
// Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/buffer.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/hmac.h>

#include <grpc/support/alloc.h>

#include "src/core/tsi/alts/crypt/gsec.h"

constexpr size_t kKdfKeyLen =;
constexpr size_t kKdfCounterLen =;
constexpr size_t kKdfCounterOffset =;
constexpr size_t kRekeyAeadKeyLen =;

// Struct for additional data required if rekeying is enabled.
struct gsec_aes_gcm_aead_rekey_data {};

// Main struct for AES_GCM crypter interface.
struct gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter {};

static char* aes_gcm_get_openssl_errors() {}

static void aes_gcm_format_errors(const char* error_msg, char** error_details) {}

static grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_max_ciphertext_and_tag_length(
    const gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, size_t plaintext_length,
    size_t* max_ciphertext_and_tag_length, char** error_details) {}

static grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_max_plaintext_length(
    const gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, size_t ciphertext_and_tag_length,
    size_t* max_plaintext_length, char** error_details) {}

static grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_nonce_length(
    const gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, size_t* nonce_length,
    char** error_details) {}

static grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_key_length(
    const gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, size_t* key_length,
    char** error_details) {}

static grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_tag_length(
    const gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, size_t* tag_length,
    char** error_details) {}

static void aes_gcm_mask_nonce(uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* nonce,
                               const uint8_t* mask) {}

static grpc_status_code aes_gcm_derive_aead_key(uint8_t* dst,
                                                const uint8_t* kdf_key,
                                                const uint8_t* kdf_counter) {}

static grpc_status_code aes_gcm_rekey_if_required(
    gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter* aes_gcm_crypter, const uint8_t* nonce,
    char** error_details) {}

static grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_encrypt_iovec(
    gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, const uint8_t* nonce, size_t nonce_length,
    const struct iovec* aad_vec, size_t aad_vec_length,
    const struct iovec* plaintext_vec, size_t plaintext_vec_length,
    struct iovec ciphertext_vec, size_t* ciphertext_bytes_written,
    char** error_details) {}

static grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_decrypt_iovec(
    gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, const uint8_t* nonce, size_t nonce_length,
    const struct iovec* aad_vec, size_t aad_vec_length,
    const struct iovec* ciphertext_vec, size_t ciphertext_vec_length,
    struct iovec plaintext_vec, size_t* plaintext_bytes_written,
    char** error_details) {}

static void gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_destroy(gsec_aead_crypter* crypter) {}

static const gsec_aead_crypter_vtable vtable =;

static grpc_status_code aes_gcm_new_evp_cipher_ctx(
    gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter* aes_gcm_crypter, char** error_details) {}

grpc_status_code gsec_aes_gcm_aead_crypter_create(const uint8_t* key,
                                                  size_t key_length,
                                                  size_t nonce_length,
                                                  size_t tag_length, bool rekey,
                                                  gsec_aead_crypter** crypter,
                                                  char** error_details) {}