<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Embedded Enforcement: Allow-CSP-From header.</title>
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var tests = [
{ "name": "Same origin iframes with correct Allow-CSP-From header are allowed.",
"origin": Host.SAME_ORIGIN,
"csp": "style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": getOrigin(),
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_LOAD,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Same origin iframes with an empty Allow-CSP-From header get blocked.",
"origin": Host.SAME_ORIGIN,
"csp": "style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": "",
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_BLOCK,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Same origin iframes without Allow-CSP-From header gets blocked.",
"origin": Host.SAME_ORIGIN,
"csp": "style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": null,
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_BLOCK,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Same origin iframes are blocked if Allow-CSP-From does not match origin.",
"origin": Host.SAME_ORIGIN,
"csp": "style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": "http://example.com:888",
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_BLOCK,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Cross origin iframe with an empty Allow-CSP-From header gets blocked.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": "",
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_BLOCK,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Cross origin iframe without Allow-CSP-From header gets blocked.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": null,
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_BLOCK,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Cross origin iframe with correct Allow-CSP-From header is allowed.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "style-src 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": getOrigin(),
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_LOAD,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Iframe with improper Allow-CSP-From header gets blocked.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": "* ¢¥§",
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_BLOCK,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Allow-CSP-From header with a star value allows cross origin frame.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "script-src 'unsafe-inline'",
"allow_csp_from": "*",
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_LOAD,
"blockedURI": null},
{ "name": "Star Allow-CSP-From header enforces EmbeddingCSP.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "script-src 'nonce-123'",
"allow_csp_from": "*",
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_LOAD,
"blockedURI": "inline"},
{ "name": "Allow-CSP-From header enforces EmbeddingCSP.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "style-src 'none'; script-src 'nonce-123'",
"allow_csp_from": getOrigin(),
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_LOAD,
"blockedURI": "inline"},
{ "name": "'self' in blanket enforced EmbeddingCSP matches the target response origin.",
"origin": Host.CROSS_ORIGIN,
"csp": "img-src 'self'",
"allow_csp_from": "*",
"expected": IframeLoad.EXPECT_LOAD,
"blockedURI": null},
tests.forEach(test => {
async_test(t => {
const url = generateUrlWithAllowCSPFrom(
test.origin, test.allow_csp_from);
assert_iframe_with_csp(t, url, test.csp, test.expected, test.name,
test.blockedURI, /*checkImageLoaded=*/true);
}, test.name);