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<title>Blob constructor: endings option</title>
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// Windows platforms use CRLF as the native line ending. All others use LF.
const crlf = navigator.platform.startsWith('Win');
const native_ending = crlf ? '\r\n' : '\n';
function readBlobAsPromise(blob) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = e => resolve(reader.result);
reader.onerror = e => reject(reader.error);
].forEach(value => test(t => {
assert_class_string(new Blob([], {endings: value}), 'Blob',
`Constructor should allow "${value}" endings`);
}, `Valid "endings" value: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`));
].forEach(value => test(t => {
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new Blob([], {endings: value}),
'Blob constructor should throw');
}, `Invalid "endings" value: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`));
test(t => {
const test_error = {name: 'test'};
() => new Blob([], { get endings() { throw test_error; }}),
'Blob constructor should propagate exceptions from "endings" property');
}, 'Exception propagation from options');
test(t => {
let got = false;
new Blob([], { get endings() { got = true; } });
assert_true(got, 'The "endings" property was accessed during construction.');
}, 'The "endings" options property is used');
{name: 'LF', input: '\n', native: native_ending},
{name: 'CR', input: '\r', native: native_ending},
{name: 'CRLF', input: '\r\n', native: native_ending},
{name: 'CRCR', input: '\r\r', native: native_ending.repeat(2)},
{name: 'LFCR', input: '\n\r', native: native_ending.repeat(2)},
{name: 'LFLF', input: '\n\n', native: native_ending.repeat(2)},
{name: 'CRCRLF', input: '\r\r\n', native: native_ending.repeat(2)},
{name: 'CRLFLF', input: '\r\n\n', native: native_ending.repeat(2)},
{name: 'CRLFCR', input: '\r\n\r\n', native: native_ending.repeat(2)},
{name: 'CRLFCRLF', input: '\r\n\r\n', native: native_ending.repeat(2)},
{name: 'LFCRLFCR', input: '\n\r\n\r', native: native_ending.repeat(3)},
].forEach(testCase => {
promise_test(async t => {
const blob = new Blob([testCase.input]);
await readBlobAsPromise(blob), testCase.input,
'Newlines should not change with endings unspecified');
}, `Input ${testCase.name} with endings unspecified`);
promise_test(async t => {
const blob = new Blob([testCase.input], {endings: 'transparent'});
await readBlobAsPromise(blob), testCase.input,
'Newlines should not change with endings "transparent"');
}, `Input ${testCase.name} with endings 'transparent'`);
promise_test(async t => {
const blob = new Blob([testCase.input], {endings: 'native'});
await readBlobAsPromise(blob), testCase.native,
'Newlines should match the platform with endings "native"');
}, `Input ${testCase.name} with endings 'native'`);
promise_test(async t => {
const blob = new Blob(['\r', '\n'], {endings: 'native'});
const expected = native_ending.repeat(2);
await readBlobAsPromise(blob), expected,
'CR/LF in adjacent strings should be converted to two platform newlines');
}, `CR/LF in adjacent input strings`);