
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Accept-CH test</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/open-and-add-load-event.js"></script>

Apart from this webpage, the test opens two more html web page. One test is run
in this web page, and two in the other web pages.


// This test fetches resources/accept_ch.html. The response headers to
// that webpage contains only the Accept-CH header. These preferences should be
// stored so that the next request to the same origin is sent with the
// requested client hint headers.

// Next, to verify that the origin preferences were persisted by the user
// agent, this test fetches resources/expect_client_hints_headers.html in a new
// window. Fetching of resources/expect_client_hints_headers.html verifies that
// the user agent does send the client hints in the request headers.

// After this, the same is done but with a differet Accept-CH header, to test
// that the preferences change after receiving a different header.

promise_test(async () => {
  r = await fetch("resources/");

  assert_equals(r.status, 200);
  // Verify that the browser did not include client hints in the request
  // headers when fetching
  assert_false(r.headers.has("device-memory-received"), "device-memory-received");
  assert_false(r.headers.has("device-memory-deprecated-received"), "device-memory-deprecated-received");
  assert_false(r.headers.has("viewport-width-received"), "viewport-width-received");
  assert_false(r.headers.has("viewport-width-deprecated-received"), "viewport-width-deprecated-received");

  // Fetching this webpage should cause user-agent to persist client hint
  // preferences for the origin.
  await open_and_add_load_event("resources/accept-ch.html");

  // Open a new window. Verify that the user agent does attach the client hints.
  await open_and_expect_headers("resources/expect-client-hints-headers.html");

  // Use new window to overwrite client hint preferences, then verify new
  // settings have been saved
  await open_and_add_load_event("resources/accept-ch-different.html");

  // Use new window to overwrite client hint preferences, then verify new
  // settings have been saved
  await open_and_expect_headers("resources/expect-different-client-hints-headers.html");

  // Use new window to overwrite client hint preferences, then verify new
  // settings have been saved
  await open_and_add_load_event("resources/accept-ch-empty.html");

  // Use new window to overwrite client hint preferences, then verify new
  // settings have been saved
  await open_and_expect_headers("resources/expect-no-client-hints-headers.html");

  // Check that multiple headers will fill the cache.
  await open_and_add_load_event("resources/accept-ch-split.html");
  await open_and_expect_headers("resources/expect-client-hints-headers.html");

  // Check that a mix of empty and full headers drops the cache.
  await open_and_add_load_event("resources/accept-ch-mixed.html");
  await open_and_expect_headers("resources/expect-no-client-hints-headers.html");

}, "Accept-CH changes based on header");
