* Supports pseudo-"namespacing" localStorage for a given test
* by generating and using a unique prefix for keys. Why trounce on other
* tests' localStorage items when you can keep it "separated"?
* PrefixedLocalStorageTest: Instantiate in testharness.js tests to generate
* a new unique-ish prefix
* PrefixedLocalStorageResource: Instantiate in supporting test resource
* files to use/share a prefix generated by a test.
var PrefixedLocalStorage = function () {
this.prefix = ''; // Prefix for localStorage keys
this.param = 'prefixedLocalStorage'; // Param to use in querystrings
PrefixedLocalStorage.prototype.clear = function () {
if (this.prefix === '') { return; }
Object.keys(localStorage).forEach(sKey => {
if (sKey.indexOf(this.prefix) === 0) {
* Append/replace prefix parameter and value in URI querystring
* Use to generate URLs to resource files that will share the prefix.
PrefixedLocalStorage.prototype.url = function (uri) {
function updateUrlParameter (uri, key, value) {
var i = uri.indexOf('#');
var hash = (i === -1) ? '' : uri.substr(i);
uri = (i === -1) ? uri : uri.substr(0, i);
var re = new RegExp(`([?&])${key}=.*?(&|$)`, 'i');
var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?';
uri = (uri.match(re)) ? uri.replace(re, `$1${key}=${value}$2`) :
return uri + hash;
return updateUrlParameter(uri, this.param, this.prefix);
PrefixedLocalStorage.prototype.prefixedKey = function (baseKey) {
return `${this.prefix}${baseKey}`;
PrefixedLocalStorage.prototype.setItem = function (baseKey, value) {
localStorage.setItem(this.prefixedKey(baseKey), value);
* Listen for `storage` events pertaining to a particular key,
* prefixed with this object's prefix. Ignore when value is being set to null
* (i.e. removeItem).
PrefixedLocalStorage.prototype.onSet = function (baseKey, fn) {
window.addEventListener('storage', e => {
var match = this.prefixedKey(baseKey);
if (e.newValue !== null && e.key.indexOf(match) === 0) {
fn.call(this, e);
* Use in a testharnessjs test to generate a new key prefix.
* async_test(t => {
* var prefixedStorage = new PrefixedLocalStorageTest();
* t.add_cleanup(() => prefixedStorage.cleanup());
* /...
* });
var PrefixedLocalStorageTest = function () {
this.prefix = `${document.location.pathname}-${Math.random()}-${Date.now()}-`;
PrefixedLocalStorageTest.prototype = Object.create(PrefixedLocalStorage.prototype);
PrefixedLocalStorageTest.prototype.constructor = PrefixedLocalStorageTest;
* Use in a cleanup function to clear out prefixed entries in localStorage
PrefixedLocalStorageTest.prototype.cleanup = function () {
this.setItem('closeAll', 'true');
* Use in test resource files to share a prefix generated by a
* PrefixedLocalStorageTest. Will look in URL querystring for prefix.
* Setting `close_on_cleanup` opt truthy will make this script's window listen
* for storage `closeAll` event from controlling test and close itself.
* var PrefixedLocalStorageResource({ close_on_cleanup: true });
var PrefixedLocalStorageResource = function (options) {
this.options = Object.assign({}, {
close_on_cleanup: false
}, options || {});
// Check URL querystring for prefix to use
var regex = new RegExp(`[?&]${this.param}(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)`),
results = regex.exec(document.location.href);
if (results && results[2]) {
this.prefix = results[2];
// Optionally have this window close itself when the PrefixedLocalStorageTest
// sets a `closeAll` item.
if (this.options.close_on_cleanup) {
this.onSet('closeAll', () => {
PrefixedLocalStorageResource.prototype = Object.create(PrefixedLocalStorage.prototype);
PrefixedLocalStorageResource.prototype.constructor = PrefixedLocalStorageResource;