// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.omaha;
import android.util.Xml;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer;
import org.chromium.base.test.BaseRobolectricTestRunner;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Batch;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringWriter;
/** Unit tests for the Omaha ResponseParser. */
@Config(manifest = Config.NONE)
public class ResponseParserTest {
// Note that the Omaha server appends "/" to the end of the URL codebase.
private static final String STRIPPED_URL =
private static final String URL = STRIPPED_URL + "/";
private static final String NEXT_VERSION = "";
private static final String APP_STATUS_OK = "ok";
private static final String APP_STATUS_RESTRICTED = "restricted";
private static final String APP_STATUS_ERROR = "error-whatever-else";
private static final String UPDATE_STATUS_OK = "ok";
private static final String UPDATE_STATUS_NOUPDATE = "noupdate";
private static final String UPDATE_STATUS_ERROR = "error-osnotsupported";
private static final String UPDATE_STATUS_WTF = "omgwtfbbq";
* Create XML for testing.
* @param xmlProtocol Version number of the protocol. Expected to be "3.0" for valid XML.
* @param elapsedSeconds Number of seconds since server midnight.
* @param appStatus Status to use for the <app> element.
* @param addInstall Whether or not to add an install event.
* @param addPing Whether or not to add a ping event.
* @param updateStatus Status to use for the <updatecheck> element.
* @return The completed XML.
private static String createTestXML(
String xmlProtocol,
String elapsedDays,
String elapsedSeconds,
String appStatus,
boolean addInstall,
boolean addPing,
String updateStatus,
String updateUrl) {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
try {
XmlSerializer serializer = Xml.newSerializer();
serializer.startDocument("UTF-8", true);
// Set up <response ...>
serializer.startTag(null, "response");
serializer.attribute(null, "server", "prod");
if (xmlProtocol != null) {
serializer.attribute(null, "protocol", xmlProtocol);
// Create <daystart> element.
if (elapsedSeconds != null || elapsedDays != null) {
serializer.startTag(null, "daystart");
if (elapsedDays != null) {
serializer.attribute(null, "elapsed_days", elapsedDays);
if (elapsedSeconds != null) {
serializer.attribute(null, "elapsed_seconds", elapsedSeconds);
serializer.endTag(null, "daystart");
// Create <app> element with unused attribute.
serializer.startTag(null, "app");
serializer.attribute(null, "appid", "{APP_ID}");
serializer.attribute(null, "status", appStatus);
serializer.attribute(null, "unused", "attribute");
if (addInstall) {
serializer.startTag(null, "event");
serializer.attribute(null, "status", "ok");
serializer.endTag(null, "event");
if (addPing) {
serializer.startTag(null, "ping");
serializer.attribute(null, "status", "ok");
serializer.endTag(null, "ping");
if (updateStatus != null) {
serializer.startTag(null, "updatecheck");
serializer.attribute(null, "status", updateStatus);
if (UPDATE_STATUS_OK.equals(updateStatus)) {
createUpdateXML(serializer, updateUrl);
serializer.endTag(null, "updatecheck");
serializer.endTag(null, "app");
// Create extraneous tag.
serializer.startTag(null, "extraneous");
serializer.attribute(null, "useless", "yes");
serializer.endTag(null, "extraneous");
serializer.endTag(null, "response");
} catch (IOException e) {
Assert.fail("Caught an IOException creating the XML: " + e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Assert.fail("Caught an IllegalArgumentException creating the XML: " + e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
Assert.fail("Caught an IllegalStateException creating the XML: " + e);
return writer.toString();
private static void createUpdateXML(XmlSerializer serializer, String updateUrl)
throws IOException {
// End result should look something like:
// <updatecheck status="ok">
// <urls>
// <url codebase="URL" />
// </urls>
// <manifest garbage="attribute" version="NEXT_VERSION">
// <packages>
// <package hash="0" name="dummy.apk" required="true" size="0" />
// </packages>
// <actions>
// <action event="install" run="dummy.apk" />
// <action event="postinstall" />
// </actions>
// </manifest>
// <better be="ignored" />
// </updatecheck>
// Create <urls> and its descendants.
serializer.startTag(null, "urls");
if (updateUrl != null) {
serializer.startTag(null, "url");
serializer.attribute(null, "codebase", updateUrl);
serializer.endTag(null, "url");
serializer.endTag(null, "urls");
// Create <manifest> and its descendants.
serializer.startTag(null, "manifest");
serializer.attribute(null, "garbage", "attribute");
serializer.attribute(null, "version", NEXT_VERSION);
// Create <packages> and its children.
serializer.startTag(null, "packages");
serializer.startTag(null, "package");
serializer.attribute(null, "hash", "0");
serializer.attribute(null, "name", "dummy.apk");
serializer.attribute(null, "required", "true");
serializer.attribute(null, "size", "0");
serializer.endTag(null, "package");
serializer.endTag(null, "packages");
// Create <actions> and its children.
serializer.startTag(null, "actions");
serializer.startTag(null, "action");
serializer.attribute(null, "event", "install");
serializer.attribute(null, "run", "dummy.apk");
serializer.endTag(null, "action");
serializer.startTag(null, "action");
serializer.attribute(null, "event", "postinstall");
serializer.endTag(null, "action");
serializer.endTag(null, "actions");
serializer.endTag(null, "manifest");
// Create a dummy element for testing to make sure it's ignored.
serializer.startTag(null, "dummy");
serializer.attribute(null, "hopefully", "ignored");
serializer.endTag(null, "dummy");
* Runs a test that is expected to pass.
