
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
*   Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
*   file name:  udata.cpp
*   encoding:   UTF-8
*   tab size:   8 (not used)
*   indentation:4
*   created on: 1999oct25
*   created by: Markus W. Scherer

#include "unicode/utypes.h"  /* U_PLATFORM etc. */

#ifdef __GNUC__
/* if gcc
#define ATTRIBUTE_WEAK __attribute__ ((weak))
might have to #include some other header

#include "unicode/putil.h"
#include "unicode/udata.h"
#include "unicode/uversion.h"
#include "charstr.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "putilimp.h"
#include "restrace.h"
#include "uassert.h"
#include "ucln_cmn.h"
#include "ucmndata.h"
#include "udatamem.h"
#include "uhash.h"
#include "umapfile.h"
#include "umutex.h"

*   Notes on the organization of the ICU data implementation
*      All of the public API is defined in udata.h
*      The implementation is split into several files...
*         - udata.c  (this file) contains higher level code that knows about
*                     the search paths for locating data, caching opened data, etc.
*         - umapfile.c  contains the low level platform-specific code for actually loading
*                     (memory mapping, file reading, whatever) data into memory.
*         - ucmndata.c  deals with the tables of contents of ICU data items within
*                     an ICU common format data file.  The implementation includes
*                     an abstract interface and support for multiple TOC formats.
*                     All knowledge of any specific TOC format is encapsulated here.
*         - udatamem.c has code for managing UDataMemory structs.  These are little
*                     descriptor objects for blocks of memory holding ICU data of
*                     various types.

/* configuration ---------------------------------------------------------- */

/* If you are excruciatingly bored turn this on .. */
/* #define UDATA_DEBUG 1 */

#if defined(UDATA_DEBUG)
#   include <stdio.h>


 *  Forward declarations
static UDataMemory *udata_findCachedData(const char *path, UErrorCode &err);

*    static (Global) data

 * Pointers to the common ICU data.
 * We store multiple pointers to ICU data packages and iterate through them
 * when looking for a data item.
 * It is possible to combine this with dependency inversion:
 * One or more data package libraries may export
 * functions that each return a pointer to their piece of the ICU data,
 * and this file would import them as weak functions, without a
 * strong linker dependency from the common library on the data library.
 * Then we can have applications depend on only that part of ICU's data
 * that they really need, reducing the size of binaries that take advantage
 * of this.
static UDataMemory *gCommonICUDataArray[10] =;   // Access protected by icu global mutex.

static u_atomic_int32_t gHaveTriedToLoadCommonData {};  //  See extendICUData().

static UHashtable  *gCommonDataCache =;  /* Global hash table of opened ICU data files.  */
static icu::UInitOnce gCommonDataCacheInitOnce {};

#if !defined(ICU_DATA_DIR_WINDOWS)
static UDataFileAccess  gDataFileAccess =;  // Access not synchronized.
                                                                 // Modifying is documented as thread-unsafe.
// If we are using the Windows data directory, then look in one spot only.
static UDataFileAccess  gDataFileAccess = UDATA_NO_FILES;

static UBool U_CALLCONV

static UBool U_CALLCONV
findCommonICUDataByName(const char *inBasename, UErrorCode &err)

 * setCommonICUData.   Set a UDataMemory to be the global ICU Data
static UBool
setCommonICUData(UDataMemory *pData,     /*  The new common data.  Belongs to caller, we copy it. */
                 UBool       warn,       /*  If true, set USING_DEFAULT warning if ICUData was    */
                                         /*    changed by another thread before we got to it.     */
                 UErrorCode *pErr)

#if !defined(ICU_DATA_DIR_WINDOWS)

static UBool
setCommonICUDataPointer(const void *pData, UBool /*warn*/, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}


static const char *
findBasename(const char *path) {}

static const char *
packageNameFromPath(const char *path)
    if((path == nullptr) || (*path == 0)) {
        return U_ICUDATA_NAME;

    path = findBasename(path);

    if((path == nullptr) || (*path == 0)) {
        return U_ICUDATA_NAME;

    return path;

