// Set up exciting global variables for cookie tests.
(_ => {
var HOST = "{{host}}";
var INSECURE_PORT = ":{{ports[http][0]}}";
var SECURE_PORT = ":{{ports[https][0]}}";
var CROSS_ORIGIN_HOST = "{{hosts[alt][]}}";
//For secure cookie verification
window.SECURE_ORIGIN = "https://" + HOST + SECURE_PORT;
//standard references
window.SECURE_SUBDOMAIN_ORIGIN = "https://{{domains[www1]}}" + SECURE_PORT;
// Set the global cookie name.
window.HTTP_COOKIE = "cookie_via_http";
// A tiny helper which returns the result of fetching |url| with credentials.
function credFetch(url) {
return fetch(url, {"credentials": "include"})
.then(response => {
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(response.statusText);
return response;
// Returns a URL on |origin| which redirects to a given absolute URL.
function redirectTo(origin, url) {
return origin + "/cookies/resources/redirectWithCORSHeaders.py?status=307&location=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
// Returns a URL on |origin| which navigates the window to the given URL (by
// setting window.location).
function navigateTo(origin, url) {
return origin + "/cookies/resources/navigate.html?location=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
// Returns whether a cookie with name `name` with value `value` is in the cookie
// string (presumably obtained via document.cookie).
function cookieStringHasCookie(name, value, cookieString) {
return new RegExp(`(?:^|; )${name}=${value}(?:$|;)`).test(cookieString);
// Asserts that `document.cookie` contains or does not contain (according to
// the value of |present|) a cookie named |name| with a value of |value|.
function assert_dom_cookie(name, value, present) {
assert_equals(cookieStringHasCookie(name, value, document.cookie), present, "`" + name + "=" + value + "` in `document.cookie`");
function assert_cookie(origin, obj, name, value, present) {
assert_equals(obj[name], present ? value : undefined, "`" + name + "=" + value + "` in request to `" + origin + "`.");
// Remove the cookie named |name| from |origin|, then set it on |origin| anew.
// If |origin| matches `self.origin`, also assert (via `document.cookie`) that
// the cookie was correctly removed and reset.
async function create_cookie(origin, name, value, extras) {
alert("Create_cookie: " + origin + "/cookies/resources/drop.py?name=" + name);
await credFetch(origin + "/cookies/resources/drop.py?name=" + name);
if (origin == self.origin)
assert_dom_cookie(name, value, false);
await credFetch(origin + "/cookies/resources/set.py?" + name + "=" + value + ";path=/;" + extras);
if (origin == self.origin)
assert_dom_cookie(name, value, true);
// Prefix-specific test helpers
function set_prefixed_cookie_via_dom_test(options) {
promise_test(t => {
var name = options.prefix + "prefixtestcookie";
erase_cookie_from_js(name, options.params);
t.add_cleanup(() => erase_cookie_from_js(name, options.params));
var value = "" + Math.random();
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";" + options.params;
assert_dom_cookie(name, value, options.shouldExistInDOM);
return credFetch("/cookies/resources/list.py")
.then(r => r.json())
.then(cookies => assert_equals(cookies[name], options.shouldExistViaHTTP ? value : undefined));
}, options.title);
function set_prefixed_cookie_via_http_test(options) {
promise_test(t => {
var name = options.prefix + "prefixtestcookie";
var value = "" + Math.random();
t.add_cleanup(() => {
var cookie = name + "=0;expires=" + new Date(0).toUTCString() + ";" +
return credFetch(options.origin + "/cookies/resources/set.py?" + cookie);
return credFetch(options.origin + "/cookies/resources/set.py?" + name + "=" + value + ";" + options.params)
.then(_ => credFetch(options.origin + "/cookies/resources/list.py"))
.then(r => r.json())
.then(cookies => assert_equals(cookies[name], options.shouldExistViaHTTP ? value : undefined));
}, options.title);
// SameSite-specific test helpers:
// status for "network" cookies.
window.SameSiteStatus = {
CROSS_SITE: "cross-site",
LAX: "lax",
STRICT: "strict"
// status for "document.cookie".
window.DomSameSiteStatus = {
CROSS_SITE: "cross-site",
SAME_SITE: "same-site",
const wait_for_message = (type, origin) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
window.addEventListener('message', e => {
if (origin && e.origin != origin) {
reject("Message from unexpected origin in wait_for_message:" + e.origin);
if (e.data.type && e.data.type === type)
}, { once: true });
// Reset SameSite test cookies on |origin|. If |origin| matches `self.origin`, assert
// (via `document.cookie`) that they were properly removed and reset.
async function resetSameSiteCookies(origin, value) {
let w = window.open(origin + "/cookies/samesite/resources/puppet.html");
try {
await wait_for_message("READY", origin);
w.postMessage({type: "drop", useOwnOrigin: true}, "*");
await wait_for_message("drop-complete", origin);
if (origin == self.origin) {
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_strict", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_lax", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_none", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_unspecified", value, false);
w.postMessage({type: "set", value: value, useOwnOrigin: true}, "*");
await wait_for_message("set-complete", origin);
if (origin == self.origin) {
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_strict", value, true);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_lax", value, true);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_none", value, true);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_unspecified", value, true);
} finally {
// Given an |expectedStatus| and |expectedValue|, assert the |cookies| contains
// the proper set of cookie names and values. Expects SameSite-Lax-by-default.
