
 * ttgxvar.c
 *   TrueType GX Font Variation loader
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by
 * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, Werner Lemberg, and George Williams.
 * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
 * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
 * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
 * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
 * understand and accept it fully.

   * Apple documents the `fvar', `gvar', `cvar', and `avar' tables at
   * The documentation for `gvar' is not intelligible; `cvar' refers you
   * to `gvar' and is thus also incomprehensible.
   * The documentation for `avar' appears correct, but Apple has no fonts
   * with an `avar' table, so it is hard to test.
   * Many thanks to John Jenkins (at Apple) in figuring this out.
   * Apple's `kern' table has some references to tuple indices, but as
   * there is no indication where these indices are defined, nor how to
   * interpolate the kerning values (different tuples have different
   * classes) this issue is ignored.

#include <ft2build.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftcalc.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftstream.h>
#include <freetype/internal/sfnt.h>
#include <freetype/internal/services/svmetric.h>
#include <freetype/tttags.h>
#include <freetype/ttnameid.h>
#include <freetype/ftmm.h>
#include <freetype/ftlist.h>

#include "ttpload.h"
#include "ttgxvar.h"

#include "tterrors.h"


#define FT_Stream_FTell( stream )
#define FT_Stream_SeekSet( stream, off )

  /* some macros we need */
#define FT_fdot14ToFixed( x )
#define FT_intToFixed( i )
#define FT_fdot6ToFixed( i )
#define FT_fixedToInt( x )
#define FT_fixedToFdot6( x )

   * The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit
   * parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
   * messages during execution.

  /*****                                                               *****/
  /*****                       Internal Routines                       *****/
  /*****                                                               *****/

   * The macro ALL_POINTS is used in `ft_var_readpackedpoints'.  It
   * indicates that there is a delta for every point without needing to
   * enumerate all of them.

  /* ensure that value `0' has the same width as a pointer */
#define ALL_POINTS


   * @Function:
   *   ft_var_readpackedpoints
   * @Description:
   *   Read a set of points to which the following deltas will apply.
   *   Points are packed with a run length encoding.
   * @Input:
   *   stream ::
   *     The data stream.
   * @Output:
   *   point_cnt ::
   *     The number of points read.  A zero value means that
   *     all points in the glyph will be affected, without
   *     enumerating them individually.
   * @Return:
   *   An array of FT_UShort containing the affected points or the
   *   special value ALL_POINTS.
  static FT_UShort*
  ft_var_readpackedpoints( FT_Stream  stream,
                           FT_UInt   *point_cnt )


   * @Function:
   *   ft_var_readpackeddeltas
   * @Description:
   *   Read a set of deltas.  These are packed slightly differently than
   *   points.  In particular there is no overall count.
   * @Input:
   *   stream ::
   *     The data stream.
   *   delta_cnt ::
   *     The number of deltas to be read.
   * @Return:
   *   An array of FT_Fixed containing the deltas for the affected
   *   points.  (This only gets the deltas for one dimension.  It will
   *   generally be called twice, once for x, once for y.  When used in
   *   cvt table, it will only be called once.)
   *   We use FT_Fixed to avoid accumulation errors while summing up all
   *   deltas (the rounding to integer values happens as the very last
   *   step).
  static FT_Fixed*
  ft_var_readpackeddeltas( FT_Stream  stream,
                           FT_UInt    delta_cnt )

   * @Function:
   *   ft_var_load_avar
   * @Description:
   *   Parse the `avar' table if present.  It need not be, so we return
   *   nothing.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
  static void
  ft_var_load_avar( TT_Face  face )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_var_load_item_variation_store( FT_Face          face,      /* TT_Face */
                                    FT_ULong         offset,
                                    GX_ItemVarStore  itemStore )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_var_load_delta_set_index_mapping( FT_Face            face, /* TT_Face */
                                       FT_ULong           offset,
                                       GX_DeltaSetIdxMap  map,
                                       GX_ItemVarStore    itemStore,
                                       FT_ULong           table_len )

