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<title>Test "window-controls-overlay" in display-override member + "browser" in display member + media feature</title>
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<h1>Test "window-controls-overlay" in display-override member + "browser" in display member + media feature</h1>
  .fail {
    background-color: red;

  @media all and (display-mode: standalone) {
    body {
      background-color: green;
const standalone = matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)");

standalone.onchange = () => {
  if (standalone.matches) {

if (!standalone.matches) {

<p>This test validates that the display-mode property is 'standalone' when the
   installed app is running in "window-controls-overlay" mode.</p>
<h2>Manual Test Steps:</h2>
    <li>Install this app, and toggle into "window-controls-overlay" mode.</li>
    <li>The background will be green if the test pases, otherwise red.</li>