
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Decimal Number arithmetic module                                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Copyright (c) IBM Corporation, 2000-2014.  All rights reserved.    */
/*                                                                    */
/* This software is made available under the terms of the             */
/* ICU License -- ICU 1.8.1 and later.                                */
/*                                                                    */
/* The description and User's Guide ("The decNumber C Library") for   */
/* this software is called decNumber.pdf.  This document is           */
/* available, together with arithmetic and format specifications,     */
/* testcases, and Web links, on the General Decimal Arithmetic page.  */
/*                                                                    */
/* Please send comments, suggestions, and corrections to the author:  */
/*   [email protected]                                                   */
/*   Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow                                       */
/*   IBM UK, PO Box 31, Birmingham Road, Warwick CV34 5JL, UK         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Modified version, for use from within ICU.
 *    Renamed public functions, to avoid an unwanted export of the 
 *    standard names from the ICU library.
 *    Use ICU's uprv_malloc() and uprv_free()
 *    Revert comment syntax to plain C
 *    Remove a few compiler warnings.

/* This module comprises the routines for arbitrary-precision General */
/* Decimal Arithmetic as defined in the specification which may be    */
/* found on the General Decimal Arithmetic pages.  It implements both */
/* the full ('extended') arithmetic and the simpler ('subset')        */
/* arithmetic.                                                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* Usage notes:                                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* 1. This code is ANSI C89 except:                                   */
/*                                                                    */
/*    a) C99 line comments (double forward slash) are used.  (Most C  */
/*       compilers accept these.  If yours does not, a simple script  */
/*       can be used to convert them to ANSI C comments.)             */
/*                                                                    */
/*    b) Types from C99 stdint.h are used.  If you do not have this   */
/*       header file, see the User's Guide section of the decNumber   */
/*       documentation; this lists the necessary definitions.         */
/*                                                                    */
/*    c) If DECDPUN>4 or DECUSE64=1, the C99 64-bit int64_t and       */
/*       uint64_t types may be used.  To avoid these, set DECUSE64=0  */
/*       and DECDPUN<=4 (see documentation).                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*    The code also conforms to C99 restrictions; in particular,      */
/*    strict aliasing rules are observed.                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* 2. The decNumber format which this library uses is optimized for   */
/*    efficient processing of relatively short numbers; in particular */
/*    it allows the use of fixed sized structures and minimizes copy  */
/*    and move operations.  It does, however, support arbitrary       */
/*    precision (up to 999,999,999 digits) and arbitrary exponent     */
/*    range (Emax in the range 0 through 999,999,999 and Emin in the  */
/*    range -999,999,999 through 0).  Mathematical functions (for     */
/*    example decNumberExp) as identified below are restricted more   */
/*    tightly: digits, emax, and -emin in the context must be <=      */
/*    DEC_MAX_MATH (999999), and their operand(s) must be within      */
/*    these bounds.                                                   */
/*                                                                    */
/* 3. Logical functions are further restricted; their operands must   */
/*    be finite, positive, have an exponent of zero, and all digits   */
/*    must be either 0 or 1.  The result will only contain digits     */
/*    which are 0 or 1 (and will have exponent=0 and a sign of 0).    */
/*                                                                    */
/* 4. Operands to operator functions are never modified unless they   */
/*    are also specified to be the result number (which is always     */
/*    permitted).  Other than that case, operands must not overlap.   */
/*                                                                    */
/* 5. Error handling: the type of the error is ORed into the status   */
/*    flags in the current context (decContext structure).  The       */
/*    SIGFPE signal is then raised if the corresponding trap-enabler  */
/*    flag in the decContext is set (is 1).                           */
/*                                                                    */
/*    It is the responsibility of the caller to clear the status      */
/*    flags as required.                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/*    The result of any routine which returns a number will always    */
/*    be a valid number (which may be a special value, such as an     */
/*    Infinity or NaN).                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* 6. The decNumber format is not an exchangeable concrete            */
/*    representation as it comprises fields which may be machine-     */
/*    dependent (packed or unpacked, or special length, for example). */
/*    Canonical conversions to and from strings are provided; other   */
/*    conversions are available in separate modules.                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* 7. Normally, input operands are assumed to be valid.  Set DECCHECK */
/*    to 1 for extended operand checking (including nullptr operands).   */
/*    Results are undefined if a badly-formed structure (or a nullptr    */
/*    pointer to a structure) is provided, though with DECCHECK       */
/*    enabled the operator routines are protected against exceptions. */
/*    (Except if the result pointer is nullptr, which is unrecoverable.) */
/*                                                                    */
/*    However, the routines will never cause exceptions if they are   */
/*    given well-formed operands, even if the value of the operands   */
/*    is inappropriate for the operation and DECCHECK is not set.     */
/*    (Except for SIGFPE, as and where documented.)                   */
/*                                                                    */
/* 8. Subset arithmetic is available only if DECSUBSET is set to 1.   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Implementation notes for maintenance of this module:               */
/*                                                                    */
/* 1. Storage leak protection:  Routines which use malloc are not     */
/*    permitted to use return for fastpath or error exits (i.e.,      */
/*    they follow strict structured programming conventions).         */
/*    Instead they have a do{}while(0); construct surrounding the     */
/*    code which is protected -- break may be used to exit this.      */
/*    Other routines can safely use the return statement inline.      */
/*                                                                    */
/*    Storage leak accounting can be enabled using DECALLOC.          */
/*                                                                    */
/* 2. All loops use the for(;;) construct.  Any do construct does     */
/*    not loop; it is for allocation protection as just described.    */
/*                                                                    */
/* 3. Setting status in the context must always be the very last      */
/*    action in a routine, as non-0 status may raise a trap and hence */
/*    the call to set status may not return (if the handler uses long */
/*    jump).  Therefore all cleanup must be done first.  In general,  */
/*    to achieve this status is accumulated and is only applied just  */
/*    before return by calling decContextSetStatus (via decStatus).   */
/*                                                                    */
/*    Routines which allocate storage cannot, in general, use the     */
/*    'top level' routines which could cause a non-returning          */
/*    transfer of control.  The decXxxxOp routines are safe (do not   */
/*    call decStatus even if traps are set in the context) and should */
/*    be used instead (they are also a little faster).                */
/*                                                                    */
/* 4. Exponent checking is minimized by allowing the exponent to      */
/*    grow outside its limits during calculations, provided that      */
/*    the decFinalize function is called later.  Multiplication and   */
/*    division, and intermediate calculations in exponentiation,      */
/*    require more careful checks because of the risk of 31-bit       */
/*    overflow (the most negative valid exponent is -1999999997, for  */
/*    a 999999999-digit number with adjusted exponent of -999999999). */
/*                                                                    */
/* 5. Rounding is deferred until finalization of results, with any    */
/*    'off to the right' data being represented as a single digit     */
/*    residue (in the range -1 through 9).  This avoids any double-   */
/*    rounding when more than one shortening takes place (for         */
/*    example, when a result is subnormal).                           */
/*                                                                    */
/* 6. The digits count is allowed to rise to a multiple of DECDPUN    */
/*    during many operations, so whole Units are handled and exact    */
/*    accounting of digits is not needed.  The correct digits value   */
/*    is found by decGetDigits, which accounts for leading zeros.     */
/*    This must be called before any rounding if the number of digits */
/*    is not known exactly.                                           */
/*                                                                    */
/* 7. The multiply-by-reciprocal 'trick' is used for partitioning     */
/*    numbers up to four digits, using appropriate constants.  This   */
/*    is not useful for longer numbers because overflow of 32 bits    */
/*    would lead to 4 multiplies, which is almost as expensive as     */
/*    a divide (unless a floating-point or 64-bit multiply is         */
/*    assumed to be available).                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* 8. Unusual abbreviations that may be used in the commentary:       */
/*      lhs -- left hand side (operand, of an operation)              */
/*      lsd -- least significant digit (of coefficient)               */
/*      lsu -- least significant Unit (of coefficient)                */
/*      msd -- most significant digit (of coefficient)                */
/*      msi -- most significant item (in an array)                    */
/*      msu -- most significant Unit (of coefficient)                 */
/*      rhs -- right hand side (operand, of an operation)             */
/*      +ve -- positive                                               */
/*      -ve -- negative                                               */
/*      **  -- raise to the power                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

#include <stdlib.h>                /* for malloc, free, etc.  */
/*  #include <stdio.h>   */        /* for printf [if needed]  */
#include <string.h>                /* for strcpy  */
#include <ctype.h>                 /* for lower  */
#include "cmemory.h"               /* for uprv_malloc, etc., in ICU */
#include "decNumber.h"             /* base number library  */
#include "decNumberLocal.h"        /* decNumber local types, etc.  */
#include "uassert.h"

/* Constants */
/* Public lookup table used by the D2U macro  */
static const uByte d2utable[DECMAXD2U+1]=;

#define DECVERB
#define powers

/* Local constants  */
#define DIVIDE
#define REMNEAR
#define COMPARE
#define COMPMAX
#define COMPMIN
#define COMPNAN
#define COMPSIG

#define DEC_sNaN
#define BADINT
/* Next two indicate an integer >= 10**6, and its parity (bottom bit)  */
#define BIGEVEN
#define BIGODD

static const Unit uarrone[1]=;   /* Unit array of 1, used for incrementing  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* round-for-reround digits                                           */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#if 0
static const uByte DECSTICKYTAB[10]={1,1,2,3,4,6,6,7,8,9}; /* used if sticky */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Powers of ten (powers[n]==10**n, 0<=n<=9)                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static const uInt DECPOWERS[10]=;

/* Granularity-dependent code */
#if DECDPUN<=4
  #define eInt
  #define ueInt
  /* Constant multipliers for divide-by-power-of five using reciprocal  */
  /* multiply, after removing powers of 2 by shifting, and final shift  */
  /* of 17 [we only need up to **4]  */
  static const uInt multies[]=;
  /* QUOT10 -- macro to return the quotient of unit u divided by 10**n  */
  #define QUOT10(u, n)
  /* For DECDPUN>4 non-ANSI-89 64-bit types are needed.  */
  #if !DECUSE64
    #error decNumber.c: DECUSE64 must be 1 when DECDPUN>4
  #define eInt
  #define ueInt