   * @Function:
   *   ft_var_load_hvvar
   * @Description:
   *   If `vertical' is zero, parse the `HVAR' table and set
   *   `blend->hvar_loaded' to TRUE.  On success, `blend->hvar_checked'
   *   is set to TRUE.
   *   If `vertical' is not zero, parse the `VVAR' table and set
   *   `blend->vvar_loaded' to TRUE.  On success, `blend->vvar_checked'
   *   is set to TRUE.
   *   Some memory may remain allocated on error; it is always freed in
   *   `tt_done_blend', however.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  static FT_Error
  ft_var_load_hvvar( TT_Face  face,
                     FT_Bool  vertical )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_ItemVarDelta )
  tt_var_get_item_delta( FT_Face          face,        /* TT_Face */
                         GX_ItemVarStore  itemStore,
                         FT_UInt          outerIndex,
                         FT_UInt          innerIndex )

   * @Function:
   *   tt_hvadvance_adjust
   * @Description:
   *   Apply `HVAR' advance width or `VVAR' advance height adjustment of
   *   a given glyph.
   * @Input:
   *   gindex ::
   *     The glyph index.
   *   vertical ::
   *     If set, handle `VVAR' table.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
   *   adelta ::
   *     Points to width or height value that gets modified.
  static FT_Error
  tt_hvadvance_adjust( TT_Face  face,
                       FT_UInt  gindex,
                       FT_Int  *avalue,
                       FT_Bool  vertical )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_hadvance_adjust( FT_Face  face,    /* TT_Face */
                      FT_UInt  gindex,
                      FT_Int  *avalue )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_vadvance_adjust( FT_Face  face,    /* TT_Face */
                      FT_UInt  gindex,
                      FT_Int  *avalue )


  /* all values are FT_Short or FT_UShort entities; */
  /* we treat them consistently as FT_Short         */
#define GX_VALUE_CASE( tag, dflt )

#define GX_GASP_CASE( idx )

  static FT_Short*
  ft_var_get_value_pointer( TT_Face   face,
                            FT_ULong  mvar_tag )

   * @Function:
   *   ft_var_load_mvar
   * @Description:
   *   Parse the `MVAR' table.
   *   Some memory may remain allocated on error; it is always freed in
   *   `tt_done_blend', however.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
  static void
  ft_var_load_mvar( TT_Face  face )

  static FT_Error
  ft_size_reset_iterator( FT_ListNode  node,
                          void*        user )

   * @Function:
   *   tt_apply_mvar
   * @Description:
   *   Apply `MVAR' table adjustments.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  tt_apply_mvar( FT_Face  face )  /* TT_Face */


   * @Function:
   *   ft_var_load_gvar
   * @Description:
   *   Parse the `gvar' table if present.  If `fvar' is there, `gvar' had
   *   better be there too.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  static FT_Error
  ft_var_load_gvar( TT_Face  face )

   * @Function:
   *   ft_var_apply_tuple
   * @Description:
   *   Figure out whether a given tuple (design) applies to the current
   *   blend, and if so, what is the scaling factor.
   * @Input:
   *   blend ::
   *     The current blend of the font.
   *   tupleIndex ::
   *     A flag saying whether this is an intermediate
   *     tuple or not.
   *   tuple_coords ::
   *     The coordinates of the tuple in normalized axis
   *     units.
   *   im_start_coords ::
   *     The initial coordinates where this tuple starts
   *     to apply (for intermediate coordinates).
   *   im_end_coords ::
   *     The final coordinates after which this tuple no
   *     longer applies (for intermediate coordinates).
   * @Return:
   *   An FT_Fixed value containing the scaling factor.
  static FT_Fixed
  ft_var_apply_tuple( GX_Blend   blend,
                      FT_UShort  tupleIndex,
                      FT_Fixed*  tuple_coords,
                      FT_Fixed*  im_start_coords,
                      FT_Fixed*  im_end_coords )

  /* convert from design coordinates to normalized coordinates */

  static void
  ft_var_to_normalized( TT_Face    face,
                        FT_UInt    num_coords,
                        FT_Fixed*  coords,
                        FT_Fixed*  normalized )

