<title>External scripts with matching SRI hash (in default-src) should be allowed.</title>
<script src='/resources/testharness.js' nonce='dummy'></script>
<script src='/resources/testharnessreport.js' nonce='dummy'></script>
<!-- CSP served: default-src {{domains[www]}}:* 'nonce-dummy' 'sha256-wIc3KtqOuTFEu6t17sIBuOswgkV406VJvhSk79Gw6U0=' 'ShA256-L7/UQ9VWpyG7C9RDEC4ctS5hI3Zcw+ta+haPGlByG9c=' 'sha512-rYCVMxWV5nq8IsMo+UZNObWtEiWGok/vDN8BMoEQi41s0znSes6E1Q2aag3Lw3u2J1w2rqH7uF2ws6FpQhfSOA=='; style-src 'unsafe-inline' -->
<!-- ShA256 is intentionally mixed case -->
<h1>External scripts with matching SRI hash (in default-src) should be allowed.</h1>
<div id='log'></div>
<script nonce='dummy'>
var port = "{{ports[http][0]}}";
if (location.protocol === "https:")
port = "{{ports[https][0]}}";
var crossorigin_base = location.protocol + "//{{domains[www]}}:" + port;
// Test name, src, integrity, expected to run.
var test_cases = [
[ 'matching integrity',
true ],
[ 'matching integrity (case-insensitive algorithm)',
true ],
[ 'multiple matching integrity',
'sha256-L7/UQ9VWpyG7C9RDEC4ctS5hI3Zcw+ta+haPGlByG9c= sha512-rYCVMxWV5nq8IsMo+UZNObWtEiWGok/vDN8BMoEQi41s0znSes6E1Q2aag3Lw3u2J1w2rqH7uF2ws6FpQhfSOA==',
true ],
[ 'no integrity',
false ],
[ 'matching plus unsupported integrity',
'sha256-L7/UQ9VWpyG7C9RDEC4ctS5hI3Zcw+ta+haPGlByG9c= sha999-xyz',
true ],
[ 'mismatched integrity',
false ],
[ 'multiple mismatched integrity',
'sha256-xyz sha256-zyx',
false ],
[ 'partially matching integrity',
'sha256-L7/UQ9VWpyG7C9RDEC4ctS5hI3Zcw+ta+haPGlByG9c= sha256-xyz',
false ],
[ 'crossorigin no integrity but allowed host',
crossorigin_base + '/content-security-policy/script-src/crossoriginScript.js',
true ],
[ 'crossorigin mismatched integrity but allowed host',
crossorigin_base + '/content-security-policy/script-src/crossoriginScript.js',
true ],
test(_ => {
for (item of test_cases) {
async_test(t => {
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.id = item[0].replace(' ', '-');
s.src = item[1];
s.integrity = item[2];
s.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
if (item[3]) {
s.onerror = t.unreached_func("Script should load! " + s.src);
window.addEventListener('message', t.step_func(e => {
if (e.data == s.id)
} else {
s.onerror = t.step_func_done();
window.addEventListener('message', t.step_func(e => {
if (e.data == s.id)
assert_unreached("Script should not execute!");
}, item[0]);
}, "Load all the tests.");
<script nonce='dummy'>
var externalRan = false;
<script src='./externalScript.js'
<script nonce='dummy'>
test(function() {
assert_true(externalRan, 'External script ran.');
}, 'External script in a script tag with matching SRI hash should run.');