function verifySameSiteCookieState(expectedStatus, expectedValue, cookies, domCookieStatus) {
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_none"], expectedValue, "SameSite=None cookies are always sent.");
if (expectedStatus == SameSiteStatus.CROSS_SITE) {
assert_not_equals(cookies["samesite_strict"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Strict cookies are not sent with cross-site requests.");
assert_not_equals(cookies["samesite_lax"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Lax cookies are not sent with cross-site requests.");
assert_not_equals(cookies["samesite_unspecified"], expectedValue, "Unspecified-SameSite cookies are not sent with cross-site requests.");
} else if (expectedStatus == SameSiteStatus.LAX) {
assert_not_equals(cookies["samesite_strict"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Strict cookies are not sent with lax requests.");
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_lax"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Lax cookies are sent with lax requests.");
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_unspecified"], expectedValue, "Unspecified-SameSite cookies are are sent with lax requests.")
} else if (expectedStatus == SameSiteStatus.STRICT) {
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_strict"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Strict cookies are sent with strict requests.");
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_lax"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Lax cookies are sent with strict requests.");
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_unspecified"], expectedValue, "Unspecified-SameSite cookies are are sent with strict requests.")
if (cookies["domcookies"]) {
verifyDocumentCookieSameSite(domCookieStatus, expectedValue, cookies['domcookies']);
function verifyDocumentCookieSameSite(expectedStatus, expectedValue, domcookies) {
const cookies = domcookies.split(";")
.map(cookie => cookie.trim().split("="))
.reduce((obj, cookie) => {
obj[cookie[0]] = cookie[1];
return obj;
}, {});
if (expectedStatus == DomSameSiteStatus.SAME_SITE) {
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_none"], expectedValue, "SameSite=None cookies are always included in document.cookie.");
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_unspecified"], expectedValue, "Unspecified-SameSite cookies are always included in document.cookie.");
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_strict"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Strict cookies are always included in document.cookie.");
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_lax"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Lax cookies are always included in document.cookie.");
} else if (expectedStatus == DomSameSiteStatus.CROSS_SITE) {
assert_equals(cookies["samesite_none"], expectedValue, "SameSite=None cookies are always included in document.cookie.");
assert_not_equals(cookies["samesite_unspecified"], expectedValue, "Unspecified-SameSite cookies are not included in document.cookie when cross-site.");
assert_not_equals(cookies["samesite_strict"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Strict cookies are not included in document.cookie when cross-site.");
assert_not_equals(cookies["samesite_lax"], expectedValue, "SameSite=Lax cookies are not included in document.cookie when cross-site.");
// LeaveSecureCookiesAlone-specific test helpers:
window.SecureStatus = {
//Reset SameSite test cookies on |origin|. If |origin| matches `self.origin`, assert
//(via `document.cookie`) that they were properly removed and reset.
function resetSecureCookies(origin, value) {
return credFetch(origin + "/cookies/resources/dropSecure.py")
.then(_ => {
if (origin == self.origin) {
assert_dom_cookie("alone_secure", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("alone_insecure", value, false);
.then(_ => {
return credFetch(origin + "/cookie/resources/setSecure.py?" + value)
// Reset SameSite=None test cookies on |origin|. If |origin| matches
// `self.origin`, assert (via `document.cookie`) that they were properly
// removed.
function resetSameSiteNoneCookies(origin, value) {
return credFetch(origin + "/cookies/resources/dropSameSiteNone.py")
.then(_ => {
if (origin == self.origin) {
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_none_insecure", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_none_secure", value, false);
.then(_ => {
return credFetch(origin + "/cookies/resources/setSameSiteNone.py?" + value);
// Reset test cookies with multiple SameSite attributes on |origin|.
// If |origin| matches `self.origin`, assert (via `document.cookie`)
// that they were properly removed.
function resetSameSiteMultiAttributeCookies(origin, value) {
return credFetch(origin + "/cookies/resources/dropSameSiteMultiAttribute.py")
.then(_ => {
if (origin == self.origin) {
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_unsupported", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_unsupported_none", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_unsupported_lax", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_unsupported_strict", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_none_unsupported", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_lax_unsupported", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_strict_unsupported", value, false);
assert_dom_cookie("samesite_lax_none", value, false);
.then(_ => {
return credFetch(origin + "/cookies/resources/setSameSiteMultiAttribute.py?" + value);
// DOM based cookie manipulation APIs
// erase cookie value and set for expiration
function erase_cookie_from_js(name, params) {
document.cookie = `${name}=0; expires=${new Date(0).toUTCString()}; ${params};`;
var re = new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + name);
assert_equals(re.test(document.cookie), false, "Sanity check: " + name + " has been deleted.");