FT_Error  *errorp )

  static FT_Error
  cff_index_init( CFF_Index  idx,
                  FT_Stream  stream,
                  FT_Bool    load,
                  FT_Bool    cff2 )

  static void
  cff_index_done( CFF_Index  idx )

  static FT_Error
  cff_index_load_offsets( CFF_Index  idx )

  /* Allocate a table containing pointers to an index's elements. */
  /* The `pool' argument makes this function convert the index    */
  /* entries to C-style strings (that is, null-terminated).       */
  static FT_Error
  cff_index_get_pointers( CFF_Index   idx,
                          FT_Byte***  table,
                          FT_Byte**   pool,
                          FT_ULong*   pool_size )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cff_index_access_element( CFF_Index  idx,
                            FT_UInt    element,
                            FT_Byte**  pbytes,
                            FT_ULong*  pbyte_len )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cff_index_forget_element( CFF_Index  idx,
                            FT_Byte**  pbytes )

  /* get an entry from Name INDEX */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_String* )
  cff_index_get_name( CFF_Font  font,
                      FT_UInt   element )

  /* get an entry from String INDEX */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_String* )
  cff_index_get_string( CFF_Font  font,
                        FT_UInt   element )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_String* )
  cff_index_get_sid_string( CFF_Font  font,
                            FT_UInt   sid )

  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***   FD Select table support                                         ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/

  static void
  CFF_Done_FD_Select( CFF_FDSelect  fdselect,
                      FT_Stream     stream )

  static FT_Error
  CFF_Load_FD_Select( CFF_FDSelect  fdselect,
                      FT_UInt       num_glyphs,
                      FT_Stream     stream,
                      FT_ULong      offset )

  cff_fd_select_get( CFF_FDSelect  fdselect,
                     FT_UInt       glyph_index )

  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***   CFF font support                                                ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/

  static FT_Error
  cff_charset_compute_cids( CFF_Charset  charset,
                            FT_UInt      num_glyphs,
                            FT_Memory    memory )

  cff_charset_cid_to_gindex( CFF_Charset  charset,
                             FT_UInt      cid )

  static void
  cff_charset_free_cids( CFF_Charset  charset,
                         FT_Memory    memory )

  static void
  cff_charset_done( CFF_Charset  charset,
                    FT_Stream    stream )

  static FT_Error
  cff_charset_load( CFF_Charset  charset,
                    FT_UInt      num_glyphs,
                    FT_Stream    stream,
                    FT_ULong     base_offset,
                    FT_ULong     offset,
                    FT_Bool      invert )

  static void
  cff_vstore_done( CFF_VStoreRec*  vstore,
                   FT_Memory       memory )

  /* convert 2.14 to Fixed */
  #define FT_fdot14ToFixed( x )

  static FT_Error
  cff_vstore_load( CFF_VStoreRec*  vstore,
                   FT_Stream       stream,
                   FT_ULong        base_offset,
                   FT_ULong        offset )

  /* Clear blend stack (after blend values are consumed). */
  /*                                                      */
  /* TODO: Should do this in cff_run_parse, but subFont   */
  /*       ref is not available there.                    */
  /*                                                      */
  /* Allocation is not changed when stack is cleared.     */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cff_blend_clear( CFF_SubFont  subFont )

  /* Blend numOperands on the stack,                       */
  /* store results into the first numBlends values,        */
  /* then pop remaining arguments.                         */
  /*                                                       */
  /* This is comparable to `cf2_doBlend' but               */
  /* the cffparse stack is different and can't be written. */
  /* Blended values are written to a different buffer,     */
  /* using reserved operator 255.                          */
  /*                                                       */
  /* Blend calculation is done in 16.16 fixed-point.       */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cff_blend_doBlend( CFF_SubFont  subFont,
                     CFF_Parser   parser,
                     FT_UInt      numBlends )

  /* Compute a blend vector from variation store index and normalized  */
  /* vector based on pseudo-code in OpenType Font Variations Overview. */
  /*                                                                   */
  /* Note: lenNDV == 0 produces a default blend vector, (1,0,0,...).   */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cff_blend_build_vector( CFF_Blend  blend,
                          FT_UInt    vsindex,
                          FT_UInt    lenNDV,
                          FT_Fixed*  NDV )

  /* `lenNDV' is zero for default vector;           */
  /* return TRUE if blend vector needs to be built. */
  cff_blend_check_vector( CFF_Blend  blend,
                          FT_UInt    vsindex,
                          FT_UInt    lenNDV,
                          FT_Fixed*  NDV )


  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cff_get_var_blend( FT_Face      face,             /* CFF_Face */
                     FT_UInt     *num_coords,
                     FT_Fixed*   *coords,
                     FT_Fixed*   *normalizedcoords,
                     FT_MM_Var*  *mm_var )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cff_done_blend( FT_Face  face )    /* CFF_Face */


  static void
  cff_encoding_done( CFF_Encoding  encoding )

  static FT_Error
  cff_encoding_load( CFF_Encoding  encoding,
                     CFF_Charset   charset,
                     FT_UInt       num_glyphs,
                     FT_Stream     stream,
                     FT_ULong      base_offset,
                     FT_ULong      offset )

  /* Parse private dictionary; first call is always from `cff_face_init', */
  /* so NDV has not been set for CFF2 variation.                          */
  /*                                                                      */
  /* `cff_slot_load' must call this function each time NDV changes.       */
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cff_load_private_dict( CFF_Font     font,
                         CFF_SubFont  subfont,
                         FT_UInt      lenNDV,
                         FT_Fixed*    NDV )

  /* There are 3 ways to call this function, distinguished by code.  */
  /*                                                                 */
  /* . CFF_CODE_TOPDICT for either a CFF Top DICT or a CFF Font DICT */
  /* . CFF2_CODE_TOPDICT for CFF2 Top DICT                           */
  /* . CFF2_CODE_FONTDICT for CFF2 Font DICT                         */

  static FT_Error
  cff_subfont_load( CFF_SubFont  subfont,
                    CFF_Index    idx,
                    FT_UInt      font_index,
                    FT_Stream    stream,
                    FT_ULong     base_offset,
                    FT_UInt      code,
                    CFF_Font     font,
                    CFF_Face     face )

  static void
  cff_subfont_done( FT_Memory    memory,
                    CFF_SubFont  subfont )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  cff_font_load( FT_Library library,
                 FT_Stream  stream,
                 FT_Int     face_index,
                 CFF_Font   font,
                 CFF_Face   face,
                 FT_Bool    pure_cff,
                 FT_Bool    cff2 )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cff_font_done( CFF_Font  font )

/* END */