/* Local routines */
static decNumber * decAddOp(decNumber *, const decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              decContext *, uByte, uInt *);
static Flag        decBiStr(const char *, const char *, const char *);
static uInt        decCheckMath(const decNumber *, decContext *, uInt *);
static void        decApplyRound(decNumber *, decContext *, Int, uInt *);
static Int         decCompare(const decNumber *lhs, const decNumber *rhs, Flag);
static decNumber * decCompareOp(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              const decNumber *, decContext *,
                              Flag, uInt *);
static void        decCopyFit(decNumber *, const decNumber *, decContext *,
                              Int *, uInt *);
static decNumber * decDecap(decNumber *, Int);
static decNumber * decDivideOp(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              const decNumber *, decContext *, Flag, uInt *);
static decNumber * decExpOp(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              decContext *, uInt *);
static void        decFinalize(decNumber *, decContext *, Int *, uInt *);
static Int         decGetDigits(Unit *, Int);
static Int         decGetInt(const decNumber *);
static decNumber * decLnOp(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              decContext *, uInt *);
static decNumber * decMultiplyOp(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              const decNumber *, decContext *,
                              uInt *);
static decNumber * decNaNs(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              const decNumber *, decContext *, uInt *);
static decNumber * decQuantizeOp(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                              const decNumber *, decContext *, Flag,
                              uInt *);
static void        decReverse(Unit *, Unit *);
static void        decSetCoeff(decNumber *, decContext *, const Unit *,
                              Int, Int *, uInt *);
static void        decSetMaxValue(decNumber *, decContext *);
static void        decSetOverflow(decNumber *, decContext *, uInt *);
static void        decSetSubnormal(decNumber *, decContext *, Int *, uInt *);
static Int         decShiftToLeast(Unit *, Int, Int);
static Int         decShiftToMost(Unit *, Int, Int);
static void        decStatus(decNumber *, uInt, decContext *);
static void        decToString(const decNumber *, char[], Flag);
static decNumber * decTrim(decNumber *, decContext *, Flag, Flag, Int *);
static Int         decUnitAddSub(const Unit *, Int, const Unit *, Int, Int,
                              Unit *, Int);
static Int         decUnitCompare(const Unit *, Int, const Unit *, Int, Int);

/* decFinish == decFinalize when no subset arithmetic needed */
#define decFinish(a,b,c,d)
static void        decFinish(decNumber *, decContext *, Int *, uInt *);
static decNumber * decRoundOperand(const decNumber *, decContext *, uInt *);

/* Local macros */
/* masked special-values bits  */

/* For use in ICU */
#define malloc(a)
#define free(a)

/* Diagnostic macros, etc. */
/* Handle malloc/free accounting.  If enabled, our accountable routines  */
/* are used; otherwise the code just goes straight to the system malloc  */
/* and free routines.  */
#define malloc
#define free
#define DECFENCE
/* 'Our' malloc and free:  */
static void *decMalloc(size_t);
static void  decFree(void *);
uInt decAllocBytes=0;              /* count of bytes allocated  */
/* Note that DECALLOC code only checks for storage buffer overflow.  */
/* To check for memory leaks, the decAllocBytes variable must be  */
/* checked to be 0 at appropriate times (e.g., after the test  */
/* harness completes a set of tests).  This checking may be unreliable  */
/* if the testing is done in a multi-thread environment.  */

/* Optional checking routines.  Enabling these means that decNumber  */
/* and decContext operands to operator routines are checked for  */
/* correctness.  This roughly doubles the execution time of the  */
/* fastest routines (and adds 600+ bytes), so should not normally be  */
/* used in 'production'.  */
/* decCheckInexact is used to check that inexact results have a full  */
/* complement of digits (where appropriate -- this is not the case  */
/* for Quantize, for example)  */
static Flag decCheckOperands(decNumber *, const decNumber *,
                             const decNumber *, decContext *);
static Flag decCheckNumber(const decNumber *);
static void decCheckInexact(const decNumber *, decContext *);

/* Optional trace/debugging routines (may or may not be used)  */
void decNumberShow(const decNumber *);  /* displays the components of a number  */
static void decDumpAr(char, const Unit *, Int);

/* ================================================================== */
/* Conversions                                                        */
/* ================================================================== */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* from-int32 -- conversion from Int or uInt                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*  dn is the decNumber to receive the integer                        */
/*  in or uin is the integer to be converted                          */
/*  returns dn                                                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* No error is possible.                                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFromInt32(decNumber *dn, Int in) {} /* decNumberFromInt32  */

U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFromUInt32(decNumber *dn, uInt uin) {} /* decNumberFromUInt32  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* to-int32 -- conversion to Int or uInt                              */
/*                                                                    */
/*  dn is the decNumber to convert                                    */
/*  set is the context for reporting errors                           */
/*  returns the converted decNumber, or 0 if Invalid is set           */
/*                                                                    */
/* Invalid is set if the decNumber does not have exponent==0 or if    */
/* it is a NaN, Infinite, or out-of-range.                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI Int U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToInt32(const decNumber *dn, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberToInt32  */

U_CAPI uInt U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToUInt32(const decNumber *dn, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberToUInt32  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* to-scientific-string -- conversion to numeric string               */
/* to-engineering-string -- conversion to numeric string              */
/*                                                                    */
/*   decNumberToString(dn, string);                                   */
/*   decNumberToEngString(dn, string);                                */
/*                                                                    */
/*  dn is the decNumber to convert                                    */
/*  string is the string where the result will be laid out            */
/*                                                                    */
/*  string must be at least dn->digits+14 characters long             */
/*                                                                    */
/*  No error is possible, and no status can be set.                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI char * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToString(const decNumber *dn, char *string){} /* DecNumberToString  */

U_CAPI char * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToEngString(const decNumber *dn, char *string){} /* DecNumberToEngString  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* to-number -- conversion from numeric string                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* decNumberFromString -- convert string to decNumber                 */
/*   dn        -- the number structure to fill                        */
/*   chars[]   -- the string to convert ('\0' terminated)             */
/*   set       -- the context used for processing any error,          */
/*                determining the maximum precision available         */
/*                (set.digits), determining the maximum and minimum   */
/*                exponent (set.emax and set.emin), determining if    */
/*                extended values are allowed, and checking the       */
/*                rounding mode if overflow occurs or rounding is     */
/*                needed.                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* The length of the coefficient and the size of the exponent are     */
/* checked by this routine, so the correct error (Underflow or        */
/* Overflow) can be reported or rounding applied, as necessary.       */
/*                                                                    */
/* If bad syntax is detected, the result will be a quiet NaN.         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFromString(decNumber *dn, const char chars[],
                                decContext *set) {} /* decNumberFromString */

