<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Test cookie attribute size restrictions</title>
<meta name=help href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-rfc6265bis#section-5.4">
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
<script src="/cookies/resources/cookie-test.js"></script>
<div id=log></div>
const host = "{{host}}";
const attrSizeTests = [
cookie: `test=1; path=/cookies/size; path=/cookies/siz${"e".repeat(1024)}`,
expected: "test=1",
name: "Too long path attribute (>1024 bytes) is ignored; previous valid path wins.",
defaultPath: false,
cookie: `test=2; path=/cookies/siz${"e".repeat(1024)}; path=/cookies/size`,
expected: "test=2",
name: "Too long path attribute (>1024 bytes) is ignored; next valid path wins.",
defaultPath: false,
// Look for the cookie using the default path to ensure that it
// doesn't show up if the path attribute actually takes effect.
cookie: `test=3; path=/${"a".repeat(1023)};`,
expected: "",
name: "Max size path attribute (1024 bytes) is not ignored",
// Look for the cookie using the default path to ensure that it
// shows up if the path is ignored.
cookie: `test=4; path=/${"a".repeat(1024)};`,
expected: "test=4",
name: "Too long path attribute (>1024 bytes) is ignored",
// This page opens on the www subdomain, so we set domain to {{host}}
// to see if anything works as expected. Using a valid domain other
// than ${host} will cause the cookie to fail to be set.
// NOTE: the domain we use for testing here is technically invalid per
// the RFCs that define the format of domain names, but currently
// neither RFC6265bis or the major browsers enforce those restrictions
// when parsing cookie domain attributes. If that changes, update these
// tests.
cookie: `test=5; domain=${host}; domain=${"a".repeat(1024)}.com`,
expected: "test=5",
name: "Too long domain attribute (>1024 bytes) is ignored; previous valid domain wins.",
cookie: `test=6; domain=${"a".repeat(1024)}.com; domain=${host}`,
expected: "test=6",
name: "Too long domain attribute (>1024 bytes) is ignored; next valid domain wins.",
cookie: `test=7; domain=${"a".repeat(1020)}.com;`,
expected: "",
name: "Max size domain attribute (1024 bytes) is not ignored"
cookie: `test=8; domain=${"a".repeat(1021)}.com;`,
expected: "test=8",
name: "Too long domain attribute (>1024 bytes) is ignored"
cookie: cookieStringWithNameAndValueLengths(2048, 2048) +
`; domain=${"a".repeat(1020)}.com; domain=${host}`,
expected: cookieStringWithNameAndValueLengths(2048, 2048),
name: "Set cookie with max size name/value pair and max size attribute value",
// RFC6265bis doesn't specify a maximum size of the entire Set-Cookie
// header, although some browsers do
cookie: cookieStringWithNameAndValueLengths(2048, 2048) +
`; domain=${"a".repeat(1020)}.com` +
`; domain=${"a".repeat(1020)}.com` +
`; domain=${"a".repeat(1020)}.com` +
`; domain=${"a".repeat(1020)}.com; domain=${host}`,
expected: cookieStringWithNameAndValueLengths(2048, 2048),
name: "Set cookie with max size name/value pair and multiple max size attributes (>8k bytes total)",
cookie: `test=11; max-age=${"1".repeat(1024)};`,
expected: "test=11",
name: "Max length Max-Age attribute value (1024 bytes) doesn't cause cookie rejection"
cookie: `test=12; max-age=${"1".repeat(1025)};`,
expected: "test=12",
name: "Too long Max-Age attribute value (>1024 bytes) doesn't cause cookie rejection"
cookie: `test=13; max-age=-${"1".repeat(1023)};`,
expected: "",
name: "Max length negative Max-Age attribute value (1024 bytes) doesn't get ignored"
cookie: `test=14; max-age=-${"1".repeat(1024)};`,
expected: "test=14",
name: "Too long negative Max-Age attribute value (>1024 bytes) gets ignored"
for (const test of attrSizeTests) {
httpCookieTest(test.cookie, test.expected, test.name, test.defaultPath);