  /* convert from normalized coordinates to design coordinates */

  static void
  ft_var_to_design( TT_Face    face,
                    FT_UInt    num_coords,
                    FT_Fixed*  coords,
                    FT_Fixed*  design )

  /*****                                                               *****/
  /*****               MULTIPLE MASTERS SERVICE FUNCTIONS              *****/
  /*****                                                               *****/



   * @Function:
   *   TT_Get_MM_Var
   * @Description:
   *   Check that the font's `fvar' table is valid, parse it, and return
   *   those data.  It also loads (and parses) the `MVAR' table, if
   *   possible.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
   *     TT_Get_MM_Var initializes the blend structure.
   * @Output:
   *   master ::
   *     The `fvar' data (must be freed by caller).  Can be NULL,
   *     which makes this function simply load MM support.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Get_MM_Var( FT_Face      face,    /* TT_Face */
                 FT_MM_Var*  *master )

  static FT_Error
  tt_set_mm_blend( TT_Face    face,
                   FT_UInt    num_coords,
                   FT_Fixed*  coords,
                   FT_Bool    set_design_coords )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Set_MM_Blend
   * @Description:
   *   Set the blend (normalized) coordinates for this instance of the
   *   font.  Check that the `gvar' table is reasonable and does some
   *   initial preparation.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font.
   *     Initialize the blend structure with `gvar' data.
   * @Input:
   *   num_coords ::
   *     The number of available coordinates.  If it is
   *     larger than the number of axes, ignore the excess
   *     values.  If it is smaller than the number of axes,
   *     use the default value (0) for the remaining axes.
   *   coords ::
   *     An array of `num_coords', each between [-1,1].
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success, -1 means success and unchanged
   *   axis values.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Set_MM_Blend( FT_Face    face,       /* TT_Face */
                   FT_UInt    num_coords,
                   FT_Fixed*  coords )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Get_MM_Blend
   * @Description:
   *   Get the blend (normalized) coordinates for this instance of the
   *   font.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font.
   *     Initialize the blend structure with `gvar' data.
   * @Input:
   *   num_coords ::
   *     The number of available coordinates.  If it is
   *     larger than the number of axes, set the excess
   *     values to 0.
   *   coords ::
   *     An array of `num_coords', each between [-1,1].
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success, -1 means success and unchanged
   *   axis values.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Get_MM_Blend( FT_Face    face,       /* TT_Face */
                   FT_UInt    num_coords,
                   FT_Fixed*  coords )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Set_Var_Design
   * @Description:
   *   Set the coordinates for the instance, measured in the user
   *   coordinate system.  Parse the `avar' table (if present) to convert
   *   from user to normalized coordinates.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     The font face.
   *     Initialize the blend struct with `gvar' data.
   * @Input:
   *   num_coords ::
   *     The number of available coordinates.  If it is
   *     larger than the number of axes, ignore the excess
   *     values.  If it is smaller than the number of axes,
   *     use the default values for the remaining axes.
   *   coords ::
   *     A coordinate array with `num_coords' elements.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Set_Var_Design( FT_Face    face,       /* TT_Face */
                     FT_UInt    num_coords,
                     FT_Fixed*  coords )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Get_Var_Design
   * @Description:
   *   Get the design coordinates of the currently selected interpolated
   *   font.
   * @Input:
   *   face ::
   *     A handle to the source face.
   *   num_coords ::
   *     The number of design coordinates to retrieve.  If it
   *     is larger than the number of axes, set the excess
   *     values to~0.
   * @Output:
   *   coords ::
   *     The design coordinates array.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Get_Var_Design( FT_Face    face,       /* TT_Face */
                     FT_UInt    num_coords,
                     FT_Fixed*  coords )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Set_Named_Instance
   * @Description:
   *   Set the given named instance, also resetting any further
   *   variation.
   * @Input:
   *   face ::
   *     A handle to the source face.
   *   instance_index ::
   *     The instance index, starting with value 1.
   *     Value 0 indicates to not use an instance.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0~means success, -1 means success and unchanged
   *   axis values.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Set_Named_Instance( FT_Face  face,            /* TT_Face */
                         FT_UInt  instance_index )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Get_Default_Named_Instance
   * @Description:
   *   Get the default named instance.
   * @Input:
   *   face ::
   *     A handle to the source face.
   * @Output:
   *   instance_index ::
   *     The default named instance index.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0~means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Get_Default_Named_Instance( FT_Face   face,
                                 FT_UInt  *instance_index )