* @param appStatus Status to use for the <app> element.
* @param addInstall Whether or not to add an install event.
* @param addPing Whether or not to add a ping.
* @param updateStatus Status to use for the <updatecheck> element.
* @throws RequestFailureException Thrown if the test fails.
private static void runSuccessTest(
String appStatus, boolean addInstall, boolean addPing, String updateStatus)
throws RequestFailureException {
String xml =
"3.0", "4088", "12345", appStatus, addInstall, addPing, updateStatus, URL);
ResponseParser parser =
new ResponseParser(true, "{APP_ID}", addInstall, addPing, updateStatus != null);
OmahaBase.VersionConfig versionConfig = parser.parseResponse(xml);
Assert.assertEquals("elapsed_seconds doesn't match.", 12345, parser.getDaystartSeconds());
Assert.assertEquals("elapsed_days doesn't match.", 4088, parser.getDaystartDays());
Assert.assertEquals("<app> status doesn't match.", appStatus, parser.getAppStatus());
"<updatecheck> status doesn't match.", updateStatus, parser.getUpdateStatus());
if (UPDATE_STATUS_OK.equals(updateStatus)) {
Assert.assertEquals("Version number doesn't match.", "", parser.getNewVersion());
Assert.assertEquals("Market URL doesn't match.", STRIPPED_URL, parser.getURL());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("Version number doesn't match.", null, parser.getNewVersion());
Assert.assertEquals("Market URL doesn't match.", null, parser.getURL());
"Version number doesn't match.",
Assert.assertEquals("URL doesn't match.", versionConfig.downloadUrl, parser.getURL());
* Runs a test that is expected to fail in a particular way.
* @param xml XML to parse.
* @param expectedErrorCode Expected error code.
* @param expectInstall Whether or not the parser should expect an install event.
* @param expectPing Whether or not the parser should expect a ping element.
* @param expectUpdate Whether or not the parser should expect an update check.
private static void runFailureTest(
String xml,
int expectedErrorCode,
boolean expectInstall,
boolean expectPing,
boolean expectUpdate) {
ResponseParser parser =
new ResponseParser(true, "{APP_ID}", expectInstall, expectPing, expectUpdate);
try {
} catch (RequestFailureException e) {
Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect error code received.", expectedErrorCode, e.errorCode);
Assert.fail("Failed to throw RequestFailureException for bad XML.");
public void testValidAllTypes() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_OK, true, true, UPDATE_STATUS_OK);
public void testValidNoInstall() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_OK, false, true, UPDATE_STATUS_OK);
public void testValidNoPing() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_OK, true, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK);
public void testValidNoUpdatecheck() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_OK, true, true, null);
public void testValidUpdatecheckNoUpdate() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_NOUPDATE);
public void testValidUpdatecheckError() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_ERROR);
public void testValidUpdatecheckUnknown() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_WTF);
public void testValidAppStatusRestricted() throws RequestFailureException {
runSuccessTest(APP_STATUS_RESTRICTED, false, false, null);
public void testFailBogusResponse() {
String xml = "Bogus";
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_MALFORMED_XML, false, false, false);
public void testBadResponseProtocol() {
String xml =
"2.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_RESPONSE, false, false, false);
public void testFailMissingDaystart() {
String xml =
"3.0", null, null, APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_DAYSTART, false, false, true);
public void testFailMissingDaystartSeconds() {
String xml =
"3.0", "4088", null, APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_DAYSTART, false, false, true);
public void testFailMissingDaystartDays() {
String xml =
"3.0", null, "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_DAYSTART, false, false, true);
public void testAppTagMissingUpdatecheck() {
String xml = createTestXML("3.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, true, false, null, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_UPDATECHECK, true, false, true);
public void testAppTagUnexpectedUpdatecheck() {
String xml =
"3.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, true, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_UPDATECHECK, true, false, false);
public void testAppTagMissingPing() {
String xml =
"3.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_PING, false, true, true);
public void testAppTagUnexpectedPing() {
String xml =
"3.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, false, true, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_PING, false, false, true);
public void testAppTagMissingInstall() {
String xml =
"3.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, false, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_EVENT, true, false, true);
public void testAppTagUnexpectedInstall() {
String xml =
"3.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_OK, true, false, UPDATE_STATUS_OK, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_EVENT, false, false, true);
public void testAppTagStatusError() {
String xml =
createTestXML("3.0", "4088", "12345", APP_STATUS_ERROR, false, false, null, URL);
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_APP, false, false, false);
public void testUpdatecheckMissingUrl() {
String xml =
runFailureTest(xml, RequestFailureException.ERROR_PARSE_URLS, false, false, true);