
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (c) 2003-2013, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
* Author: Alan Liu
* Created: July 21 2003
* Since: ICU 2.8
#ifndef OLSONTZ_H
#define OLSONTZ_H

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/basictz.h"
#include "umutex.h"

struct UResourceBundle;


class SimpleTimeZone;

 * A time zone based on the Olson tz database.  Olson time zones change
 * behavior over time.  The raw offset, rules, presence or absence of
 * daylight savings time, and even the daylight savings amount can all
 * vary.
 * This class uses a resource bundle named "zoneinfo".  Zoneinfo is a
 * table containing different kinds of resources.  In several places,
 * zones are referred to using integers.  A zone's integer is a number
 * from 0..n-1, where n is the number of zones, with the zones sorted
 * in lexicographic order.
 * 1. Zones.  These have keys corresponding to the Olson IDs, e.g.,
 * "Asia/Shanghai".  Each resource describes the behavior of the given
 * zone.  Zones come in two different formats.
 *   a. Zone (table).  A zone is a table resource contains several
 *   type of resources below:
 *   - typeOffsets:intvector (Required)
 *   Sets of UTC raw/dst offset pairs in seconds.  Entries at
 *   2n represents raw offset and 2n+1 represents dst offset
 *   paired with the raw offset at 2n.  The very first pair represents
 *   the initial zone offset (before the first transition) always.
 *   - trans:intvector (Optional) 
 *   List of transition times represented by 32bit seconds from the
 *   epoch (1970-01-01T00:00Z) in ascending order.
 *   - transPre32/transPost32:intvector (Optional)
 *   List of transition times before/after 32bit minimum seconds.
 *   Each time is represented by a pair of 32bit integer.
 *   - typeMap:bin (Optional)
 *   Array of bytes representing the mapping between each transition
 *   time (transPre32/trans/transPost32) and its corresponding offset
 *   data (typeOffsets).
 *   - finalRule:string (Optional)
 *   If a recurrent transition rule is applicable to a zone forever
 *   after the final transition time, finalRule represents the rule
 *   in Rules data.
 *   - finalRaw:int (Optional)
 *   When finalRule is available, finalRaw is required and specifies
 *   the raw (base) offset of the rule.
 *   - finalYear:int (Optional)
 *   When finalRule is available, finalYear is required and specifies
 *   the start year of the rule.
 *   - links:intvector (Optional)
 *   When this zone data is shared with other zones, links specifies
 *   all zones including the zone itself.  Each zone is referenced by
 *   integer index.
 *  b. Link (int, length 1).  A link zone is an int resource.  The
 *  integer is the zone number of the target zone.  The key of this
 *  resource is an alternate name for the target zone.  This data
 *  is corresponding to Link data in the tz database.
 * 2. Rules.  These have keys corresponding to the Olson rule IDs,
 * with an underscore prepended, e.g., "_EU".  Each resource describes
 * the behavior of the given rule using an intvector, containing the
 * onset list, the cessation list, and the DST savings.  The onset and
 * cessation lists consist of the month, dowim, dow, time, and time
 * mode.  The end result is that the 11 integers describing the rule
 * can be passed directly into the SimpleTimeZone 13-argument
 * constructor (the other two arguments will be the raw offset, taken
 * from the complex zone element 5, and the ID string, which is not
 * used), with the times and the DST savings multiplied by 1000 to
 * scale from seconds to milliseconds.
 * 3. Regions.  An array specifies mapping between zones and regions.
 * Each item is either a 2-letter ISO country code or "001"
 * (UN M.49 - World).  This data is generated from ""
 * in the tz database.
class U_I18N_API OlsonTimeZone: public BasicTimeZone {};

inline int16_t
OlsonTimeZone::transitionCount() const {}

inline double
OlsonTimeZone::transitionTime(int16_t transIdx) const {}

inline int32_t
OlsonTimeZone::zoneOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {}

inline int32_t
OlsonTimeZone::rawOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {}

inline int32_t
OlsonTimeZone::dstOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {}

inline int32_t
OlsonTimeZone::initialRawOffset() const {}

inline int32_t
OlsonTimeZone::initialDstOffset() const {}

inline const char16_t*
OlsonTimeZone::getCanonicalID() const {}


#endif // OLSONTZ_H
