
// Define a universal message passing API. It works cross-origin and across
// browsing context groups.
const dispatcher_path = "/common/dispatcher/";

// Finds the nearest ancestor window that has a non srcdoc location. This should
// give us a usable location for constructing further URLs.
function findLocationFromAncestors(w) {
  if (w.location.href == 'about:srcdoc') {
    return findLocationFromAncestors(w.parent);
  return w.location;

// Handles differences between workers vs frames (src vs srcdoc).
function findLocation() {
  if (location.href == 'about:srcdoc') {
    return findLocationFromAncestors(window.parent);
  if (location.protocol == 'blob:' || location.protocol == 'data:') {
    // Allows working around blob and data URLs.
    if (self.document && self.document.baseURI) {
      return self.document.baseURI;
  return location;

const dispatcherLocation = findLocation();
const dispatcher_url = new URL(dispatcher_path, dispatcherLocation).href;

// Return a promise, limiting the number of concurrent accesses to a shared
// resources to |max_concurrent_access|.
const concurrencyLimiter = (max_concurrency) => {
  let pending = 0;
  let waiting = [];
  return async (task) => {
    if (pending > max_concurrency)
      await new Promise(resolve => waiting.push(resolve));
    let result = await task();
    return result;

// Wait for a random amount of time in the range [10ms,100ms].
const randomDelay = () => {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10 + 90*Math.random()));

// Sending too many requests in parallel causes congestion. Limiting it improves
// throughput.
// Note: The following table has been determined on the test:
// ../cache-storage.tentative.https.html
// using Chrome with a 64 core CPU / 64GB ram, in release mode:
// ┌───────────┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬────┐
// │concurrency│ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 10│ 15│ 20│ 30│ 50│ 100│
// ├───────────┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼────┤
// │time (s)   │ 54│ 38│ 31│ 29│ 26│ 24│ 22│ 22│ 22│ 22│ 34│ 36 │
// └───────────┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴────┘
const limiter = concurrencyLimiter(6);

// While requests to different remote contexts can go in parallel, we need to
// ensure that requests to each remote context are done in order. This maps a
// uuid to a queue of requests to send. A queue is processed until it is empty
// and then is deleted from the map.
const sendQueues = new Map();

// Sends a single item (with rate-limiting) and calls the associated resolver
// when it is successfully sent.
const sendItem = async function (uuid, resolver, message) {
  await limiter(async () => {
    // Requests might be dropped. Retry until getting a confirmation it has been
    // processed.
    while(1) {
      try {
        let response = await fetch(dispatcher_url + `?uuid=${uuid}`, {
          method: 'POST',
          body: message
        if (await response.text() == "done") {
      } catch (fetch_error) {}
      await randomDelay();

// While the queue is non-empty, send the next item. This is async and new items
// may be added to the queue while others are being sent.
const processQueue = async function (uuid, queue) {
  while (queue.length) {
    const [resolver, message] = queue.shift();
    await sendItem(uuid, resolver, message);
  // The queue is empty, delete it.

const send = async function (uuid, message) {
  const itemSentPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
    const item = [resolve, message];
    if (sendQueues.has(uuid)) {
      // There is already a queue for `uuid`, just add to it and it will be processed.
    } else {
      // There is no queue for `uuid`, create it and start processing.
      const queue = [item];
      sendQueues.set(uuid, queue);
      processQueue(uuid, queue);
  // Wait until the item has been successfully sent.
  await itemSentPromise;

const receive = async function (uuid) {
  while(1) {
    let data = "not ready";
    try {
      data = await limiter(async () => {
        let response = await fetch(dispatcher_url + `?uuid=${uuid}`);
        return await response.text();
    } catch (fetch_error) {}

    if (data == "not ready") {
      await randomDelay();

    return data;

// Returns an URL. When called, the server sends toward the `uuid` queue the
// request headers. Useful for determining if something was requested with
// Cookies.
const showRequestHeaders = function(origin, uuid) {
  return origin + dispatcher_path + `?uuid=${uuid}&show-headers`;

// Same as above, except for the response is cacheable.
const cacheableShowRequestHeaders = function(origin, uuid) {
  return origin + dispatcher_path + `?uuid=${uuid}&cacheable&show-headers`;

// This script requires
// - `/common/utils.js` for `token()`.

// Returns the URL of a document that can be used as a `RemoteContext`.
// `uuid` should be a UUID uniquely identifying the given remote context.
// `options` has the following shape:
// {
//   host: (optional) Sets the returned URL's `host` property. Useful for
//     cross-origin executors.
//   protocol: (optional) Sets the returned URL's `protocol` property.
// }
function remoteExecutorUrl(uuid, options) {
  const url = new URL("/common/dispatcher/remote-executor.html", dispatcherLocation);
  url.searchParams.set("uuid", uuid);

  if (options?.host) { =;

  if (options?.protocol) {
    url.protocol = options.protocol;

  return url;

// Represents a remote executor. For more detailed explanation see ``.
class RemoteContext {
  // `uuid` is a UUID string that identifies the remote context and should
  // match with the `uuid` parameter of the URL of the remote context.
  constructor(uuid) {
    this.context_id = uuid;

  // Evaluates the script `expr` on the executor.
  // - If `expr` is evaluated to a Promise that is resolved with a value:
  //   `execute_script()` returns a Promise resolved with the value.
  // - If `expr` is evaluated to a non-Promise value:
  //   `execute_script()` returns a Promise resolved with the value.
  // - If `expr` throws an error or is evaluated to a Promise that is rejected:
  //   `execute_script()` returns a rejected Promise with the error's
  //   `message`.
  //   Note that currently the type of error (e.g. DOMException) is not
  //   preserved, except for `TypeError`.
  // The values should be able to be serialized by JSON.stringify().
  async execute_script(fn, args) {
    const receiver = token();
    await this.send({receiver: receiver, fn: fn.toString(), args: args});
    const response = JSON.parse(await receive(receiver));
    if (response.status === 'success') {
      return response.value;

    // exception
    if ( === 'TypeError') {
      throw new TypeError(response.value);
    throw new Error(response.value);

  async send(msg) {
    return await send(this.context_id, JSON.stringify(msg));

class Executor {
  constructor(uuid) {
    this.uuid = uuid;

    // If `suspend_callback` is not `null`, the executor should be suspended
    // when there are no ongoing tasks.
    this.suspend_callback = null;


  // Wait until there are no ongoing tasks nor fetch requests for polling
  // tasks, and then suspend the executor and call `callback()`.
  // Navigation from the executor page should be triggered inside `callback()`,
  // to avoid conflict with in-flight fetch requests.
  suspend(callback) {
    this.suspend_callback = callback;

  resume() {

  async execute() {
    while(true) {
      if (this.suspend_callback !== null) {
        this.suspend_callback = null;
        // Wait for `resume()` to be called.
        await new Promise(resolve => this.resume = resolve);

        // Workaround for
        // Without this workaround, the executor is resumed and the fetch
        // request to poll the next task is initiated synchronously from
        // pageshow event after the page restored from BFCache, and the fetch
        // request promise is never resolved (and thus the test results in
        // timeout) due to The root cause is not yet
        // known, but setTimeout() with 0ms causes the resume triggered on
        // another task and seems to resolve the issue.
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0));


      const task = JSON.parse(await receive(this.uuid));

      let response;
      try {
        const value = await eval(task.fn).apply(null, task.args);
        response = JSON.stringify({
          status: 'success',
          value: value
      } catch(e) {
        response = JSON.stringify({
          status: 'exception',
          value: e.message
      await send(task.receiver, response);