/* ================================================================== */
/* Operators                                                          */
/* ================================================================== */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberAbs -- absolute value operator                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = abs(A)                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* See also decNumberCopyAbs for a quiet bitwise version of this.     */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This has the same effect as decNumberPlus unless A is negative,    */
/* in which case it has the same effect as decNumberMinus.            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberAbs(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                         decContext *set) {} /* decNumberAbs  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberAdd -- add two Numbers                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A + B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X+X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This just calls the routine shared with Subtract                   */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberAdd(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberAdd  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberAnd -- AND two Numbers, digitwise                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A & B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X&X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context (used for result length and error report)     */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Logical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is          */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberAnd(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberAnd  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCompare -- compare two Numbers                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for one digit (or NaN).                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompare(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                             const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberCompare  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCompareSignal -- compare, signalling on all NaNs          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for one digit (or NaN).                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompareSignal(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                   const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberCompareSignal  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCompareTotal -- compare two Numbers, using total ordering */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B, under total ordering                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for one digit; the result will always be one of  */
/* -1, 0, or 1.                                                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompareTotal(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                  const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberCompareTotal  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCompareTotalMag -- compare, total ordering of magnitudes  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = |A| ? |B|, under total ordering                */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for one digit; the result will always be one of  */
/* -1, 0, or 1.                                                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCompareTotalMag(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                     const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberCompareTotalMag  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberDivide -- divide one number by another                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A / B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X/X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberDivide(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                            const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberDivide  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberDivideInteger -- divide and return integer quotient       */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A # B, where # is the integer divide operator  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X#X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberDivideInteger(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                   const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberDivideInteger  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberExp -- exponentiation                                     */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = exp(A)                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context; note that rounding mode has no effect        */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Mathematical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is     */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/*                                                                    */
/* Finite results will always be full precision and Inexact, except   */
/* when A is a zero or -Infinity (giving 1 or 0 respectively).        */
/*                                                                    */
/* An Inexact result is rounded using DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN; it will    */
/* almost always be correctly rounded, but may be up to 1 ulp in      */
/* error in rare cases.                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This is a wrapper for decExpOp which can handle the slightly wider */
/* (double) range needed by Ln (which has to be able to calculate     */
/* exp(-a) where a can be the tiniest number (Ntiny).                 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberExp(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                         decContext *set) {} /* decNumberExp  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberFMA -- fused multiply add                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes D = (A * B) + C with only one rounding             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is D, the result.  D may be A or B or C (e.g., X=FMA(X,X,X)) */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   fhs is C [far hand side]                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* Mathematical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is     */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberFMA(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, const decNumber *fhs,
                         decContext *set) {} /* decNumberFMA  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberInvert -- invert a Number, digitwise                      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = ~A                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A (e.g., X=~X)                   */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context (used for result length and error report)     */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Logical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is          */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberInvert(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                            decContext *set) {} /* decNumberInvert  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberLn -- natural logarithm                                   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = ln(A)                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context; note that rounding mode has no effect        */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Notable cases:                                                     */
/*   A<0 -> Invalid                                                   */
/*   A=0 -> -Infinity (Exact)                                         */
/*   A=+Infinity -> +Infinity (Exact)                                 */
/*   A=1 exactly -> 0 (Exact)                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* Mathematical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is     */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/*                                                                    */
/* An Inexact result is rounded using DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN; it will    */
/* almost always be correctly rounded, but may be up to 1 ulp in      */
/* error in rare cases.                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This is a wrapper for decLnOp which can handle the slightly wider  */
/* (+11) range needed by Ln, Log10, etc. (which may have to be able   */
/* to calculate at p+e+2).                                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberLn(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                        decContext *set) {} /* decNumberLn  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberLogB - get adjusted exponent, by 754 rules                */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = adjustedexponent(A)                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context, used only for digits and status              */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for 10 digits (A might have 10**9 digits and     */
/* an exponent of +999999999, or one digit and an exponent of         */
/* -1999999999).                                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* This returns the adjusted exponent of A after (in theory) padding  */
/* with zeros on the right to set->digits digits while keeping the    */
/* same value.  The exponent is not limited by emin/emax.             */
/*                                                                    */
/* Notable cases:                                                     */
/*   A<0 -> Use |A|                                                   */
/*   A=0 -> -Infinity (Division by zero)                              */
/*   A=Infinite -> +Infinity (Exact)                                  */
/*   A=1 exactly -> 0 (Exact)                                         */
/*   NaNs are propagated as usual                                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberLogB(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                          decContext *set) {} /* decNumberLogB  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberLog10 -- logarithm in base 10                             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = log10(A)                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context; note that rounding mode has no effect        */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Notable cases:                                                     */
/*   A<0 -> Invalid                                                   */
/*   A=0 -> -Infinity (Exact)                                         */
/*   A=+Infinity -> +Infinity (Exact)                                 */
/*   A=10**n (if n is an integer) -> n (Exact)                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* Mathematical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is     */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/*                                                                    */
/* An Inexact result is rounded using DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN; it will    */
/* almost always be correctly rounded, but may be up to 1 ulp in      */
/* error in rare cases.                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This calculates ln(A)/ln(10) using appropriate precision.  For     */
/* ln(A) this is the max(p, rhs->digits + t) + 3, where p is the      */
/* requested digits and t is the number of digits in the exponent     */
/* (maximum 6).  For ln(10) it is p + 3; this is often handled by the */
/* fastpath in decLnOp.  The final division is done to the requested  */
/* precision.                                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#if defined(__clang__) || U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 406
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberLog10(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                          decContext *set) {} /* decNumberLog10  */
#if defined(__clang__) || U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 406
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberMax -- compare two Numbers and return the maximum         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B, returning the maximum by 754 rules      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMax(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberMax  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberMaxMag -- compare and return the maximum by magnitude     */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B, returning the maximum by 754 rules      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMaxMag(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberMaxMag  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberMin -- compare two Numbers and return the minimum         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B, returning the minimum by 754 rules      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMin(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberMin  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberMinMag -- compare and return the minimum by magnitude     */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B, returning the minimum by 754 rules      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMinMag(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberMinMag  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberMinus -- prefix minus operator                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = 0 - A                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* See also decNumberCopyNegate for a quiet bitwise version of this.  */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Simply use AddOp for the subtract, which will do the necessary.    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMinus(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                           decContext *set) {} /* decNumberMinus  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberNextMinus -- next towards -Infinity                       */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A - infinitesimal, rounded towards -Infinity   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* This is a generalization of 754 NextDown.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNextMinus(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                               decContext *set) {} /* decNumberNextMinus  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberNextPlus -- next towards +Infinity                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A + infinitesimal, rounded towards +Infinity   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* This is a generalization of 754 NextUp.                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNextPlus(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                              decContext *set) {} /* decNumberNextPlus  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberNextToward -- next towards rhs                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A +/- infinitesimal, rounded towards           */
/*   +/-Infinity in the direction of B, as per 754-1985 nextafter     */
/*   modified during revision but dropped from 754-2008.              */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A or B.                          */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* This is a generalization of 754-1985 NextAfter.                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNextToward(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberNextToward  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberOr -- OR two Numbers, digitwise                           */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A | B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X|X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context (used for result length and error report)     */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Logical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is          */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberOr(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                        const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberOr  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberPlus -- prefix plus operator                              */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = 0 + A                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* See also decNumberCopy for a quiet bitwise version of this.        */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This simply uses AddOp; Add will take fast path after preparing A. */
/* Performance is a concern here, as this routine is often used to    */
/* check operands and apply rounding and overflow/underflow testing.  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberPlus(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                          decContext *set) {} /* decNumberPlus  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberMultiply -- multiply two Numbers                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A x B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X+X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberMultiply(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                              const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberMultiply  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberPower -- raise a number to a power                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ** B                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X**X)        */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Mathematical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is     */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/*                                                                    */
/* However, if 1999999997<=B<=999999999 and B is an integer then the  */
/* restrictions on A and the context are relaxed to the usual bounds, */
/* for compatibility with the earlier (integer power only) version    */
/* of this function.                                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* When B is an integer, the result may be exact, even if rounded.    */
/*                                                                    */
/* The final result is rounded according to the context; it will      */
/* almost always be correctly rounded, but may be up to 1 ulp in      */
/* error in rare cases.                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberPower(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                           const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberPower  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberQuantize -- force exponent to requested value             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = op(A, B), where op adjusts the coefficient     */
/*   of C (by rounding or shifting) such that the exponent (-scale)   */
/*   of C has exponent of B.  The numerical value of C will equal A,  */
/*   except for the effects of any rounding that occurred.            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A or B                           */
/*   lhs is A, the number to adjust                                   */
/*   rhs is B, the number with exponent to match                      */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Unless there is an error or the result is infinite, the exponent   */
/* after the operation is guaranteed to be equal to that of B.        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberQuantize(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                              const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberQuantize  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberReduce -- remove trailing zeros                           */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = 0 + A, and normalizes the result               */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Previously known as Normalize  */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberNormalize(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                               decContext *set) {} /* decNumberNormalize  */

U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberReduce(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                            decContext *set) {} /* decNumberReduce  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberRescale -- force exponent to requested value              */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = op(A, B), where op adjusts the coefficient     */
/*   of C (by rounding or shifting) such that the exponent (-scale)   */
/*   of C has the value B.  The numerical value of C will equal A,    */
/*   except for the effects of any rounding that occurred.            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A or B                           */
/*   lhs is A, the number to adjust                                   */
/*   rhs is B, the requested exponent                                 */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Unless there is an error or the result is infinite, the exponent   */
/* after the operation is guaranteed to be equal to B.                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRescale(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                             const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberRescale  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberRemainder -- divide and return remainder                  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A % B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X%X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRemainder(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                               const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberRemainder  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberRemainderNear -- divide and return remainder from nearest */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A % B, where % is the IEEE remainder operator  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X%X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRemainderNear(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                   const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberRemainderNear  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberRotate -- rotate the coefficient of a Number left/right   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A rot B  (in base ten and rotating set->digits */
/*   digits).                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=XrotX)       */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B, the number of digits to rotate (-ve to right)          */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* The digits of the coefficient of A are rotated to the left (if B   */
/* is positive) or to the right (if B is negative) without adjusting  */
/* the exponent or the sign of A.  If lhs->digits is less than        */
/* set->digits the coefficient is padded with zeros on the left       */
/* before the rotate.  Any leading zeros in the result are removed    */
/* as usual.                                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* B must be an integer (q=0) and in the range -set->digits through   */
/* +set->digits.                                                      */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* NaNs are propagated as usual.  Infinities are unaffected (but      */
/* B must be valid).  No status is set unless B is invalid or an      */
/* operand is an sNaN.                                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberRotate(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                           const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberRotate  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberSameQuantum -- test for equal exponents                   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is the result number, which will contain either 0 or 1       */
/*   lhs is a number to test                                          */
/*   rhs is the second (usually a pattern)                            */
/*                                                                    */
/* No errors are possible and no context is needed.                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSameQuantum(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                 const decNumber *rhs) {} /* decNumberSameQuantum  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberScaleB -- multiply by a power of 10                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* This computes C = A x 10**B where B is an integer (q=0) with       */
/* maximum magnitude 2*(emax+digits)                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A or B                           */
/*   lhs is A, the number to adjust                                   */
/*   rhs is B, the requested power of ten to use                      */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* The result may underflow or overflow.                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberScaleB(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                            const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberScaleB  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberShift -- shift the coefficient of a Number left or right  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A << B or C = A >> -B  (in base ten).          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X<<X)        */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B, the number of digits to shift (-ve to right)           */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* The digits of the coefficient of A are shifted to the left (if B   */
/* is positive) or to the right (if B is negative) without adjusting  */
/* the exponent or the sign of A.                                     */
/*                                                                    */
/* B must be an integer (q=0) and in the range -set->digits through   */
/* +set->digits.                                                      */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* NaNs are propagated as usual.  Infinities are unaffected (but      */
/* B must be valid).  No status is set unless B is invalid or an      */
/* operand is an sNaN.                                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberShift(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                           const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberShift  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberSquareRoot -- square root operator                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = squareroot(A)                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context; note that rounding mode has no effect        */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This uses the following varying-precision algorithm in:            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   Properly Rounded Variable Precision Square Root, T. E. Hull and  */
/*   A. Abrham, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 11 #3, */
/*   pp229-237, ACM, September 1985.                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* The square-root is calculated using Newton's method, after which   */
/* a check is made to ensure the result is correctly rounded.         */
/*                                                                    */
/* % [Reformatted original Numerical Turing source code follows.]     */
/* function sqrt(x : real) : real                                     */
/* % sqrt(x) returns the properly rounded approximation to the square */
/* % root of x, in the precision of the calling environment, or it    */
/* % fails if x < 0.                                                  */
/* % t e hull and a abrham, august, 1984                              */
/* if x <= 0 then                                                     */
/*   if x < 0 then                                                    */
/*     assert false                                                   */
/*   else                                                             */
/*     result 0                                                       */
/*   end if                                                           */
/* end if                                                             */
/* var f := setexp(x, 0)  % fraction part of x   [0.1 <= x < 1]       */
/* var e := getexp(x)     % exponent part of x                        */
/* var approx : real                                                  */
/* if e mod 2 = 0  then                                               */
/*   approx := .259 + .819 * f   % approx to root of f                */
/* else                                                               */
/*   f := f/l0                   % adjustments                        */
/*   e := e + 1                  %   for odd                          */
/*   approx := .0819 + 2.59 * f  %   exponent                         */
/* end if                                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* var p:= 3                                                          */
/* const maxp := currentprecision + 2                                 */
/* loop                                                               */
/*   p := min(2*p - 2, maxp)     % p = 4,6,10, . . . , maxp           */
/*   precision p                                                      */
/*   approx := .5 * (approx + f/approx)                               */
/*   exit when p = maxp                                               */
/* end loop                                                           */
/*                                                                    */
/* % approx is now within 1 ulp of the properly rounded square root   */
/* % of f; to ensure proper rounding, compare squares of (approx -    */
/* % l/2 ulp) and (approx + l/2 ulp) with f.                          */
/* p := currentprecision                                              */
/* begin                                                              */
/*   precision p + 2                                                  */
/*   const approxsubhalf := approx - setexp(.5, -p)                   */
/*   if mulru(approxsubhalf, approxsubhalf) > f then                  */
/*     approx := approx - setexp(.l, -p + 1)                          */
/*   else                                                             */
/*     const approxaddhalf := approx + setexp(.5, -p)                 */
/*     if mulrd(approxaddhalf, approxaddhalf) < f then                */
/*       approx := approx + setexp(.l, -p + 1)                        */
/*     end if                                                         */
/*   end if                                                           */
/* end                                                                */
/* result setexp(approx, e div 2)  % fix exponent                     */
/* end sqrt                                                           */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#if defined(__clang__) || U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 406
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSquareRoot(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                                decContext *set) {} /* decNumberSquareRoot  */
#if defined(__clang__) || U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 406
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberSubtract -- subtract two Numbers                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A - B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X-X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSubtract(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                              const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberSubtract  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberToIntegralExact -- round-to-integral-value with InExact   */
/* decNumberToIntegralValue -- round-to-integral-value                */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is the result                                                */
/*   rhs is input number                                              */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* res must have space for any value of rhs.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* This implements the IEEE special operators and therefore treats    */
/* special values as valid.  For finite numbers it returns            */
/* rescale(rhs, 0) if rhs->exponent is <0.                            */
/* Otherwise the result is rhs (so no error is possible, except for   */
/* sNaN).                                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* The context is used for rounding mode and status after sNaN, but   */
/* the digits setting is ignored.  The Exact version will signal      */
/* Inexact if the result differs numerically from rhs; the other      */
/* never signals Inexact.                                             */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToIntegralExact(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                                     decContext *set) {} /* decNumberToIntegralExact  */