 *                                                                      *
 *   Cache for common data                                              *
 *      Functions for looking up or adding entries to a cache of        *
 *      data that has been previously opened.  Avoids a potentially     *
 *      expensive operation of re-opening the data for subsequent       *
 *      uses.                                                           *
 *                                                                      *
 *      Data remains cached for the duration of the process.            *
 *                                                                      *


 * Deleter function for DataCacheElements.
 *         udata cleanup function closes the hash table; hash table in turn calls back to
 *         here for each entry.
static void U_CALLCONV DataCacheElement_deleter(void *pDCEl) {}

static void U_CALLCONV udata_initHashTable(UErrorCode &err) {}

 /*   udata_getCacheHashTable()
  *     Get the hash table used to store the data cache entries.
  *     Lazy create it if it doesn't yet exist.
static UHashtable *udata_getHashTable(UErrorCode &err) {}

static UDataMemory *udata_findCachedData(const char *path, UErrorCode &err)

static UDataMemory *udata_cacheDataItem(const char *path, UDataMemory *item, UErrorCode *pErr) {}

 *                                                                      *
 *  Path management.  Could be shared with other tools/etc if need be   *
 * later on.                                                            *
 *                                                                      *


class UDataPathIterator

 * @param iter    The iterator to be initialized. Its current state does not matter.
 * @param inPath  The full pathname to be iterated over.  If nullptr, defaults to U_ICUDATA_NAME 
 * @param pkg     Package which is being searched for, ex "icudt28l".  Will ignore leaf directories such as /icudt28l 
 * @param item    Item to be searched for.  Can include full path, such as /a/b/foo.dat 
 * @param inSuffix  Optional item suffix, if not-null (ex. ".dat") then 'path' can contain 'item' explicitly.
 *             Ex:   'stuff.dat' would be found in '/a/foo:/tmp/stuff.dat:/bar/baz' as item #2.   
 *                   '/blarg/stuff.dat' would also be found.
 *  Note: inSuffix may also be the 'item' being searched for as well, (ex: "ibm-5348_P100-1997.cnv"), in which case 
 *        the 'item' parameter is often the same as pkg. (Though sometimes might have a tree part as well, ex: "icudt62l-curr").
UDataPathIterator::UDataPathIterator(const char *inPath, const char *pkg,
                                     const char *item, const char *inSuffix, UBool doCheckLastFour,
                                     UErrorCode *pErrorCode)

 * Get the next path on the list.
 * @param iter The Iter to be used 
 * @param len  If set, pointer to the length of the returned path, for convenience. 
 * @return Pointer to the next path segment, or nullptr if there are no more.
const char *UDataPathIterator::next(UErrorCode *pErrorCode)


/* ==================================================================================*/

 *                                                                      *
 *  Add a static reference to the common data library                   *
 *   Unless overridden by an explicit udata_setCommonData, this will be *
 *      our common data.                                                *
 *                                                                      *
#if !defined(ICU_DATA_DIR_WINDOWS)
// When using the Windows system data, we expect only a single data file.
extern "C" const DataHeader U_DATA_API U_ICUDATA_ENTRY_POINT;

 * This would be a good place for weak-linkage declarations of
 * partial-data-library access functions where each returns a pointer
 * to its data package, if it is linked in.
extern const void *uprv_getICUData_collation() ATTRIBUTE_WEAK;
extern const void *uprv_getICUData_conversion() ATTRIBUTE_WEAK;

 *                                                                      *
 *   openCommonData   Attempt to open a common format (.dat) file       *
 *                    Map it into memory (if it's not there already)    *
 *                    and return a UDataMemory object for it.           *
 *                                                                      *
 *                    If the requested data is already open and cached  *
 *                       just return the cached UDataMem object.        *
 *                                                                      *
static UDataMemory *
openCommonData(const char *path,          /*  Path from OpenChoice?          */
               int32_t commonDataIndex,   /*  ICU Data (index >= 0) if path == nullptr */
               UErrorCode *pErrorCode)

 *                                                                      *
 *   extendICUData   If the full set of ICU data was not loaded at      *
 *                   program startup, load it now.  This function will  *
 *                   be called when the lookup of an ICU data item in   *
 *                   the common ICU data fails.                         *
 *                                                                      *
 *                   return true if new data is loaded, false otherwise.*
 *                                                                      *
static UBool extendICUData(UErrorCode *pErr)