  /* This function triggers (lazy) recomputation of the `postscript_name` */
  /* field in `TT_Face`.                                                  */

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  tt_construct_ps_name( FT_Face  face )

  /*****                                                               *****/
  /*****                     GX VAR PARSING ROUTINES                   *****/
  /*****                                                               *****/


  static FT_Error
  tt_cvt_ready_iterator( FT_ListNode  node,
                         void*        user )


   * @Function:
   *   tt_face_vary_cvt
   * @Description:
   *   Modify the loaded cvt table according to the `cvar' table and the
   *   font's blend.
   * @InOut:
   *   face ::
   *     A handle to the target face object.
   * @Input:
   *   stream ::
   *     A handle to the input stream.
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
   *   Most errors are ignored.  It is perfectly valid not to have a
   *   `cvar' table even if there is a `gvar' and `fvar' table.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_face_vary_cvt( TT_Face    face,
                    FT_Stream  stream )

  /* Shift the original coordinates of all points between indices `p1' */
  /* and `p2', using the same difference as given by index `ref'.      */

  /* modeled after `af_iup_shift' */

  static void
  tt_delta_shift( int         p1,
                  int         p2,
                  int         ref,
                  FT_Vector*  in_points,
                  FT_Vector*  out_points )

  /* Interpolate the original coordinates of all points with indices */
  /* between `p1' and `p2', using `ref1' and `ref2' as the reference */
  /* point indices.                                                  */

  /* modeled after `af_iup_interp', `_iup_worker_interpolate', and   */
  /* `Ins_IUP' with spec differences in handling ill-defined cases.  */
  static void
  tt_delta_interpolate( int         p1,
                        int         p2,
                        int         ref1,
                        int         ref2,
                        FT_Vector*  in_points,
                        FT_Vector*  out_points )

  /* Interpolate points without delta values, similar to */
  /* the `IUP' hinting instruction.                      */

  /* modeled after `Ins_IUP */

  static void
  tt_interpolate_deltas( FT_Outline*  outline,
                         FT_Vector*   out_points,
                         FT_Vector*   in_points,
                         FT_Bool*     has_delta )

   * @Function:
   *   TT_Vary_Apply_Glyph_Deltas
   * @Description:
   *   Apply the appropriate deltas to the current glyph.
   * @InOut:
   *   loader ::
   *     A handle to the loader object.
   *   outline ::
   *     The outline to change, with appended phantom points.
   * @Output:
   *   unrounded ::
   *     An array with `n_points' elements that is filled with unrounded
   *     point coordinates (in 26.6 format).
   * @Return:
   *   FreeType error code.  0 means success.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  TT_Vary_Apply_Glyph_Deltas( TT_Loader    loader,
                              FT_Outline*  outline,
                              FT_Vector*   unrounded )

   * @Function:
   *   tt_get_var_blend
   * @Description:
   *   An extended internal version of `TT_Get_MM_Blend' that returns
   *   pointers instead of copying data, without any initialization of
   *   the MM machinery in case it isn't loaded yet.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_get_var_blend( FT_Face      face,             /* TT_Face */
                    FT_UInt     *num_coords,
                    FT_Fixed*   *coords,
                    FT_Fixed*   *normalizedcoords,
                    FT_MM_Var*  *mm_var )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  tt_var_done_item_variation_store( FT_Face          face,
                                    GX_ItemVarStore  itemStore )

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  tt_var_done_delta_set_index_map( FT_Face            face,
                                   GX_DeltaSetIdxMap  deltaSetIdxMap )

   * @Function:
   *   tt_done_blend
   * @Description:
   *   Free the blend internal data structure.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  tt_done_blend( FT_Face  face )


  /* ANSI C doesn't like empty source files */
  typedef int  tt_gxvar_dummy_;


/* END */