U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberToIntegralValue(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                                     decContext *set) {} /* decNumberToIntegralValue  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberXor -- XOR two Numbers, digitwise                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ^ B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X^X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context (used for result length and error report)     */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Logical function restrictions apply (see above); a NaN is          */
/* returned with Invalid_operation if a restriction is violated.      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberXor(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberXor  */

/* ================================================================== */
/* Utility routines                                                   */
/* ================================================================== */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberClass -- return the decClass of a decNumber               */
/*   dn -- the decNumber to test                                      */
/*   set -- the context to use for Emin                               */
/*   returns the decClass enum                                        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
enum decClass uprv_decNumberClass(const decNumber *dn, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberClass  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberClassToString -- convert decClass to a string             */
/*                                                                    */
/*  eclass is a valid decClass                                        */
/*  returns a constant string describing the class (max 13+1 chars)   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
const char *uprv_decNumberClassToString(enum decClass eclass) {} /* decNumberClassToString  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCopy -- copy a number                                     */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dest is the target decNumber                                     */
/*   src  is the source decNumber                                     */
/*   returns dest                                                     */
/*                                                                    */
/* (dest==src is allowed and is a no-op)                              */
/* All fields are updated as required.  This is a utility operation,  */
/* so special values are unchanged and no error is possible.          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopy(decNumber *dest, const decNumber *src) {} /* decNumberCopy  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCopyAbs -- quiet absolute value operator                  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This sets C = abs(A)                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* No exception or error can occur; this is a quiet bitwise operation.*/
/* See also decNumberAbs for a checking version of this.              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopyAbs(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs) {} /* decNumberCopyAbs  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCopyNegate -- quiet negate value operator                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This sets C = negate(A)                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* No exception or error can occur; this is a quiet bitwise operation.*/
/* See also decNumberMinus for a checking version of this.            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopyNegate(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs) {} /* decNumberCopyNegate  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberCopySign -- quiet copy and set sign operator              */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This sets C = A with the sign of B                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* No exception or error can occur; this is a quiet bitwise operation.*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberCopySign(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                              const decNumber *rhs) {} /* decNumberCopySign  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberGetBCD -- get the coefficient in BCD8                     */
/*   dn is the source decNumber                                       */
/*   bcd is the uInt array that will receive dn->digits BCD bytes,    */
/*     most-significant at offset 0                                   */
/*   returns bcd                                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* bcd must have at least dn->digits bytes.  No error is possible; if */
/* dn is a NaN or Infinite, digits must be 1 and the coefficient 0.   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI uByte * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberGetBCD(const decNumber *dn, uByte *bcd) {} /* decNumberGetBCD  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberSetBCD -- set (replace) the coefficient from BCD8         */
/*   dn is the target decNumber                                       */
/*   bcd is the uInt array that will source n BCD bytes, most-        */
/*     significant at offset 0                                        */
/*   n is the number of digits in the source BCD array (bcd)          */
/*   returns dn                                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* dn must have space for at least n digits.  No error is possible;   */
/* if dn is a NaN, or Infinite, or is to become a zero, n must be 1   */
/* and bcd[0] zero.                                                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberSetBCD(decNumber *dn, const uByte *bcd, uInt n) {} /* decNumberSetBCD  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberIsNormal -- test normality of a decNumber                 */
/*   dn is the decNumber to test                                      */
/*   set is the context to use for Emin                               */
/*   returns 1 if |dn| is finite and >=Nmin, 0 otherwise              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Int uprv_decNumberIsNormal(const decNumber *dn, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberIsNormal  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberIsSubnormal -- test subnormality of a decNumber           */
/*   dn is the decNumber to test                                      */
/*   set is the context to use for Emin                               */
/*   returns 1 if |dn| is finite, non-zero, and <Nmin, 0 otherwise    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Int uprv_decNumberIsSubnormal(const decNumber *dn, decContext *set) {} /* decNumberIsSubnormal  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberTrim -- remove insignificant zeros                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number to trim                                         */
/*   returns dn                                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* All fields are updated as required.  This is a utility operation,  */
/* so special values are unchanged and no error is possible.  The     */
/* zeros are removed unconditionally.                                 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberTrim(decNumber *dn) {} /* decNumberTrim  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberVersion -- return the name and version of this module     */
/*                                                                    */
/* No error is possible.                                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
const char * uprv_decNumberVersion() {} /* decNumberVersion  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberZero -- set a number to 0                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number to set, with space for one digit                */
/*   returns dn                                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* No error is possible.                                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Memset is not used as it is much slower in some environments.  */
U_CAPI decNumber * U_EXPORT2 uprv_decNumberZero(decNumber *dn) {} /* decNumberZero  */

