<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<meta content="sandbox allow-scripts" http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy">
<iframe id="iframe"></iframe>
// According to
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#attr-meta-http-equiv-content-security-policy
// `sandbox` directives must be ignored when delivered via `<meta>`.
test(() => {
assert_equals(location.origin, "{{location[scheme]}}://{{location[host]}}");
}, "Document shouldn't be sandboxed by <meta>");
// Note: sandbox directive for workers are not yet specified.
// https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-csp/issues/279
// Anyway workers shouldn't be affected by sandbox directives in `<meta>`.
async_test(t => {
const worker = new Worker("support/post-origin-on-load-worker.js");
worker.onerror = t.unreached_func("Worker construction failed");
worker.onmessage = t.step_func_done(e => {
assert_equals(e.data, "{{location[scheme]}}://{{location[host]}}");
}, "Worker shouldn't be sandboxed by inheriting <meta>");
parent.async_test(t => {
// Although <iframe about:blank> should inherit parent's CSP,
// sandbox directives in <meta> should be ignored in the first place,
// so workers created from such <iframe>s shouldn't also be sandboxed.
const iframeDocument = document.querySelector("#iframe").contentDocument;
const script = iframeDocument.createElement("script");
script.innerText = `
const worker = new Worker("support/post-origin-on-load-worker.js");
worker.onerror = () => parent.postMessage("onerror", "*");
worker.onmessage = (e) => parent.postMessage(e.data, "*");
// Receive message from <iframe>.
onmessage = t.step_func_done(e => {
assert_equals(e.data, "{{location[scheme]}}://{{location[host]}}");
}, "Worker shouldn't be sandboxed when created <iframe> inheriting parent's CSP with sandbox <meta>");