 *                                                                      *
 *   udata_setCommonData                                                *
 *                                                                      *
udata_setCommonData(const void *data, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

 *  udata_setAppData
 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
udata_setAppData(const char *path, const void *data, UErrorCode *err)

 *                                                                            *
 *  checkDataItem     Given a freshly located/loaded data item, either        *
 *                    an entry in a common file or a separately loaded file,  *
 *                    sanity check its header, and see if the data is         *
 *                    acceptable to the app.                                  *
 *                    If the data is good, create and return a UDataMemory    *
 *                    object that can be returned to the application.         *
 *                    Return nullptr on any sort of failure.                     *
 *                                                                            *
static UDataMemory *
 const DataHeader         *pHeader,         /* The data item to be checked.                */
 UDataMemoryIsAcceptable  *isAcceptable,    /* App's call-back function                    */
 void                     *context,         /*   pass-thru param for above.                */
 const char               *type,            /*   pass-thru param for above.                */
 const char               *name,            /*   pass-thru param for above.                */
 UErrorCode               *nonFatalErr,     /* Error code if this data was not acceptable  */
                                            /*   but openChoice should continue with       */
                                            /*   trying to get data from fallback path.    */
 UErrorCode               *fatalErr         /* Bad error, caller should return immediately */

 * @return 0 if not loaded, 1 if loaded or err 
static UDataMemory *doLoadFromIndividualFiles(const char *pkgName, 
        const char *dataPath, const char *tocEntryPathSuffix,
            /* following arguments are the same as doOpenChoice itself */
            const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
             UDataMemoryIsAcceptable *isAcceptable, void *context,
             UErrorCode *subErrorCode,
             UErrorCode *pErrorCode)

 * @return 0 if not loaded, 1 if loaded or err 
static UDataMemory *doLoadFromCommonData(UBool isICUData, const char * /*pkgName*/, 
        const char * /*dataPath*/, const char * /*tocEntryPathSuffix*/, const char *tocEntryName,
            /* following arguments are the same as doOpenChoice itself */
            const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
             UDataMemoryIsAcceptable *isAcceptable, void *context,
             UErrorCode *subErrorCode,
             UErrorCode *pErrorCode)

 * Identify the Time Zone resources that are subject to special override data loading.
static UBool isTimeZoneFile(const char *name, const char *type) {}

 *  A note on the ownership of Mapped Memory
 *  For common format files, ownership resides with the UDataMemory object
 *    that lives in the cache of opened common data.  These UDataMemorys are private
 *    to the udata implementation, and are never seen directly by users.
 *    The UDataMemory objects returned to users will have the address of some desired
 *    data within the mapped region, but they wont have the mapping info itself, and thus
 *    won't cause anything to be removed from memory when they are closed.
 *  For individual data files, the UDataMemory returned to the user holds the
 *  information necessary to unmap the data on close.  If the user independently
 *  opens the same data file twice, two completely independent mappings will be made.
 *  (There is no cache of opened data items from individual files, only a cache of
 *   opened Common Data files, that is, files containing a collection of data items.)
 *  For common data passed in from the user via udata_setAppData() or
 *  udata_setCommonData(), ownership remains with the user.
 *  UDataMemory objects themselves, as opposed to the memory they describe,
 *  can be anywhere - heap, stack/local or global.
 *  They have a flag to indicate when they're heap allocated and thus
 *  must be deleted when closed.

 *                                                                            *
 * main data loading functions                                                *
 *                                                                            *
static UDataMemory *
doOpenChoice(const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
             UDataMemoryIsAcceptable *isAcceptable, void *context,
             UErrorCode *pErrorCode)

/* API ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

U_CAPI UDataMemory * U_EXPORT2
udata_open(const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
           UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

U_CAPI UDataMemory * U_EXPORT2
udata_openChoice(const char *path, const char *type, const char *name,
                 UDataMemoryIsAcceptable *isAcceptable, void *context,
                 UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {}

udata_getInfo(UDataMemory *pData, UDataInfo *pInfo) {}

U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 udata_setFileAccess(UDataFileAccess access, UErrorCode * /*status*/)