/* ================================================================== */
/* Local routines                                                     */
/* ================================================================== */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decToString -- lay out a number into a string                      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn     is the number to lay out                                  */
/*   string is where to lay out the number                            */
/*   eng    is 1 if Engineering, 0 if Scientific                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* string must be at least dn->digits+14 characters long              */
/* No error is possible.                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* Note that this routine can generate a -0 or 0.000.  These are      */
/* never generated in subset to-number or arithmetic, but can occur   */
/* in non-subset arithmetic (e.g., -1*0 or 1.234-1.234).              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* If DECCHECK is enabled the string "?" is returned if a number is  */
/* invalid.  */
static void decToString(const decNumber *dn, char *string, Flag eng) {} /* decToString  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decAddOp -- add/subtract operation                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A + B                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X+X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*   negate is DECNEG if rhs should be negated, or 0 otherwise        */
/*   status accumulates status for the caller                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/* Inexact in status must be 0 for correct Exact zero sign in result  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* If possible, the coefficient is calculated directly into C.        */
/* However, if:                                                       */
/*   -- a digits+1 calculation is needed because the numbers are      */
/*      unaligned and span more than set->digits digits               */
/*   -- a carry to digits+1 digits looks possible                     */
/*   -- C is the same as A or B, and the result would destructively   */
/*      overlap the A or B coefficient                                */
/* then the result must be calculated into a temporary buffer.  In    */
/* this case a local (stack) buffer is used if possible, and only if  */
/* too long for that does malloc become the final resort.             */
/*                                                                    */
/* Misalignment is handled as follows:                                */
/*   Apad: (AExp>BExp) Swap operands and proceed as for BExp>AExp.    */
/*   BPad: Apply the padding by a combination of shifting (whole      */
/*         units) and multiplication (part units).                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* Addition, especially x=x+1, is speed-critical.                     */
/* The static buffer is larger than might be expected to allow for    */
/* calls from higher-level functions (notable exp).                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber * decAddOp(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                            const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set,
                            uByte negate, uInt *status) {} /* decAddOp  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decDivideOp -- division operation                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This routine performs the calculations for all four division      */
/*  operators (divide, divideInteger, remainder, remainderNear).      */
/*                                                                    */
/*  C=A op B                                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X/X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*   op  is DIVIDE, DIVIDEINT, REMAINDER, or REMNEAR respectively.    */
/*   status is the usual accumulator                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*   The underlying algorithm of this routine is the same as in the   */
/*   1981 S/370 implementation, that is, non-restoring long division  */
/*   with bi-unit (rather than bi-digit) estimation for each unit     */
/*   multiplier.  In this pseudocode overview, complications for the  */
/*   Remainder operators and division residues for exact rounding are */
/*   omitted for clarity.                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/*     Prepare operands and handle special values                     */
/*     Test for x/0 and then 0/x                                      */
/*     Exp =Exp1 - Exp2                                               */
/*     Exp =Exp +len(var1) -len(var2)                                 */
/*     Sign=Sign1 * Sign2                                             */
/*     Pad accumulator (Var1) to double-length with 0's (pad1)        */
/*     Pad Var2 to same length as Var1                                */
/*     msu2pair/plus=1st 2 or 1 units of var2, +1 to allow for round  */
/*     have=0                                                         */
/*     Do until (have=digits+1 OR residue=0)                          */
/*       if exp<0 then if integer divide/residue then leave           */
/*       this_unit=0                                                  */
/*       Do forever                                                   */
/*          compare numbers                                           */
/*          if <0 then leave inner_loop                               */
/*          if =0 then (* quick exit without subtract *) do           */
/*             this_unit=this_unit+1; output this_unit                */
/*             leave outer_loop; end                                  */
/*          Compare lengths of numbers (mantissae):                   */
/*          If same then tops2=msu2pair -- {units 1&2 of var2}        */
/*                  else tops2=msu2plus -- {0, unit 1 of var2}        */
/*          tops1=first_unit_of_Var1*10**DECDPUN +second_unit_of_var1 */
/*          mult=tops1/tops2  -- Good and safe guess at divisor       */
/*          if mult=0 then mult=1                                     */
/*          this_unit=this_unit+mult                                  */
/*          subtract                                                  */
/*          end inner_loop                                            */
/*        if have\=0 | this_unit\=0 then do                           */
/*          output this_unit                                          */
/*          have=have+1; end                                          */
/*        var2=var2/10                                                */
/*        exp=exp-1                                                   */
/*        end outer_loop                                              */
/*     exp=exp+1   -- set the proper exponent                         */
/*     if have=0 then generate answer=0                               */
/*     Return (Result is defined by Var1)                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Two working buffers are needed during the division; one (digits+   */
/* 1) to accumulate the result, and the other (up to 2*digits+1) for  */
/* long subtractions.  These are acc and var1 respectively.           */
/* var1 is a copy of the lhs coefficient, var2 is the rhs coefficient.*/
/* The static buffers may be larger than might be expected to allow   */
/* for calls from higher-level functions (notable exp).                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber * decDivideOp(decNumber *res,
                               const decNumber *lhs, const decNumber *rhs,
                               decContext *set, Flag op, uInt *status) {} /* decDivideOp  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decMultiplyOp -- multiplication operation                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This routine performs the multiplication C=A x B.                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X*X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*   status is the usual accumulator                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* 'Classic' multiplication is used rather than Karatsuba, as the     */
/* latter would give only a minor improvement for the short numbers   */
/* expected to be handled most (and uses much more memory).           */
/*                                                                    */
/* There are two major paths here: the general-purpose ('old code')   */
/* path which handles all DECDPUN values, and a fastpath version      */
/* which is used if 64-bit ints are available, DECDPUN<=4, and more   */
/* than two calls to decUnitAddSub would be made.                     */
/*                                                                    */
/* The fastpath version lumps units together into 8-digit or 9-digit  */
/* chunks, and also uses a lazy carry strategy to minimise expensive  */
/* 64-bit divisions.  The chunks are then broken apart again into     */
/* units for continuing processing.  Despite this overhead, the       */
/* fastpath can speed up some 16-digit operations by 10x (and much    */
/* more for higher-precision calculations).                           */
/*                                                                    */
/* A buffer always has to be used for the accumulator; in the         */
/* fastpath, buffers are also always needed for the chunked copies of */
/* of the operand coefficients.                                       */
/* Static buffers are larger than needed just for multiply, to allow  */
/* for calls from other operations (notably exp).                     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define FASTMUL
static decNumber * decMultiplyOp(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                 const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set,
                                 uInt *status) {} /* decMultiplyOp  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decExpOp -- effect exponentiation                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = exp(A)                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context; note that rounding mode has no effect        */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits. status is updated but    */
/* not set.                                                           */
/*                                                                    */
/* Restrictions:                                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   digits, emax, and -emin in the context must be less than         */
/*   2*DEC_MAX_MATH (1999998), and the rhs must be within these       */
/*   bounds or a zero.  This is an internal routine, so these         */
/*   restrictions are contractual and not enforced.                   */
/*                                                                    */
/* A finite result is rounded using DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN; it will      */
/* almost always be correctly rounded, but may be up to 1 ulp in      */
/* error in rare cases.                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/* Finite results will always be full precision and Inexact, except   */
/* when A is a zero or -Infinity (giving 1 or 0 respectively).        */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This approach used here is similar to the algorithm described in   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   Variable Precision Exponential Function, T. E. Hull and          */
/*   A. Abrham, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 12 #2, */
/*   pp79-91, ACM, June 1986.                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* with the main difference being that the iterations in the series   */
/* evaluation are terminated dynamically (which does not require the  */
/* extra variable-precision variables which are expensive in this     */
/* context).                                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* The error analysis in Hull & Abrham's paper applies except for the */
/* round-off error accumulation during the series evaluation.  This   */
/* code does not precalculate the number of iterations and so cannot  */
/* use Horner's scheme.  Instead, the accumulation is done at double- */
/* precision, which ensures that the additions of the terms are exact */
/* and do not accumulate round-off (and any round-off errors in the   */
/* terms themselves move 'to the right' faster than they can          */
/* accumulate).  This code also extends the calculation by allowing,  */
/* in the spirit of other decNumber operators, the input to be more   */
/* precise than the result (the precision used is based on the more   */
/* precise of the input or requested result).                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* Implementation notes:                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* 1. This is separated out as decExpOp so it can be called from      */
/*    other Mathematical functions (notably Ln) with a wider range    */
/*    than normal.  In particular, it can handle the slightly wider   */
/*    (double) range needed by Ln (which has to be able to calculate  */
/*    exp(-x) where x can be the tiniest number (Ntiny).              */
/*                                                                    */
/* 2. Normalizing x to be <=0.1 (instead of <=1) reduces loop         */
/*    iterations by approximately a third with additional (although    */
/*    diminishing) returns as the range is reduced to even smaller    */
/*    fractions.  However, h (the power of 10 used to correct the     */
/*    result at the end, see below) must be kept <=8 as otherwise     */
/*    the final result cannot be computed.  Hence the leverage is a   */
/*    sliding value (8-h), where potentially the range is reduced     */
/*    more for smaller values.                                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*    The leverage that can be applied in this way is severely        */
/*    limited by the cost of the raise-to-the power at the end,       */
/*    which dominates when the number of iterations is small (less    */
/*    than ten) or when rhs is short.  As an example, the adjustment  */
/*    x**10,000,000 needs 31 multiplications, all but one full-width. */
/*                                                                    */
/* 3. The restrictions (especially precision) could be raised with    */
/*    care, but the full decNumber range seems very hard within the   */
/*    32-bit limits.                                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* 4. The working precisions for the static buffers are twice the     */
/*    obvious size to allow for calls from decNumberPower.            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
decNumber * decExpOp(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                         decContext *set, uInt *status) {} /* decExpOp  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Initial-estimate natural logarithm table                           */
/*                                                                    */
/*   LNnn -- 90-entry 16-bit table for values from .10 through .99.   */
/*           The result is a 4-digit encode of the coefficient (c=the */
/*           top 14 bits encoding 0-9999) and a 2-digit encode of the */
/*           exponent (e=the bottom 2 bits encoding 0-3)              */
/*                                                                    */
/*           The resulting value is given by:                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*             v = -c * 10**(-e-3)                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*           where e and c are extracted from entry k = LNnn[x-10]    */
/*           where x is truncated (NB) into the range 10 through 99,  */
/*           and then c = k>>2 and e = k&3.                           */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static const uShort LNnn[90]=;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decLnOp -- effect natural logarithm                                */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = ln(A)                                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A                                */
/*   rhs is A                                                         */
/*   set is the context; note that rounding mode has no effect        */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Notable cases:                                                     */
/*   A<0 -> Invalid                                                   */
/*   A=0 -> -Infinity (Exact)                                         */
/*   A=+Infinity -> +Infinity (Exact)                                 */
/*   A=1 exactly -> 0 (Exact)                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* Restrictions (as for Exp):                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   digits, emax, and -emin in the context must be less than         */
