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  // See
  const maxLongValue = 2147483647;

  test(() => {
      assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new CapturedMouseEvent());
  }, "type argument is mandatory");

  test(() => {
          {surfaceX: -5, surfaceY: -5}, /* X, Y negative */
          {surfaceX: -5, surfaceY: +5}, /* X negative, Y non-negative */
          {surfaceX: +5, surfaceY: -5}, /* X non-negative, Y negative */
          {surfaceX: -1, surfaceY: +5}, /* X equal to -1, Y non-negative */
          {/* surfaceX: -1, */ surfaceY: +5}, /* Same with implicit surfaceX */
          {surfaceX: +5, surfaceY: -1}, /* X non-negative, Y equal to -1 */
          {surfaceX: +5 /*, surfaceY: -1 */}, /* Same with implicit surfaceY */
          {surfaceX: maxLongValue+1, surfaceY: +5}, /* 'long' overflow for X */
          {surfaceX: +5, surfaceY: maxLongValue+1}, /* 'long' overflow for Y */
      ].forEach(init => {
          assert_throws_js(RangeError, () => new CapturedMouseEvent("", init),
  }, "Invalid surfaceX/surfaceY options cause a RangeError to be thrown");

  test(() => {
          {surfaceX: +5, surfaceY: +7}, /* Two positive values */
          {surfaceX: -1, surfaceY: -1}, /* Valid case with negative values  */
          {surfaceX: 0, surfaceY: 0}, /* Minimal non-negative values */
          {surfaceX: 0, surfaceY: 5}, /* Minimal non-negative X and positive Y */
          {surfaceX: 5, surfaceY: 0}, /* Positive X and minimal non-negative Y */
          {surfaceX: maxLongValue, surfaceY: maxLongValue}, /* Maximal values */
      ].forEach(init => {
          let event = new CapturedMouseEvent("", init);
          assert_equals(event.surfaceX, init.surfaceX,
                        `surfaceX with eventInitDict=${JSON.stringify(init)}`);
          assert_equals(event.surfaceY, init.surfaceY,
                        `surfaceY with eventInitDict=${JSON.stringify(init)}`);
  }, "Valid surfaceX/surfaceY options are used as initial values");

  test(() => {
      let event = new CapturedMouseEvent("");
      assert_equals(event.surfaceX, -1,
                    `surfaceX with implicit eventInitDict={}`);
      assert_equals(event.surfaceY, -1,
                    `surfaceY with implicit eventInitDict={}`);

          {surfaceX: -1},
          {surfaceY: -1},
      ].forEach(init => {
          let event = new CapturedMouseEvent("", init);
          assert_equals(event.surfaceX, -1,
                        `surfaceX with eventInitDict=${JSON.stringify(init)}`);
          assert_equals(event.surfaceY, -1,
                        `surfaceY with eventInitDict=${JSON.stringify(init)}`);
  }, "surfaceX/surfaceY default to -1");