def main(request, response):
Check that headers sent to navigate here contain the device-memory client
hint, and report success/failure in a way compatible with
verify_navigation_state() in accept-ch-test.js
if b"sec-ch-device-memory" not in request.headers:
result = u"DEVICE-MEMORY"
elif b"device-memory" not in request.headers:
elif b"sec-ch-ua" not in request.headers:
result = u"UA"
elif b"sec-ch-ua-mobile" not in request.headers:
result = u"MOBILE"
elif b"sec-ch-ua-platform" not in request.headers:
result = u"PLATFORM"
result = u"PASS"
content = u'''
let messagee = window.opener || window.parent;
messagee.postMessage("%s" , "*");
''' % (result)
headers = [(b"Content-Type", b"text/html"), (b"Access-Control-Allow-Origin", b"*")]
return 200, headers, content