/*   DEC_MAX_MATH+11 (1000010), and the rhs must be within these      */
/*   bounds or a zero.  This is an internal routine, so these         */
/*   restrictions are contractual and not enforced.                   */
/*                                                                    */
/* A finite result is rounded using DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN; it will      */
/* almost always be correctly rounded, but may be up to 1 ulp in      */
/* error in rare cases.                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The result is calculated using Newton's method, with each          */
/* iteration calculating a' = a + x * exp(-a) - 1.  See, for example, */
/* Epperson 1989.                                                     */
/*                                                                    */
/* The iteration ends when the adjustment x*exp(-a)-1 is tiny enough. */
/* This has to be calculated at the sum of the precision of x and the */
/* working precision.                                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* Implementation notes:                                              */
/*                                                                    */
/* 1. This is separated out as decLnOp so it can be called from       */
/*    other Mathematical functions (e.g., Log 10) with a wider range  */
/*    than normal.  In particular, it can handle the slightly wider   */
/*    (+9+2) range needed by a power function.                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* 2. The speed of this function is about 10x slower than exp, as     */
/*    it typically needs 4-6 iterations for short numbers, and the    */
/*    extra precision needed adds a squaring effect, twice.           */
/*                                                                    */
/* 3. Fastpaths are included for ln(10) and ln(2), up to length 40,   */
/*    as these are common requests.  ln(10) is used by log10(x).      */
/*                                                                    */
/* 4. An iteration might be saved by widening the LNnn table, and     */
/*    would certainly save at least one if it were made ten times     */
/*    bigger, too (for truncated fractions 0.100 through 0.999).      */
/*    However, for most practical evaluations, at least four or five  */
/*    iterations will be needed -- so this would only speed up by      */
/*    20-25% and that probably does not justify increasing the table  */
/*    size.                                                           */
/*                                                                    */
/* 5. The static buffers are larger than might be expected to allow   */
/*    for calls from decNumberPower.                                  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#if defined(__clang__) || U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 406
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
decNumber * decLnOp(decNumber *res, const decNumber *rhs,
                    decContext *set, uInt *status) {} /* decLnOp  */
#if defined(__clang__) || U_GCC_MAJOR_MINOR >= 406
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decQuantizeOp  -- force exponent to requested value                */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = op(A, B), where op adjusts the coefficient     */
/*   of C (by rounding or shifting) such that the exponent (-scale)   */
/*   of C has the value B or matches the exponent of B.               */
/*   The numerical value of C will equal A, except for the effects of */
/*   any rounding that occurred.                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A or B                           */
/*   lhs is A, the number to adjust                                   */
/*   rhs is B, the requested exponent                                 */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*   quant is 1 for quantize or 0 for rescale                         */
/*   status is the status accumulator (this can be called without     */
/*          risk of control loss)                                     */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for set->digits digits.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* Unless there is an error or the result is infinite, the exponent   */
/* after the operation is guaranteed to be that requested.            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber * decQuantizeOp(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                                 const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set,
                                 Flag quant, uInt *status) {} /* decQuantizeOp  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decCompareOp -- compare, min, or max two Numbers                   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This computes C = A ? B and carries out one of four operations:  */
/*     COMPARE    -- returns the signum (as a number) giving the      */
/*                   result of a comparison unless one or both        */
/*                   operands is a NaN (in which case a NaN results)  */
/*     COMPSIG    -- as COMPARE except that a quiet NaN raises        */
/*                   Invalid operation.                               */
/*     COMPMAX    -- returns the larger of the operands, using the    */
/*                   754 maxnum operation                             */
/*     COMPMAXMAG -- ditto, comparing absolute values                 */
/*     COMPMIN    -- the 754 minnum operation                         */
/*     COMPMINMAG -- ditto, comparing absolute values                 */
/*     COMTOTAL   -- returns the signum (as a number) giving the      */
/*                   result of a comparison using 754 total ordering  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res is C, the result.  C may be A and/or B (e.g., X=X?X)         */
/*   lhs is A                                                         */
/*   rhs is B                                                         */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*   op  is the operation flag                                        */
/*   status is the usual accumulator                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* C must have space for one digit for COMPARE or set->digits for     */
/* COMPMAX, COMPMIN, COMPMAXMAG, or COMPMINMAG.                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The emphasis here is on speed for common cases, and avoiding       */
/* coefficient comparison if possible.                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber * decCompareOp(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                         const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set,
                         Flag op, uInt *status) {} /* decCompareOp  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decCompare -- compare two decNumbers by numerical value            */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This routine compares A ? B without altering them.                */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Arg1 is A, a decNumber which is not a NaN                         */
/*  Arg2 is B, a decNumber which is not a NaN                         */
/*  Arg3 is 1 for a sign-independent compare, 0 otherwise             */
/*                                                                    */
/*  returns -1, 0, or 1 for A<B, A==B, or A>B, or BADINT if failure   */
/*  (the only possible failure is an allocation error)                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Int decCompare(const decNumber *lhs, const decNumber *rhs,
                      Flag abs_c) {} /* decCompare  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decUnitCompare -- compare two >=0 integers in Unit arrays          */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This routine compares A ? B*10**E where A and B are unit arrays   */
/*  A is a plain integer                                              */
/*  B has an exponent of E (which must be non-negative)               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Arg1 is A first Unit (lsu)                                        */
/*  Arg2 is A length in Units                                         */
/*  Arg3 is B first Unit (lsu)                                        */
/*  Arg4 is B length in Units                                         */
/*  Arg5 is E (0 if the units are aligned)                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*  returns -1, 0, or 1 for A<B, A==B, or A>B, or BADINT if failure   */
/*  (the only possible failure is an allocation error, which can      */
/*  only occur if E!=0)                                               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Int decUnitCompare(const Unit *a, Int alength,
                          const Unit *b, Int blength, Int exp) {} /* decUnitCompare  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decUnitAddSub -- add or subtract two >=0 integers in Unit arrays   */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This routine performs the calculation:                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*  C=A+(B*M)                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Where M is in the range -DECDPUNMAX through +DECDPUNMAX.          */
/*                                                                    */
/*  A may be shorter or longer than B.                                */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Leading zeros are not removed after a calculation.  The result is */
/*  either the same length as the longer of A and B (adding any       */
/*  shift), or one Unit longer than that (if a Unit carry occurred).  */
/*                                                                    */
/*  A and B content are not altered unless C is also A or B.          */
/*  C may be the same array as A or B, but only if no zero padding is */
/*  requested (that is, C may be B only if bshift==0).                */
/*  C is filled from the lsu; only those units necessary to complete  */
/*  the calculation are referenced.                                   */
/*                                                                    */
/*  Arg1 is A first Unit (lsu)                                        */
/*  Arg2 is A length in Units                                         */
/*  Arg3 is B first Unit (lsu)                                        */
/*  Arg4 is B length in Units                                         */
/*  Arg5 is B shift in Units  (>=0; pads with 0 units if positive)    */
/*  Arg6 is C first Unit (lsu)                                        */
/*  Arg7 is M, the multiplier                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*  returns the count of Units written to C, which will be non-zero   */
/*  and negated if the result is negative.  That is, the sign of the  */
/*  returned Int is the sign of the result (positive for zero) and    */
/*  the absolute value of the Int is the count of Units.              */
/*                                                                    */
/*  It is the caller's responsibility to make sure that C size is     */
/*  safe, allowing space if necessary for a one-Unit carry.           */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This routine is severely performance-critical; *any* change here  */
/*  must be measured (timed) to assure no performance degradation.    */
/*  In particular, trickery here tends to be counter-productive, as   */
/*  increased complexity of code hurts register optimizations on      */
/*  register-poor architectures.  Avoiding divisions is nearly        */
/*  always a Good Idea, however.                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* Special thanks to Rick McGuire (IBM Cambridge, MA) and Dave Clark  */
/* (IBM Warwick, UK) for some of the ideas used in this routine.      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Int decUnitAddSub(const Unit *a, Int alength,
                         const Unit *b, Int blength, Int bshift,
                         Unit *c, Int m) {} /* decUnitAddSub  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decTrim -- trim trailing zeros or normalize                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number to trim or normalize                            */
/*   set is the context to use to check for clamp                     */
/*   all is 1 to remove all trailing zeros, 0 for just fraction ones  */
/*   noclamp is 1 to unconditional (unclamped) trim                   */
/*   dropped returns the number of discarded trailing zeros           */
/*   returns dn                                                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* If clamp is set in the context then the number of zeros trimmed    */
/* may be limited if the exponent is high.                            */
/* All fields are updated as required.  This is a utility operation,  */
/* so special values are unchanged and no error is possible.          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber * decTrim(decNumber *dn, decContext *set, Flag all,
                           Flag noclamp, Int *dropped) {} /* decTrim  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decReverse -- reverse a Unit array in place                        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   ulo    is the start of the array                                 */
/*   uhi    is the end of the array (highest Unit to include)         */
/*                                                                    */
/* The units ulo through uhi are reversed in place (if the number     */
/* of units is odd, the middle one is untouched).  Note that the      */
/* digit(s) in each unit are unaffected.                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decReverse(Unit *ulo, Unit *uhi) {} /* decReverse  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decShiftToMost -- shift digits in array towards most significant   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   uar    is the array                                              */
/*   digits is the count of digits in use in the array                */
/*   shift  is the number of zeros to pad with (least significant);   */
/*     it must be zero or positive                                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*   returns the new length of the integer in the array, in digits    */
/*                                                                    */
/* No overflow is permitted (that is, the uar array must be known to  */
/* be large enough to hold the result, after shifting).               */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Int decShiftToMost(Unit *uar, Int digits, Int shift) {} /* decShiftToMost  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decShiftToLeast -- shift digits in array towards least significant */
/*                                                                    */
/*   uar   is the array                                               */
/*   units is length of the array, in units                           */
/*   shift is the number of digits to remove from the lsu end; it     */
/*     must be zero or positive and <= than units*DECDPUN.            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   returns the new length of the integer in the array, in units     */
/*                                                                    */
/* Removed digits are discarded (lost).  Units not required to hold   */
/* the final result are unchanged.                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Int decShiftToLeast(Unit *uar, Int units, Int shift) {} /* decShiftToLeast  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decRoundOperand -- round an operand  [used for subset only]        */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number to round (dn->digits is > set->digits)          */
/*   set is the relevant context                                      */
/*   status is the status accumulator                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   returns an allocated decNumber with the rounded result.          */
/*                                                                    */
/* lostDigits and other status may be set by this.                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* Since the input is an operand, it must not be modified.            */
/* Instead, return an allocated decNumber, rounded as required.       */
/* It is the caller's responsibility to free the allocated storage.   */
/*                                                                    */
/* If no storage is available then the result cannot be used, so nullptr */
/* is returned.                                                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber *decRoundOperand(const decNumber *dn, decContext *set,
                                  uInt *status) {
  decNumber *res;                       /* result structure  */
  uInt newstatus=0;                     /* status from round  */
  Int  residue=0;                       /* rounding accumulator  */

