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  <title>Name Comp: Name From Content (Tentative)</title>
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  These aria-labelledby tests may not be valid, pending spec discussion.

<!-- cross-referencial edge case-->
<h1>heading with link referencing image using aria-labelledby, that in turn references text element via aria-labelledby</h1>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="image link" data-testname="heading with link referencing image using aria-labelledby, that in turn references text element via aria-labelledby" class="ex">
  <a href="#" aria-labelledby="nested_image_label3">
    <span class="note" id="crossref_link">link</span><!-- this text is skipped the first time around because of aria-labelledby on parent element -->
  <!-- but it's picked up again in inverse order b/c of cross-referencial aria-labelledby edge case -->
  <img id="nested_image_label3" alt="image" aria-labelledby="crossref_link" src="">

<!-- self-referencial edge case-->
<h1>heading with link referencing image using aria-labelledby, that in turn references itself and another element via aria-labelledby</h1>
<h3 data-expectedlabel="image link" data-testname="heading with link referencing image using aria-labelledby, that in turn references itself and another element via aria-labelledby" class="ex">
  <a href="#" aria-labelledby="nested_image_label4">
    <span class="note" id="crossref_link2">link</span><!-- this text is skipped the first time around because of aria-labelledby on parent element -->
  <!-- but it's picked up again (after the self-referencial image alt) in inverse order b/c of cross-referencial aria-labelledby edge case -->
  <img id="nested_image_label4" alt="image" aria-labelledby="nested_image_label4 crossref_link2" src="">

<!-- “びょういんのかんじゃサービス” means “Hospital patient services” -->
<!-- text-transform:full-size-kana visually changes: -->
<!--   1. びょういん (byōin = hospital) into びよういん (biyōin = beauty parlor) -->
<!--   2. かんじゃ (kanja = patient) into かんじや (kanjiya = [no meaning]) -->
<!-- ...causing the whole heading to become nonsensical. -->
<h1>heading which visually transforms <span lang="ja">びょういん</span> (hospital) to <span lang="ja">びよういん</span> (beauty parlor) using CSS <code>text-transform:full-size-kana</code></h1>
<h3 lang="ja" data-expectedlabel="びょういんのかんじゃサービス" data-testname="heading name from content with text-transform:full-size-kana" class="ex" style="text-transform:full-size-kana;">びょういんのかんじゃサービス</h3>
