
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2013, International Business Machines Corporation
 * and others. All Rights Reserved.
 * Modification History:
 *   Date        Name        Description
 *   9/23/2003 mehran        posted to icu-design

#ifndef PERSNCAL_H
#define PERSNCAL_H

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/calendar.h"


 * <code>PersianCalendar</code> is a subclass of <code>Calendar</code>
 * that implements the Persian calendar.  It is used as the official
 * calendar in Iran.  This calendar is also known as the "Hijri Shamsi"
 * calendar, since it starts at the time of Mohammed's emigration (or
 * "hijra") to Medinah on Thursday, July 15, 622 AD (Julian) and is a
 * solar calendar system (or "shamsi").
 * <p>
 * The Persian calendar is strictly solar, and thus a Persian year has twelve
 * solar months. A Persian year is about 365 days long, except in leap years
 * which is 366 days long.
 * <p>
 * The six first months of Persian Calendar are 31 days long. The next five
 * months are 30 days long. The last month is 29 days long in normal years,
 * and 30 days long in leap years.
 * @see GregorianCalendar
 * @author Mehran Mehr
 * @internal
class PersianCalendar : public Calendar {};