  /* Allocate storage for the returned decNumber, big enough for the  */
  /* length specified by the context  */
  res=(decNumber *)malloc(sizeof(decNumber)
  if (res==nullptr) {
    return nullptr;
  decCopyFit(res, dn, set, &residue, &newstatus);
  decApplyRound(res, set, residue, &newstatus);

  /* If that set Inexact then "lost digits" is raised...  */
  if (newstatus & DEC_Inexact) newstatus|=DEC_Lost_digits;
  return res;
  } /* decRoundOperand  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decCopyFit -- copy a number, truncating the coefficient if needed  */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dest is the target decNumber                                     */
/*   src  is the source decNumber                                     */
/*   set is the context [used for length (digits) and rounding mode]  */
/*   residue is the residue accumulator                               */
/*   status contains the current status to be updated                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* (dest==src is allowed and will be a no-op if fits)                 */
/* All fields are updated as required.                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decCopyFit(decNumber *dest, const decNumber *src,
                       decContext *set, Int *residue, uInt *status) {} /* decCopyFit  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decSetCoeff -- set the coefficient of a number                     */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn    is the number whose coefficient array is to be set.        */
/*         It must have space for set->digits digits                  */
/*   set   is the context [for size]                                  */
/*   lsu   -> lsu of the source coefficient [may be dn->lsu]          */
/*   len   is digits in the source coefficient [may be dn->digits]    */
/*   residue is the residue accumulator.  This has values as in       */
/*         decApplyRound, and will be unchanged unless the            */
/*         target size is less than len.  In this case, the           */
/*         coefficient is truncated and the residue is updated to     */
/*         reflect the previous residue and the dropped digits.       */
/*   status is the status accumulator, as usual                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* The coefficient may already be in the number, or it can be an      */
/* external intermediate array.  If it is in the number, lsu must ==  */
/* dn->lsu and len must == dn->digits.                                */
/*                                                                    */
/* Note that the coefficient length (len) may be < set->digits, and   */
/* in this case this merely copies the coefficient (or is a no-op     */
/* if dn->lsu==lsu).                                                  */
/*                                                                    */
/* Note also that (only internally, from decQuantizeOp and            */
/* decSetSubnormal) the value of set->digits may be less than one,    */
/* indicating a round to left.  This routine handles that case        */
/* correctly; caller ensures space.                                   */
/*                                                                    */
/* dn->digits, dn->lsu (and as required), and dn->exponent are        */
/* updated as necessary.   dn->bits (sign) is unchanged.              */
/*                                                                    */
/* DEC_Rounded status is set if any digits are discarded.             */
/* DEC_Inexact status is set if any non-zero digits are discarded, or */
/*                       incoming residue was non-0 (implies rounded) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* mapping array: maps 0-9 to canonical residues, so that a residue  */
/* can be adjusted in the range [-1, +1] and achieve correct rounding  */
/*                             0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  */
static const uByte resmap[10]=;
static void decSetCoeff(decNumber *dn, decContext *set, const Unit *lsu,
                        Int len, Int *residue, uInt *status) {} /* decSetCoeff  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decApplyRound -- apply pending rounding to a number                */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn    is the number, with space for set->digits digits           */
/*   set   is the context [for size and rounding mode]                */
/*   residue indicates pending rounding, being any accumulated        */
/*         guard and sticky information.  It may be:                  */
/*         6-9: rounding digit is >5                                  */
/*         5:   rounding digit is exactly half-way                    */
/*         1-4: rounding digit is <5 and >0                           */
/*         0:   the coefficient is exact                              */
/*        -1:   as 1, but the hidden digits are subtractive, that     */
/*              is, of the opposite sign to dn.  In this case the     */
/*              coefficient must be non-0.  This case occurs when     */
/*              subtracting a small number (which can be reduced to   */
/*              a sticky bit); see decAddOp.                          */
/*   status is the status accumulator, as usual                       */
/*                                                                    */
/* This routine applies rounding while keeping the length of the      */
/* coefficient constant.  The exponent and status are unchanged       */
/* except if:                                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/*   -- the coefficient was increased and is all nines (in which      */
/*      case Overflow could occur, and is handled directly here so    */
/*      the caller does not need to re-test for overflow)             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   -- the coefficient was decreased and becomes all nines (in which */
/*      case Underflow could occur, and is also handled directly).    */
/*                                                                    */
/* All fields in dn are updated as required.                          */
/*                                                                    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decApplyRound(decNumber *dn, decContext *set, Int residue,
                          uInt *status) {} /* decApplyRound  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decFinish -- finish processing a number                            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number                                                 */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*   residue is the rounding accumulator (as in decApplyRound)        */
/*   status is the accumulator                                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* This finishes off the current number by:                           */
/*    1. If not extended:                                             */
/*       a. Converting a zero result to clean '0'                     */
/*       b. Reducing positive exponents to 0, if would fit in digits  */
/*    2. Checking for overflow and subnormals (always)                */
/* Note this is just Finalize when no subset arithmetic.              */
/* All fields are updated as required.                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decFinish(decNumber *dn, decContext *set, Int *residue,
                      uInt *status) {
  if (!set->extended) {
    if ISZERO(dn) {                /* value is zero  */
      dn->exponent=0;              /* clean exponent ..  */
      dn->bits=0;                  /* .. and sign  */
      return;                      /* no error possible  */
    if (dn->exponent>=0) {         /* non-negative exponent  */
      /* >0; reduce to integer if possible  */
      if (set->digits >= (dn->exponent+dn->digits)) {
        dn->digits=decShiftToMost(dn->lsu, dn->digits, dn->exponent);
    } /* !extended  */

  decFinalize(dn, set, residue, status);
  } /* decFinish  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decFinalize -- final check, clamp, and round of a number           */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number                                                 */
/*   set is the context                                               */
/*   residue is the rounding accumulator (as in decApplyRound)        */
/*   status is the status accumulator                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* This finishes off the current number by checking for subnormal     */
/* results, applying any pending rounding, checking for overflow,     */
/* and applying any clamping.                                         */
/* Underflow and overflow conditions are raised as appropriate.       */
/* All fields are updated as required.                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decFinalize(decNumber *dn, decContext *set, Int *residue,
                        uInt *status) {} /* decFinalize  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decSetOverflow -- set number to proper overflow value              */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number (used for sign [only] and result)               */
/*   set is the context [used for the rounding mode, etc.]            */
/*   status contains the current status to be updated                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* This sets the sign of a number and sets its value to either        */
/* Infinity or the maximum finite value, depending on the sign of     */
/* dn and the rounding mode, following IEEE 754 rules.                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decSetOverflow(decNumber *dn, decContext *set, uInt *status) {} /* decSetOverflow  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decSetMaxValue -- set number to +Nmax (maximum normal value)       */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number to set                                          */
/*   set is the context [used for digits and emax]                    */
/*                                                                    */
/* This sets the number to the maximum positive value.                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decSetMaxValue(decNumber *dn, decContext *set) {} /* decSetMaxValue  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decSetSubnormal -- process value whose exponent is <Emin           */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number (used as input as well as output; it may have   */
/*         an allowed subnormal value, which may need to be rounded)  */
/*   set is the context [used for the rounding mode]                  */
/*   residue is any pending residue                                   */
/*   status contains the current status to be updated                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* If subset mode, set result to zero and set Underflow flags.        */
/*                                                                    */
/* Value may be zero with a low exponent; this does not set Subnormal */
/* but the exponent will be clamped to Etiny.                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* Otherwise ensure exponent is not out of range, and round as        */
/* necessary.  Underflow is set if the result is Inexact.             */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decSetSubnormal(decNumber *dn, decContext *set, Int *residue,
                            uInt *status) {} /* decSetSubnormal  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decCheckMath - check entry conditions for a math function          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   This checks the context and the operand                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   rhs is the operand to check                                      */
/*   set is the context to check                                      */
/*   status is unchanged if both are good                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* returns non-zero if status is changed, 0 otherwise                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* Restrictions enforced:                                             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   digits, emax, and -emin in the context must be less than         */
/*   DEC_MAX_MATH (999999), and A must be within these bounds if      */
/*   non-zero.  Invalid_operation is set in the status if a           */
/*   restriction is violated.                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static uInt decCheckMath(const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set,
                         uInt *status) {} /* decCheckMath  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decGetInt -- get integer from a number                             */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn is the number [which will not be altered]                     */
/*                                                                    */
/*   returns one of:                                                  */
/*     BADINT if there is a non-zero fraction                         */
/*     the converted integer                                          */
/*     BIGEVEN if the integer is even and magnitude > 2*10**9         */
/*     BIGODD  if the integer is odd  and magnitude > 2*10**9         */
/*                                                                    */
/* This checks and gets a whole number from the input decNumber.      */
/* The sign can be determined from dn by the caller when BIGEVEN or   */
/* BIGODD is returned.                                                */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Int decGetInt(const decNumber *dn) {} /* decGetInt  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decDecap -- decapitate the coefficient of a number                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn   is the number to be decapitated                             */
/*   drop is the number of digits to be removed from the left of dn;  */
/*     this must be <= dn->digits (if equal, the coefficient is       */
/*     set to 0)                                                      */
/*                                                                    */
/* Returns dn; dn->digits will be <= the initial digits less drop     */
/* (after removing drop digits there may be leading zero digits       */
/* which will also be removed).  Only dn->lsu and dn->digits change.  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber *decDecap(decNumber *dn, Int drop) {} /* decDecap  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decBiStr -- compare string with pairwise options                   */
/*                                                                    */
/*   targ is the string to compare                                    */
/*   str1 is one of the strings to compare against (length may be 0)  */
/*   str2 is the other; it must be the same length as str1            */
/*                                                                    */
/*   returns 1 if strings compare equal, (that is, it is the same     */
/*   length as str1 and str2, and each character of targ is in either */
/*   str1 or str2 in the corresponding position), or 0 otherwise      */
/*                                                                    */
/* This is used for generic caseless compare, including the awkward   */
/* case of the Turkish dotted and dotless Is.  Use as (for example):  */
/*   if (decBiStr(test, "mike", "MIKE")) ...                          */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Flag decBiStr(const char *targ, const char *str1, const char *str2) {} /* decBiStr  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNaNs -- handle NaN operand or operands                          */
/*                                                                    */
/*   res     is the result number                                     */
/*   lhs     is the first operand                                     */
/*   rhs     is the second operand, or nullptr if none                   */
/*   context is used to limit payload length                          */
/*   status  contains the current status                              */
/*   returns res in case convenient                                   */
/*                                                                    */
/* Called when one or both operands is a NaN, and propagates the      */
/* appropriate result to res.  When an sNaN is found, it is changed   */
/* to a qNaN and Invalid operation is set.                            */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static decNumber * decNaNs(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                           const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set,
                           uInt *status) {} /* decNaNs  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decStatus -- apply non-zero status                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/*   dn     is the number to set if error                             */
/*   status contains the current status (not yet in context)          */
/*   set    is the context                                            */
/*                                                                    */
/* If the status is an error status, the number is set to a NaN,      */
/* unless the error was an overflow, divide-by-zero, or underflow,    */
/* in which case the number will have already been set.               */
/*                                                                    */
/* The context status is then updated with the new status.  Note that */
/* this may raise a signal, so control may never return from this     */
/* routine (hence resources must be recovered before it is called).   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decStatus(decNumber *dn, uInt status, decContext *set) {} /* decStatus  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decGetDigits -- count digits in a Units array                      */
/*                                                                    */
/*   uar is the Unit array holding the number (this is often an       */
/*          accumulator of some sort)                                 */
/*   len is the length of the array in units [>=1]                    */
/*                                                                    */
/*   returns the number of (significant) digits in the array          */
/*                                                                    */
/* All leading zeros are excluded, except the last if the array has   */
/* only zero Units.                                                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This may be called twice during some operations.  */
static Int decGetDigits(Unit *uar, Int len) {} /* decGetDigits  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decNumberShow -- display a number [debug aid]                      */
/*   dn is the number to show                                         */
/*                                                                    */
/* Shows: sign, exponent, coefficient (msu first), digits             */
/*    or: sign, special-value                                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* this is public so other modules can use it  */
void uprv_decNumberShow(const decNumber *dn) {
  const Unit *up;                  /* work  */
  uInt u, d;                       /* ..  */
  Int cut;                         /* ..  */
  char isign='+';                  /* main sign  */
  if (dn==nullptr) {
  if (decNumberIsNegative(dn)) isign='-';
  printf(" >> %c ", isign);
  if (dn->bits&DECSPECIAL) {       /* Is a special value  */
    if (decNumberIsInfinite(dn)) printf("Infinity");
     else {                                  /* a NaN  */
      if (dn->bits&DECSNAN) printf("sNaN");  /* signalling NaN  */
       else printf("NaN");
    /* if coefficient and exponent are 0, no more to do  */
    if (dn->exponent==0 && dn->digits==1 && *dn->lsu==0) {
    /* drop through to report other information  */
    printf(" ");

