// META: global=window,worker
// META: title=IndexedDB: ES bindings - Inject a key into a value - Values bypass chain and setters
// META: script=resources/support-promises.js
promise_test(async t => {
const db = await createDatabase(t, db => {
db.createObjectStore('store', {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'a.b.c'});
Object.prototype.a = {b: {c: 'on proto'}};
t.add_cleanup(() => { delete Object.prototype.a; });
const tx = db.transaction('store', 'readwrite', {durability: "relaxed"});
const result = await promiseForRequest(t, tx.objectStore('store').get(1));
'Result should have own-properties overriding prototype.');
'Result should have own-properties overriding prototype.');
'Result should have own-properties overriding prototype.');
assert_equals(result.a.b.c, 1,
'Own property should match primary key generator value');
assert_equals(Object.prototype.a.b.c, 'on proto',
'Prototype should not be modified');
}, 'Returning values to script should bypass prototype chain');
promise_test(async t => {
const db = await createDatabase(t, db => {
db.createObjectStore('store', {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'id'});
let setter_called = false;
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'id', {
configurable: true,
set: value => { setter_called = true; },
t.add_cleanup(() => { delete Object.prototype['id']; });
const tx = db.transaction('store', 'readwrite', {durability: 'relaxed'});
const result = await promiseForRequest(t, tx.objectStore('store').get(1));
'Setter should not be called for key result.');
'Result should have own-property overriding prototype setter.');
assert_equals(result.id, 1,
'Own property should match primary key generator value');
}, 'Returning values to script should bypass prototype setters');