
<!doctype html>
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    <title>Test cookie path attribute parsing</title>
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    <script src="/cookies/resources/cookie-test.js"></script>
      const pathTests = [
          cookie: "test=1; Path",
          expected: "test=1",
          name: "Set cookie for bare Path",
          cookie: "test=2; Path=",
          expected: "test=2",
          name: "Set cookie for Path=",
          cookie: "test=3; Path=/",
          expected: "test=3",
          name: "Set cookie for Path=/",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: "test=4; Path=/qux",
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for mismatched path",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: "test=5; Path    =/qux",
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for path space equals mismatched path",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: "test=6; Path=    /qux",
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for path equals space mismatched path",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: "test=7; Path=/qux      ; taz",
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for mismatched path and attribute",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: "test=8; Path=/qux; Path=/",
          expected: "test=8",
          name: "Set cookie for mismatched and root path",
          cookie: "test=9; Path=/; Path=/qux",
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for root and mismatched path",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: "test=10; Path=/lol; Path=/qux",
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for multiple mismatched paths",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["testA=11; path=/", "testB=11; path=/cookies/attributes"],
          expected: "testB=11; testA=11",
          name: "Return 2 cookies sorted by matching path length (earlier name with shorter path set first)",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["testB=12; path=/", "testA=12; path=/cookies/attributes"],
          expected: "testA=12; testB=12",
          name: "Return 2 cookies sorted by matching path length (later name with shorter path set first)",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["testA=13; path=/cookies/attributes", "testB=13; path=/"],
          expected: "testA=13; testB=13",
          name: "Return 2 cookies sorted by matching path length (earlier name with longer path set first)",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["testB=14; path=/cookies/attributes", "testA=14; path=/"],
          expected: "testB=14; testA=14",
          name: "Return 2 cookies sorted by matching path length (later name with longer path set first)",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["test=15; path=/cookies/attributes/foo"],
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for partial path match",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["test=16", "test=0; path=/cookies/attributes/foo"],
          expected: "test=16",
          name: "No cookie returned for partial path match, return cookie for default path",
          cookie: ["test=17; path= /"],
          expected: "test=17",
          name: "Return cookie for path= / (whitespace after equals)",
          cookie: ["test=18; path=/cookies/ATTRIBUTES"],
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for case mismatched path",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["testA=19; 	path	=	/cookies/attributes", "testB=19; 	path	=	/book"],
          expected: "testA=19",
          name: "Return cookie A on path match, no cookie returned for path mismatch (plus whitespace)",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["test=20; path=; path=/dog"],
          expected: "",
          name: "No cookie returned for mismatched path (after bare path=)",
          defaultPath: false,
          cookie: ["test=21; path=/dog; path="],
          expected: "test=21",
          name: "Return cookie for bare path= (after mismatched path)",

      for (const test of pathTests) {
        httpCookieTest(test.cookie, test.expected,, test.defaultPath);