
// Copyright 2018 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>

#include "src/core/tsi/alts/zero_copy_frame_protector/alts_iovec_record_protocol.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <grpc/support/alloc.h>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>

#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/crash.h"
#include "src/core/tsi/alts/frame_protector/alts_counter.h"

struct alts_iovec_record_protocol {};

// Copies error message to destination.
static void maybe_copy_error_msg(const char* src, char** dst) {}

// Appends error message to destination.
static void maybe_append_error_msg(const char* appendix, char** dst) {}

// Use little endian to interpret a string of bytes as uint32_t.
static uint32_t load_32_le(const unsigned char* buffer) {}

// Store uint32_t as a string of little endian bytes.
static void store_32_le(uint32_t value, unsigned char* buffer) {}

// Ensures header and tag iovec have sufficient length.
static grpc_status_code ensure_header_and_tag_length(
    const alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, iovec_t header, iovec_t tag,
    char** error_details) {}

// Increments crypter counter and checks overflow.
static grpc_status_code increment_counter(alts_counter* counter,
                                          char** error_details) {}

// Given an array of iovec, computes the total length of buffer.
static size_t get_total_length(const iovec_t* vec, size_t vec_length) {}

// Writes frame header given data and tag length.
static grpc_status_code write_frame_header(size_t data_length,
                                           unsigned char* header,
                                           char** error_details) {}

// Verifies frame header given protected data length.
static grpc_status_code verify_frame_header(size_t data_length,
                                            unsigned char* header,
                                            char** error_details) {}

// --- alts_iovec_record_protocol methods implementation. ---

size_t alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_header_length() {}

size_t alts_iovec_record_protocol_get_tag_length(
    const alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp) {}

size_t alts_iovec_record_protocol_max_unprotected_data_size(
    const alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, size_t max_protected_frame_size) {}

grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_integrity_only_protect(
    alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, const iovec_t* unprotected_vec,
    size_t unprotected_vec_length, iovec_t header, iovec_t tag,
    char** error_details) {}

grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_integrity_only_unprotect(
    alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, const iovec_t* protected_vec,
    size_t protected_vec_length, iovec_t header, iovec_t tag,
    char** error_details) {}

grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_privacy_integrity_protect(
    alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, const iovec_t* unprotected_vec,
    size_t unprotected_vec_length, iovec_t protected_frame,
    char** error_details) {}

grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_privacy_integrity_unprotect(
    alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp, iovec_t header,
    const iovec_t* protected_vec, size_t protected_vec_length,
    iovec_t unprotected_data, char** error_details) {}

grpc_status_code alts_iovec_record_protocol_create(
    gsec_aead_crypter* crypter, size_t overflow_size, bool is_client,
    bool is_integrity_only, bool is_protect, alts_iovec_record_protocol** rp,
    char** error_details) {}

void alts_iovec_record_protocol_destroy(alts_iovec_record_protocol* rp) {}