
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
*   Copyright (C) 2003-2016, International Business Machines
*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
*   file name:  ucnv_ext.cpp
*   encoding:   UTF-8
*   tab size:   8 (not used)
*   indentation:4
*   created on: 2003jun13
*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
*   Conversion extensions

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/uset.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "ucnv_bld.h"
#include "ucnv_cnv.h"
#include "ucnv_ext.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "uassert.h"

/* to Unicode --------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * @return lookup value for the byte, if found; else 0
static inline uint32_t
ucnv_extFindToU(const uint32_t *toUSection, int32_t length, uint8_t byte) {}

 * true if not an SI/SO stateful converter,
 * or if the match length fits with the current converter state
#define UCNV_EXT_TO_U_VERIFY_SISO_MATCH(sisoState, match)

 * this works like ucnv_extMatchFromU() except
 * - the first character is in pre
 * - no trie is used
 * - the returned matchLength is not offset by 2
static int32_t
ucnv_extMatchToU(const int32_t *cx, int8_t sisoState,
                 const char *pre, int32_t preLength,
                 const char *src, int32_t srcLength,
                 uint32_t *pMatchValue,
                 UBool /*useFallback*/, UBool flush) {}

static inline void
ucnv_extWriteToU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
                 uint32_t value,
                 char16_t **target, const char16_t *targetLimit,
                 int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

 * get the SI/SO toU state (state 0 is for SBCS, 1 for DBCS),
 * or 1 for DBCS-only,
 * or -1 if the converter is not SI/SO stateful
 * Note: For SI/SO stateful converters getting here,
 * cnv->mode==0 is equivalent to firstLength==1.
#define UCNV_SISO_STATE(cnv)

 * target<targetLimit; set error code for overflow
ucnv_extInitialMatchToU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
                        int32_t firstLength,
                        const char **src, const char *srcLimit,
                        char16_t **target, const char16_t *targetLimit,
                        int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
                        UBool flush,
                        UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

ucnv_extSimpleMatchToU(const int32_t *cx,
                       const char *source, int32_t length,
                       UBool useFallback) {}

 * continue partial match with new input
 * never called for simple, single-character conversion
U_CFUNC void
ucnv_extContinueMatchToU(UConverter *cnv,
                         UConverterToUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t srcIndex,
                         UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

/* from Unicode ------------------------------------------------------------- */

// Use roundtrips, "good one-way" mappings, and some normal fallbacks.
static inline UBool
extFromUUseMapping(UBool useFallback, uint32_t value, UChar32 firstCP) {}

 * @return index of the char16_t, if found; else <0
static inline int32_t
ucnv_extFindFromU(const char16_t *fromUSection, int32_t length, char16_t u) {}

 * @param cx pointer to extension data; if nullptr, returns 0
 * @param firstCP the first code point before all the other UChars
 * @param pre UChars that must match; !initialMatch: partial match with them
 * @param preLength length of pre, >=0
 * @param src UChars that can be used to complete a match
 * @param srcLength length of src, >=0
 * @param pMatchValue [out] output result value for the match from the data structure
 * @param useFallback "use fallback" flag, usually from cnv->useFallback
 * @param flush true if the end of the input stream is reached
 * @return >1: matched, return value=total match length (number of input units matched)
 *          1: matched, no mapping but request for <subchar1>
 *             (only for the first code point)
 *          0: no match
 *         <0: partial match, return value=negative total match length
 *             (partial matches are never returned for flush==true)
 *             (partial matches are never returned as being longer than UCNV_EXT_MAX_UCHARS)
 *         the matchLength is 2 if only firstCP matched, and >2 if firstCP and
 *         further code units matched
static int32_t
ucnv_extMatchFromU(const int32_t *cx,
                   UChar32 firstCP,
                   const char16_t *pre, int32_t preLength,
                   const char16_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
                   uint32_t *pMatchValue,
                   UBool useFallback, UBool flush) {}

 * @param value fromUnicode mapping table value; ignores roundtrip and reserved bits
static inline void
ucnv_extWriteFromU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
                   uint32_t value,
                   char **target, const char *targetLimit,
                   int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
                   UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

 * target<targetLimit; set error code for overflow
ucnv_extInitialMatchFromU(UConverter *cnv, const int32_t *cx,
                          UChar32 cp,
                          const char16_t **src, const char16_t *srcLimit,
                          char **target, const char *targetLimit,
                          int32_t **offsets, int32_t srcIndex,
                          UBool flush,
                          UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

 * Used by ISO 2022 implementation.
 * @return number of bytes in *pValue; negative number if fallback; 0 for no mapping
U_CFUNC int32_t
ucnv_extSimpleMatchFromU(const int32_t *cx,
                         UChar32 cp, uint32_t *pValue,
                         UBool useFallback) {}

 * continue partial match with new input, requires cnv->preFromUFirstCP>=0
 * never called for simple, single-character conversion
U_CFUNC void
ucnv_extContinueMatchFromU(UConverter *cnv,
                           UConverterFromUnicodeArgs *pArgs, int32_t srcIndex,
                           UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

static UBool
extSetUseMapping(UConverterUnicodeSet which, int32_t minLength, uint32_t value) {}

static void
ucnv_extGetUnicodeSetString(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
                            const int32_t *cx,
                            const USetAdder *sa,
                            UConverterUnicodeSet which,
                            int32_t minLength,
                            UChar32 firstCP,
                            char16_t s[UCNV_EXT_MAX_UCHARS], int32_t length,
                            int32_t sectionIndex,
                            UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

U_CFUNC void
ucnv_extGetUnicodeSet(const UConverterSharedData *sharedData,
                      const USetAdder *sa,
                      UConverterUnicodeSet which,
                      UConverterSetFilter filter,
                      UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}