<!doctype html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../assert_selection.js"></script>
const isWin = navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') !== -1;
'<div contenteditable>one two three four|</div>',
selection => {
assert_own_property(window, 'eventSender',
'This test requires eventSender to test key bindings.');
selection.document.execCommand('insertText', false, 'undo');
if (isWin) {
// Alt+Backspace shortcut is bound to undo on Windows only.
// Performing this on Mac will cause a one word delete.
eventSender.keyDown('Backspace', 'altKey');
// Alt+Backspace shortcut is bound to undo on Windows only.
? '<div contenteditable>one two three four|</div>'
: '<div contenteditable>one two three fourundo|</div>',
'Alt+Backspace should be bound to undo on Windows');
'<div contenteditable>one two three four|</div>',
selection => {
assert_own_property(window, 'eventSender',
'This test requires eventSender to test key bindings.');
selection.document.execCommand('insertText', false, 'undo');
if (isWin) {
// Alt+Shift+Backspace shortcut is bound to redo on Windows only.
// Performing this on Mac will cause a one word delete.
eventSender.keyDown('Backspace', ['altKey', 'shiftKey']);
// Alt+Shift+Backspace shortcut is bound to redo on Windows only.
? '<div contenteditable>one two three fourundo|</div>'
: '<div contenteditable>one two three four|</div>',
'Alt+Shift+Backspace should be bound to redo on Windows');