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    <title>Test cookie attribute parsing with control characters</title>
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      const host = "{{host}}";
      const path = "/cookies/attributes";

      // Tests for control characters (CTLs) in a cookie's attribute values.
      // CTLs are defined by RFC 5234 to be %x00-1F / %x7F.
      const CTLS = getCtlCharacters();

      // All CTLs, with the exception of %x09 (the tab character), should
      // cause the cookie to be rejected.
      // In these tests we rely on subsequent attributes with the same name
      // overriding the earlier one. In the cases where the control character
      // should cause the entire cookie line to be rejected, if the control
      // character were not present the cookie line should be one that
      // would not be rejected. That way, if the attribute value is ignored
      // instead of the cookie line being rejected, the test will catch it.
      for (const ctl of CTLS) {
        const controlCharacterAttributeTests = [
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}domain=t; Domain=test${ctl.chr}.co; Domain=${host};`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} in Domain attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}domain2=t; Domain=${host}${ctl.chr};`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} after Domain attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}path=t; Path=/te${ctl.chr}st; Path=${path}`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} in Path attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}path2=t; Path=${path}${ctl.chr};`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} after Path attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}maxage=t; Max-Age=10${ctl.chr}00; Max-Age=1000;`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} in Max-Age attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}maxage2=t; Max-Age=1000${ctl.chr};`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} after Max-Age attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}expires=t; Expires=Fri, 01 Jan 20${ctl.chr}38 00:00:00 GMT; ` +
              'Expires=Fri, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT;',
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} in Expires attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}expires2=t; Expires=Fri, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT${ctl.chr};`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} after Expires attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}secure=t; Sec${ctl.chr}ure;`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} in Secure attribute is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}secure2=t; Secure${ctl.chr};`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} after Secure attribute is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}httponly=t; Http${ctl.chr}Only;`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} in HttpOnly attribute is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}samesite=t; SameSite=La${ctl.chr}x; SameSite=Lax;`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} in SameSite attribute value is handled correctly.`,
            cookie: `test${ctl.code}samesite2=t; SameSite=Lax${ctl.chr};`,
            name: `Cookie with %x${ctl.code.toString(16)} after SameSite attribute value is handled correctly.`,

        for (const test of controlCharacterAttributeTests) {
          if (ctl.code === 0x09) {
            domCookieTest(test.cookie, test.cookie.split(";")[0],;
          } else {
            domCookieTest(test.cookie, "",;