  /* now carefully display the coefficient  */
  up=dn->lsu+D2U(dn->digits)-1;         /* msu  */
  printf("%ld", (LI)*up);
  for (up=up-1; up>=dn->lsu; up--) {
    for (cut=DECDPUN-1; cut>=0; cut--) {
      printf("%ld", (LI)d);
      } /* cut  */
    } /* up  */
  if (dn->exponent!=0) {
    char esign='+';
    if (dn->exponent<0) esign='-';
    printf(" E%c%ld", esign, (LI)abs(dn->exponent));
  printf(" [%ld]\n", (LI)dn->digits);
  } /* decNumberShow  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decDumpAr -- display a unit array [debug/check aid]                */
/*   name is a single-character tag name                              */
/*   ar   is the array to display                                     */
/*   len  is the length of the array in Units                         */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decDumpAr(char name, const Unit *ar, Int len) {
  Int i;
  const char *spec;
  #if DECDPUN==9
    spec="%09d ";
  #elif DECDPUN==8
    spec="%08d ";
  #elif DECDPUN==7
    spec="%07d ";
  #elif DECDPUN==6
    spec="%06d ";
  #elif DECDPUN==5
    spec="%05d ";
  #elif DECDPUN==4
    spec="%04d ";
  #elif DECDPUN==3
    spec="%03d ";
  #elif DECDPUN==2
    spec="%02d ";
    spec="%d ";
  printf("  :%c: ", name);
  for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
    if (i==len-1) printf("%ld ", (LI)ar[i]);
     else printf(spec, ar[i]);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decCheckOperands -- check operand(s) to a routine                  */
/*   res is the result structure (not checked; it will be set to      */
/*          quiet NaN if error found (and it is not nullptr))            */
/*   lhs is the first operand (may be DECUNRESU)                      */
/*   rhs is the second (may be DECUNUSED)                             */
/*   set is the context (may be DECUNCONT)                            */
/*   returns 0 if both operands, and the context are clean, or 1      */
/*     otherwise (in which case the context will show an error,       */
/*     unless nullptr).  Note that res is not cleaned; caller should     */
/*     handle this so res=nullptr case is safe.                          */
/* The caller is expected to abandon immediately if 1 is returned.    */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Flag decCheckOperands(decNumber *res, const decNumber *lhs,
                             const decNumber *rhs, decContext *set) {
  Flag bad=0;
  if (set==nullptr) {                 /* oops; hopeless  */
    printf("Reference to context is nullptr.\n");
    return 1;}
   else if (set!=DECUNCONT
     && (set->digits<1 || set->round>=DEC_ROUND_MAX)) {
    printf("Bad context [digits=%ld round=%ld].\n",
           (LI)set->digits, (LI)set->round);
   else {
    if (res==nullptr) {
      #if DECTRACE
      /* this one not DECVERB as standard tests include nullptr  */
      printf("Reference to result is nullptr.\n");
    if (!bad && lhs!=DECUNUSED) bad=(decCheckNumber(lhs));
    if (!bad && rhs!=DECUNUSED) bad=(decCheckNumber(rhs));
  if (bad) {
    if (set!=DECUNCONT) uprv_decContextSetStatus(set, DEC_Invalid_operation);
    if (res!=DECUNRESU && res!=nullptr) {
      res->bits=DECNAN;       /* qNaN  */
  return bad;
  } /* decCheckOperands  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decCheckNumber -- check a number                                   */
/*   dn is the number to check                                        */
/*   returns 0 if the number is clean, or 1 otherwise                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* The number is considered valid if it could be a result from some   */
/* operation in some valid context.                                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static Flag decCheckNumber(const decNumber *dn) {
  const Unit *up;             /* work  */
  uInt maxuint;               /* ..  */
  Int ae, d, digits;          /* ..  */
  Int emin, emax;             /* ..  */

  if (dn==nullptr) {             /* hopeless  */
    #if DECTRACE
    /* this one not DECVERB as standard tests include nullptr  */
    printf("Reference to decNumber is nullptr.\n");
    return 1;}

  /* check special values  */
  if (dn->bits & DECSPECIAL) {
    if (dn->exponent!=0) {
      printf("Exponent %ld (not 0) for a special value [%02x].\n",
             (LI)dn->exponent, dn->bits);
      return 1;}

    /* 2003.09.08: NaNs may now have coefficients, so next tests Inf only  */
    if (decNumberIsInfinite(dn)) {
      if (dn->digits!=1) {
        #if DECTRACE || DECVERB
        printf("Digits %ld (not 1) for an infinity.\n", (LI)dn->digits);
        return 1;}
      if (*dn->lsu!=0) {
        #if DECTRACE || DECVERB
        printf("LSU %ld (not 0) for an infinity.\n", (LI)*dn->lsu);
        decDumpAr('I', dn->lsu, D2U(dn->digits));
        return 1;}
      } /* Inf  */
    /* 2002.12.26: negative NaNs can now appear through proposed IEEE  */
    /*             concrete formats (decimal64, etc.).  */
    return 0;

  /* check the coefficient  */
  if (dn->digits<1 || dn->digits>DECNUMMAXP) {
    printf("Digits %ld in number.\n", (LI)dn->digits);
    return 1;}


  for (up=dn->lsu; d>0; up++) {
    if (d>DECDPUN) maxuint=DECDPUNMAX;
     else {                   /* reached the msu  */
      if (dn->digits>1 && *up<powers[d-1]) {
        #if DECTRACE || DECVERB
        printf("Leading 0 in number.\n");
        return 1;}
    if (*up>maxuint) {
      printf("Bad Unit [%08lx] in %ld-digit number at offset %ld [maxuint %ld].\n",
              (LI)*up, (LI)dn->digits, (LI)(up-dn->lsu), (LI)maxuint);
      return 1;}

  /* check the exponent.  Note that input operands can have exponents  */
  /* which are out of the set->emin/set->emax and set->digits range  */
  /* (just as they can have more digits than set->digits).  */
  ae=dn->exponent+dn->digits-1;    /* adjusted exponent  */
  if (ae<emin-(digits-1)) {
    printf("Adjusted exponent underflow [%ld].\n", (LI)ae);
    return 1;}
  if (ae>+emax) {
    printf("Adjusted exponent overflow [%ld].\n", (LI)ae);
    return 1;}

  return 0;              /* it's OK  */
  } /* decCheckNumber  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decCheckInexact -- check a normal finite inexact result has digits */
/*   dn is the number to check                                        */
/*   set is the context (for status and precision)                    */
/*   sets Invalid operation, etc., if some digits are missing         */
/* [this check is not made for DECSUBSET compilation or when          */
/* subnormal is not set]                                              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decCheckInexact(const decNumber *dn, decContext *set) {
    if ((set->status & (DEC_Inexact|DEC_Subnormal))==DEC_Inexact
     && (set->digits!=dn->digits) && !(dn->bits & DECSPECIAL)) {
      printf("Insufficient digits [%ld] on normal Inexact result.\n",
      uprv_decContextSetStatus(set, DEC_Invalid_operation);
    /* next is a noop for quiet compiler  */
    if (dn!=nullptr && dn->digits==0) set->status|=DEC_Invalid_operation;
  } /* decCheckInexact  */

#undef malloc
#undef free
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decMalloc -- accountable allocation routine                        */
/*   n is the number of bytes to allocate                             */
/*                                                                    */
/* Semantics is the same as the stdlib malloc routine, but bytes      */
/* allocated are accounted for globally, and corruption fences are    */
/* added before and after the 'actual' storage.                       */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This routine allocates storage with an extra twelve bytes; 8 are   */
/* at the start and hold:                                             */
/*   0-3 the original length requested                                */
/*   4-7 buffer corruption detection fence (DECFENCE, x4)             */
/* The 4 bytes at the end also hold a corruption fence (DECFENCE, x4) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void *decMalloc(size_t n) {
  uInt  size=n+12;                 /* true size  */
  void  *alloc;                    /* -> allocated storage  */
  uByte *b, *b0;                   /* work  */
  uInt  uiwork;                    /* for macros  */

  alloc=malloc(size);              /* -> allocated storage  */
  if (alloc==nullptr) return nullptr;    /* out of strorage  */
  b0=(uByte *)alloc;               /* as bytes  */
  decAllocBytes+=n;                /* account for storage  */
  UBFROMUI(alloc, n);              /* save n  */
  /* printf(" alloc ++ dAB: %ld (%ld)\n", (LI)decAllocBytes, (LI)n);  */
  for (b=b0+4; b<b0+8; b++) *b=DECFENCE;
  for (b=b0+n+8; b<b0+n+12; b++) *b=DECFENCE;
  return b0+8;                     /* -> play area  */
  } /* decMalloc  */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* decFree -- accountable free routine                                */
/*   alloc is the storage to free                                     */
/*                                                                    */
/* Semantics is the same as the stdlib malloc routine, except that    */
/* the global storage accounting is updated and the fences are        */
/* checked to ensure that no routine has written 'out of bounds'.     */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This routine first checks that the fences have not been corrupted. */
/* It then frees the storage using the 'truw' storage address (that   */
/* is, offset by 8).                                                  */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static void decFree(void *alloc) {
  uInt  n;                         /* original length  */
  uByte *b, *b0;                   /* work  */
  uInt  uiwork;                    /* for macros  */

  if (alloc==nullptr) return;         /* allowed; it's a nop  */
  b0=(uByte *)alloc;               /* as bytes  */
  b0-=8;                           /* -> true start of storage  */
  n=UBTOUI(b0);                    /* lift length  */
  for (b=b0+4; b<b0+8; b++) if (*b!=DECFENCE)
    printf("=== Corrupt byte [%02x] at offset %d from %ld ===\n", *b,
           b-b0-8, (LI)b0);
  for (b=b0+n+8; b<b0+n+12; b++) if (*b!=DECFENCE)
    printf("=== Corrupt byte [%02x] at offset +%d from %ld, n=%ld ===\n", *b,
           b-b0-8, (LI)b0, (LI)n);
  free(b0);                        /* drop the storage  */
  decAllocBytes-=n;                /* account for storage  */
  /* printf(" free -- dAB: %d (%d)\n", decAllocBytes, -n);  */
  } /* decFree  */
#define malloc
#define free